

"So depressing. I haven't eaten anything except leaves for these past few days... And the chocolate water is disgusting as well."


"Hehe~, I thought that was a monster, it's just my stoma- huh?"

'I should maybe stop talking to myself 'cause I think I just saw that giant black rock move- it really is alive huh? I'm gonna slowly leave.'

Before he could make the slightest movement, his belly growled again with even more vigor than before. The slowly waking 4-meter-tall black monster then turned to face the little kid with its huge teethless mouth and beady red eyes.

"Well, sorry bud. I was just passing- WHOAH!" As he slowly tried to calm the beast down, he ducked, litters of green corrosive liquid passing above his head. When he looked where it landed, he saw a decompression on the tree that was falling apart...

"Well, I was planning on running but now you've challenged me!" Dantes turned toward the monster, since his reincarnation, he had found 2 new passions; Flowers and ... Fighting!

The monster, who was preparing another corrosive spit, suddenly saw the figure before it rushed at it, a small white stick having appeared in his hand.

It let go of its corrosive liquid and rolled around, whipping its enormous tail into the small human who jumped over it. And then the monster suddenly felt pain in its back and rolled to get the pesky creature out of it.

"You're a tough one heh~." The kid's soft voice rang in its ears when it looked back at him. It saw a weird fragment piece on his head which wasn't there before but did care and charged at him and rammed him into a tree, breaking its branches.

Before it could relax, it saw the small white-haired human rush again at it at an even faster pace and like a feral beast. Knowing well enough how annoying it was to get close to the small human, it launched another corrosive spit which the human didn't try to dodge. When it saw this behavior, it started savoring its victory but then suddenly, out of thin air appeared a white surface which blocked the projectile and before it could react, it was startled out of its daze by an agonizing pain and loss of its eyes.

In a panicked and berserk state, it struggled and moved everywhere, like a death roll. It felt its skin being butchered piece by piece but couldn't run away, hitting tree after tree. And finally, it weakly lay on the ground, exhausted and bleeding out.

"Don't worry, your sacrifice will not be wasted." Was all it heard, its consciousness slowly fading away.

"Huff, huff hehe~... Geuh..." Dantes clutched his chest and sat on one of the black salamander's paws, catching his breath. With each inspiration, pain invades his nervous system.

'Damn fucker broke my ribs. That mask fragment sure is useful, I feel faster and stronger but I kinda lose my mind...'

And with that, he took out a lighter, started a fire, and slowly roasted the monster's flesh. After some moments, when he estimated the meat being cooked, took a bite out of it and made a disgusted face.

'This tastes like shit, but I'm too hungry and tired of eating leaves.'

After filling his stomach, he climbed a tree and looked at the notification before his eyes;

{Congratulations to the host for slaying his first Monster! +5 Coins, +1 random spin for the Reverse Summoning Scroll wheel.}

{You currently have: 12 Coins}

'So I can get coins for killing beasts too, and a ton more too huh? Good to know. So, what now...?'

He was kind of depressed and lonely. He missed the melodious voice of his mother, the company of his brothers, and his always serious and strict father. He missed the days when they all used to hunt spies...

On the branches high in the tree, Dantes looked at the mesmerizing dawn while reminiscing about the old days which were not that far away. But he must continue and search for Amegakure or any village and persons that could lead him there.

Next chapter