
Reborn In Naruto as Orochimaru (AU)

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.mtlnovel.com/narutos-hidden-shadow-snake/ Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: The protagonist Takeshi was deeply dissatisfied with his life, but inexplicably, he found himself transported to another dimension where he merged with the soul of a great scientist. From that moment onward, Takeshi, now known as Orochimaru, wielded the kusanagi sword and awakened the dormant blood of Eight headed snake. He harnessed the power of Yin and Yang, mastering the elusive art of immortality. Fuelled by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, he delved into forbidden realms, conducting experiments with chemical weapons and even delving into the creation of Horcruxes. On this path of no return, Takeshi challenged the heavens, defying the natural order and altering the course of his life. His actions would unravel the fabric of destiny, subverting the anticipated outcome and paving the way for a climactic finale that would reshape the world. Tags: Ability Steal, Bloodlines, Eye Powers, Male Protagonist, Protagonist with Multiple Bodies, Overpowered Protagonist, Time Skip, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Naruto, Multiple Identities, Clones **** The cover picture is not mine. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 30 early chapters for only $1. https://www.patreon.com/Unique_Writer

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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284 Chs

Chapter 13: Kusanagi Sword

This kind of scroll, Soul Manipulation, is unheard of in the Naruto universe. According to the information mentioned earlier, it involves a production method called "Horcrux."

"A Horcrux..." Orochimaru's expression turned strange. This particular Horcrux requires chakra to be infused during the production process, and the crucial step is adding the user's blood.

Ordinary people cannot use it. Only those with special bloodline powers can create and utilize it, such as the Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Hyuga clans. It cannot be wielded by anyone who hasn't awakened their bloodline limit.

Once it is complete, the flames formed from the power of the soul will be extinguished, and it will transform into a group of Horcrux lights. Once naturally formed, the production is complete, and only individuals with the same bloodline power can use it by inhaling it into their bodies and retrieving it whenever needed.

The more Orochimaru examined it, the more mysterious it became!

This so-called soul flame is not particularly powerful. To create weapons or anything of the sort, it requires an entity with an exceptionally strong soul. Otherwise, even an ordinary person couldn't make a simple piece of paper.

There's definitely a problem here!

Of course, this soul flame sacrifice doesn't involve using chakra; it follows a comprehensive set of sealing methods. Orochimaru observed that the thumb and index finger of one hand were intertwined, while the other fingers remained naturally extended.

By channeling mental power through a specific path in both hands, raising the arms to the chest, naturally extending the fingers, slowly opening the palms outward, and reciting a specific incantation, one can expend energy to sacrifice and refine the soul flame!

Damn it, Orochimaru was absolutely certain that this had nothing to do with the ninja system!

He had never heard or seen any of the seals and incantations used in many forbidden techniques found within the Book of Seals. Even Sarutobi-sensei, renowned as the Master of Ninjutsu, probably didn't understand them either!

Some of these secret techniques even involved ghost and animal rituals, which only increased the suspicion since the entire process didn't involve chakra at all!

Furthermore, the earlier claim that the Horcrux should be nurtured with chakra was false. In reality, one could utilize their own energy, with chakra serving as a marking denoting an awakened ninja's identity. Anyone could inscribe and add scrolls using the method of sacrifice!

Clearly, this scroll, or rather the lineage it originates from, is not simple; it has a long history at the very least.

As previously explained in the original story, the Otsutsuki clan were ancient extraterrestrial beings. The Naruto world originally lacked chakra entirely. It was that the power system of the world was changed due to the fruit of the Divine Tree. Prior to that, humans were primarily samurai.

Even in the current era, chakra isn't the sole power present. Orochimaru knew that there were so-called witches in this world, possessing peculiar abilities such as future prediction. Additionally, the malevolent gods, not mentioned in the original book, possess powers beyond chakra. The Shinigami, which appeared multiple times, possessed abilities at the soul level.

The most well-known immortality technique, the utilization of natural energy, has always existed. However, the methods employed were relatively crude and could only be combined with chakra to enhance ninjutsu.

But natural energy is the most primal and fundamental force in this world! How could it merely serve this purpose?!

One could say that the Naruto world lacks a "Historical Records" manuscript. After decades of events, the characters have started to blur. An impostor like Obito emerged, pretending to be Uchiha Madara, and no one was able to expose him directly. Apart from his name and a pair of eyes, what remains of the legend?

Although individuals like Black Zetsu secretly manipulate the truth, the technology in this world isn't backward, and most electrical appliances exist. How could they forget so quickly?

Contemplating these matters, Orochimaru silently gazed at the sky. Could it be that the nation's tendency to forget history has also seeped into the world of Hokage?

Oh well, it may be too early for me to ponder this now. Once I reach the rank of Chunin, I'll seek out the White Snake Sage in the Ryuchi Cave, and surely they'll possess knowledge.

Orochimaru couldn't help but wonder, what do the toads and slugs, the other two legendary sanctuaries, truly know? They possess the ability to freely manipulate natural energy.

Returning home, Orochimaru took a bath and lay in bed, but sleep eluded him. Today had been filled with countless events, and the overwhelming amount of information caught him off guard. Lost in thought, he remained astonished.

To put it simply, Naruto world is still a mystrey, and the original world still holds countless astonishing secrets waiting to be unraveled.

"I truly wish to comprehend all of this, to explore the essence of the world and uncover its hidden secrets!" Orochimaru's mental state at that moment began to resemble that of a legendary great scientist. I wonder if this is a good thing?

"Oh no! I forgot something!" Orochimaru got up and headed to the backyard.

"The last giant white snake mentioned another legacy weapon, but I was so distracted that I forgot!"

Closing his eyes, Orochimaru swiftly located a purple-black mark deep within his soul. With a simple thought, a weapon materialized in his hand.

It was an unsheathed longsword, distinct from the typical Japanese katana. Instead, it bore resemblance to an ancient Chinese sword.

The brown hilt was adorned with intricate snake scales, forming an open snake mouth at the pommel, and a menacing snake eye embedded on each side of the blade.

"Indeed, this is Orochimaru's divine weapon—the Kusanagi Sword!" Orochimaru exclaimed, exhilaration coursing through him.

"A magnificent sword, truly remarkable!" Orochimaru couldn't put it down. The Kusanagi Sword was shorter than a katana but better suited for ninja use.

Wielding the Kusanagi Sword, Orochimaru felt a sense of kinship as if the sword was an extension of his own body.

The Kusanagi Sword wasn't the most awe-inspiring ninja tool in the Naruto universe, but it was undoubtedly the most versatile weapon with numerous functions.

Firstly, the Kusanagi Sword boasted extraordinary sharpness. It could pierce through the indestructible King Kong-like body of a Monkey King Enma, rendering his impenetrable body useless.

Secondly, Orochimaru tested it out and discovered that the sword could be infused with chakra to increase its power. A skill possessed by an ordinary ninja.

According to the scroll's instructions, when gripping the Kusanagi Sword, Orochimaru discovered that the snake mouth formed by the hilt could grow a blade, significantly enhancing its lethality.

Infusing chakra into the Kusanagi Sword allowed it to change shape and extend the blade almost infinitely, catching opponents off guard.

Given Orochimaru's current stature, he made the Kusanagi Sword slightly smaller.

Finally, the Kusanagi Sword could consume chakra and be controlled using mental power.

This was its Horcrux ability. However, the difficulty of sacrificing a weapon using soul flames was beyond belief!

"This thing is truly an immortal sword!" Orochimaru exclaimed with joy. This ability possessed great power in both combat and assassination. It could potentially decapitate someone from thousands of miles away without the need for seals. Its speed was swift and its power was difficult to guard against!

In the original story, Hiruzen Sarutobi was stabbed to death in a similar manner. If not for the Monkey King blocking the blow, Sarutobi would likely have perished while sealing Orochimaru's soul.

At that moment, Orochimaru entertained a daring idea. He enlarged the sword, stood atop the Kusanagi Sword, firmly absorbing the chakra beneath his feet, and then controlled the sword to take flight!

With a continuous outpour of chakra, Orochimaru soared through the air!

"This is incredible, I'm flying!" Orochimaru couldn't contain his excitement as he danced through the air, propelled by the Kusanagi Sword.


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