
Prelude of Fighting Don Kreig

Seeing Luffy, Sam knows that soon Hawk eye and Don Kreig will come to this Ship, Come to think of it Luffy is a Jinx. Wherever he goes there will always be fighting. But after the fight it will always it will turn for better.

Knowing what is going to happen, Sam went to kitchen directly to cook. And he don't want to meet the rest of the Straw Hats, he was planning to give a good entry scene. And he must watch and learn the moves of Dracule Mihawk with his Sharingan.

And soon he knows that Zeff will prepare food for 100 pirates in Don Kriegs Ship. So he also started preparing food. And more than that he don't want to see Full Body and all the farce that he is going to pull.

Mitsuboshi " Oiii Sam, Patty is searching for you, he wants you to serve the dining "

Sam " Not interested "

By that time Patty who came in was about to Scold him " Oiii Bastard, What do you mean no... "

There was a commotion outside. And Patty went to check out the commotion. And all the drama of Full Body being knocked out and thrown away and Gin entering and got his but handed by Patty.

Gin was starving outside the restaurant. Sanji came to the kitchen and started cooking rice but without asking any questions. Sam went to Sanji and started chopping vegetables and handing over the Spices and started helping him. In cooking they both have understanding and will not question either of their actions.

Soon after the dish is ready, Sanji took the dish and went to Gin and served him food, Sam on the another hand went to cook food for the orders in the restaurant. And at the same time he is preparing the ingredients ready for food to prepare for 100 peoples.

And in Kitchen All the chefs are complaining Patty for attacking Gin and tells about Don Kreig being the Fleet admiral for 50 ships and bla bla bla. Patty got scared for a second and then got back to his usual self. And when he saw Sam.

Patty " Hey Sam you bastard, How many times do I have to tell you, go and serve the Customers you dimwit. " He is grinding his teeth. At the time Luffy came to the Kitchen and introduced himself with his hands folded.

Luffy " I'm Luffy! Starting today, I'll be the errand boy, Nice to meet ya! " And Luffy started wrecking the place in the name of working. And Patty throws both Sam and Luffy outside to serve the foods. Since having No Choice Sam went to serve the food to the customers.

As soon as Sam came, The dining hall became Noisy as all the ladies started blushing and throwing looks at him. And some of the bolder ones started winking him with seducing gazes. Sanji who saw this was seething with anger and grinding his teeth.

As all these commotion is going on, There was another group creating a ruckus, Luffy was forced to drink a Glass of Water by a Green Haired Man who is wearing a white Shirt and a Black pant and he has a black cloth tied to his left hand.

With him there is a Man with a Long Nose and Orange haired Beauty started laughing in the table. They are Zoro, Usopp, Nami. Sam thought ' Seriously Nami is really a beauty of her own class. If only if she is not so much of a Money Grubber. ' And while Sam was lost in thought some of the women who noticed Sam were Jealous that Sam is staring a girl for more than 10 seconds. They are all starring Daggers at Nami.

And Nami out of nowhere started to feel Shiver in her Spine. Without knowing this anything Sam started to continue his work. And to make the womens in the restaurant more irritating, Sanji started his flirting with Nami.

And Sanji started speaking his flowery words

" O' Blessed are the oceans for bringing me this fine day, "

" O' Love laugh if you will, At my poor self who cannot endure his torturous passion. "

" As long as I can be with you, I can walk across any path, Be any pirate or even devil "

" But Alas, it is tragic there a great obstacle standing between the two of us. "

Zeff who came out of Nowhere " By Obstacle, do you mean me Sanji "

Sanji " Old Geezer ! "

Zeff continued " It's a good chance, just go and be a Pirate. I don't need a Guy like you in my restaurant "

Sanji " Hey Damn, You Old Geezer, I am the assistant Head Chef, What do you mean that, I am not needed. "

Zeff " You cause so much trouble with the Guest and if the customer happens to be a female you will drool all over the place. You also can't cook a descent meal to take care of your life, You're just an unnecessary baggage holding this restaurant down. And as you know, none of the other cooks want you here as well. So whether be a pirate or something else it is just better that you get the Hell out of my restaurant. "

Sanni has gone mad at Zeff and raged at him and grabbed his collar " So that's what you wanted to say to me all along, You Damn old Geezer. "

" Ignoring all your other comments, If there's one thing I won't stand for it is some one mocking my cooking. No matter what you say, I'm staying here, you got"

Zeff throwed Sanji to a Table " How dare you grab my Collar, you damn brat "

Sanji shouted " You can try to chase me all you want, But I'll continue to be a cook, here you hear me, Untill the day you die."

Zeff " I am going to live another 100 years brat, and I don't plan on dying soon "

Luffy who is on the side walked to Sanji " Hahaha Alright, He gave you permission. No can be you my pira....."

Before even completing Sanji shouted " As If! "

And after this Ruckus Sanji started flirting with Nami again. And Nami started her pitiful girl act for getting of the money.

Nami " By the way Mr. Cook " She grabbed Sanji's Face with her beautiful hand. " The food here is a Tad to expensive for me. " Then before Sanji could say anything. Sam suddenly appeared with the Body Flickering Jutsu and grabbed Sanji's ears.

Sanji " Hey you straight face bastard what are you doing!? "

Sam did not said anything to Sanji and looked straight at Nami, Nami who saw Sam close up slightly blushed which added a plus to her beauty. Seeing this Sanji is ragging at Sam. But Sam just ignored him.

Sam " Miss, If you feel that it is expensive, Please kindly tell me, I will kindly offer you a work in our Restaurant as we are underhanded. And please enjoy the meal and I will guarantee that it will be the best in East Blue. "

Nami who heard Sam stopped blushing and the Black lines started forming in her forehead. Then he glared at Sam and thought to herself ' This Bastard '. And without waiting for any of her replies Sam dragged both Sanji and Luffy who is eating at the side to Kitchen.

Zoro and Usopp are laughing with tears in their eyes looking at Nami. And soon they both got the Bump in their forehead by having Nami venting her anger on them.

Two days later, There was a Ruckus in the restaurant. There was a huge Galleon is approaching the Restaurant which has a Skull Flag with hour Glasses in it. It was Don Kreig's Ship.

And in the Kitchen all of them are Scolding Patty for beating down Kreig's men Gin. 2 days before. That Ship is enormous but it is in complete mess. And soon Gin bought a man who looked like a half giant. And he is balancing his body on Gin. That man is none other than Don Kreig

Don Kreig " Sorry for Interrupting, But Could i've have some food and water. If the money is that you want. I've got Plenty. "

While speaking he fell down. He is so weak from Starvation. And Patty got some courage. and immediately calls out the Chefs to contact the marines.

Don Kreig " Please, I won't do anything, If you give me food, I will promise that I will leave quietly. So please please help me. " He bowed to the ground begging for the food. Gin on the side is crying and shouting at him that he should not bow to others.

Don Kreig continued " I'm Begging you, I don't mind if it is leftovers or Whatever, Please just give me anything "

Patty was bickering with Kreig at that time Sanji " Hey Patty move on " and gave a Kick to Sanji and gave food and water to Gin " Hey Gin, Give this to him. "

Don Kreig " Thank You " and the cooks shouted at him " Sanji, immediately get the food from him. " Soon they started telling the tales of Don Kreig and his history as Don Kreig the King of Deceptions and all.

While talking Sanji was hit by a Clothesline from Don Kreig.

Everyone " Sanji. "

Sanji " He reveals his fangs after all. "

Don Kreig beats Gin and looked at everyone. " Nice Restaurant you got here. I will take it. "

And soon all the farce of needing ship and to feed all his subordinates are going on. Sam silently went to his room. And dressed in his Uchiha Dress and his Ninja tool kit along with his Kusanagi Sword.

And when he came outside Patty had already attacked a launcher on Don Kreig and he is unscathed. And Don Krieg reveals his steal Armour And Patty and the others are lunging at him. And soon Don Kreigs Armour was shape shifting to show guns and about to attack.

At that time Sam. " Severe Leaf Hurricane. " He kicked Don Kreig which sent him flying to his Galleon. And when he woke up from the dust. Blood was flowing from his mouth and there was a visible Dent mark in his armour.

All the others were watching with their mouth wide open, Luffy was the first to break the Silence " Whoah, He is strong. " And Zoro's eye caught the Kusanagi Sword. He could sense that Sword is special just like his Wado Ichimanji or maybe even more that that.

Don Kreig who is stabilizing himself looked at Sam " Who are you? How could someone strong doing in a Restaurant like this. "

Sam just looked emotionless at him. He said " You will get food for your men. "

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