
Info just to clear things Up pt 1

Name: Kira(First) Hikari (last)

Students: Narumi uzumaki(crush) Sauske uchila(former) Sakura hurano(former)

Relatives: King vegeta. father(deceased) Mother Queen (Deceased) r *can you give me a name for her? Tarble Elder brother Vegeta Eldest brother Kane(hikari) adoptive father (Deceased) kin(adoptive mother (deceased)

it starts on a planet called Planet vegeta who was taken into a pod about 3 months after giving birth

he was transported to a different dimension as a baby it was similar to how Bardock went to the past where he was founded by Kin. kin and kane took it upon themselves to Raise them as they saw the name,

Narumi was betrayed by ko noha because of what she holds and that she hurt the uchilla, She was always truely alone the only person that ever truely cared about her was her sensei kira it wasnt until later with his help she started gaining some friends Inari tazuna and tsuanmi along with ayame and tuechi the konohamaru corps iruka and the third hokage gaara and the sand siblings etc.

Kira was the only one that was truly their for her during the tough times they met after he saved her from the bullies

the hikari clan Known for their manipulation over ki slaughtered by enemy villages due to fear of power kira was a survivor Put in the orphanage

turns out Kira was a protege and was labeled a jonin at age 8 and on team place ments he was labled as co sensei to the famous team 7

kakashi didn't really like Narumi that much didn't care to pay attention to her because he thought she and sakura wasn't worth anything and decided to only train the uchilla

The mc horribly disgusted with this decided to take it on himself to train the 2 But no matter how hard he tried he couldnt turn sakura away from the fangirl path. in fact it only got worse he tried to get sauske to get away from revenge but sauske glared at him everytime.

narumi however was a different story she took every single one of his training lessons and even taught her how to become a sage signing the pheonix contract he took her over to the land of Magic the realms where majestic creatures such as dragons Pheonix's unicorns etc their in different categories though.

if your still confused on how he became a phoenix sage lets just say he tried to attempt a summon after seeing a professional and transported him to the land of magic more specifically the Phoenix territory at first they werent training they were more like Questioning wither or not they'll kill him same as Jiraiya

but more intense

*I'm not done explaining but i have things to do so Ill explain on the next chapter later ugh work right?

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