
Reborn in Naruto with a system

MC dies at the age of 14 after reading the last chapter of Naruto. The teenager then wakes up in the body of a two year old in the hidden leaf village with a system. The MC won't be overpowered from the start, but he will be making a few changes in the Shinobu world.______________________________________________I do not own anything. This is just a fanatic that has been on my mind for a while. If you do not care for the story then I am sorry for wasting your time, but if you do then please leave a comment.

shadedgrove · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 16.

Sora sat still for a few moments before smiling. "You must be Kakashi?"

'How does senseis adopted kid know about me?' Kakashi took the blade from Soras neck and waited in silence for an answer to his question.

"I sent the Hokage to a sub space to speak with my mom in private. I made a new Jutsu after seeing the flying thunder god."

'He what?!' Kakashi was doing an excellent job of hiding his surprise from Sora while he listened to his explanation. "How long before the Hokage comes back?"

Sora took on a thinking pose while looking up at the ceiling. "I'd say it won't take any time at all."

Kakashi looked skeptical once more, but before he could speak a puff of smoke appeared next to Sora. The third Hokage was standing with a look of contemplation across his face.

Sora got up from the Hokages seat and the Third Hokage sat down once again. "Is everything I learned today real?"

Sora nodded with a serious look on his face. "Kakashi can vouch for me that you were not placed under a genjutsu and that you really disappeared."

The Hokage looked to Kakashi and received a nod. "I see... And how long have I been gone exactly?"

"A few minutes Lord Hokage."

'A few minutes?! But it felt like five hours while I was speaking to Kushina and Mikoto. They did mention that Sora can control the speed of time in that world though.'

"This is quite unbelievable young Sora, but I have agreed with your requests. I am also going to be looking into the matter Kushina brought up as well."

"I'd appreciate it gramps. As a thank you I'll give you an idea of how to get paperwork done faster."

"Oh? This day just keeps getting better."

"For the time being you can use the shadow clone Jutsu to do all your paperwork, but you could also cut the paperwork you received too. All you have to do is train people to take care of specific problems and give you reports once a month for you to overlook."

"I'm not sure I understand? What do you mean?"

"Well for example, you could teach someone to handle the villages tax paperwork specifically. They'd handle the day to day paperwork and give you a report at the end of the month. You could use this kind of systems with most of your paperwork as well."

"Thats a very good idea, but for now I think I'll go with the clones."

Sora shrugged before turning to leave the Hokages office. "Your choice gramps. I've got to go now."

The Hokage watched Sora leave the room. After the door had closed he turned to Kakashi with a stern gaze. "What happened here today stays between us. I also have new orders for you."

"Yes Lord Hokage."

"You are to start observing root and their shinobi. If you can observe Danzo then you may, but do not get caught. This is an S level mission."

"Understood." Kakashi seemingly disappeared after the Hokages orders.

'Danzo my old friend. If the boy is being truthful like I believe then I won't allow you off the hook this time. You may have crossed a line that I can not forgive.'

Uzamaki home

Sora was sitting at the dinner table with Minato, Kushina, Naruto, and a transformed Mikoto. They had already sealed her bloodline to hide the presence of the sharingan. Mikoto had also transformed into a blonde haired woman with a slight build.

Mikoto was going to stay the night in the guise of Minatos long lost cousin. She would then go to the Hokages building to recieve custody of Sasuke. The Hokage had suggested for her to play the grieving God mother who had heard the news of the Uchiha massacre.

After dinner Sora went to his room to think for a bit. He sat on his bed for a moment with a disgruntled look on his face. 'Hey system? How come I didn't get anything for saving the Uchiha clan from extermination?'

*Host has cleared this quest.*

'What the F###? Why didn't you say anything?'

*Host ordered for the disabling of notifications.*

'Because you kept giving me weird quests to woo all the girls in class! It was like every five seconds!'

Sora waited for a response, but sighed when he received none. 'Go ahead and turn notifications back on. Also show me the Uchiha mission.'

*Notifications re-enabled.*

*Congratulations. The hidden quest Endangered Uchihas has been completed.

Quest reward - 5,000,000 System points. 1 Free Chakra affinity of users choice.

'Chakra affinity huh? I haven't even looked into that yet.' Sora laid back and got comfy before falling asleep.