
New beginning

Adrian didn't expect to meet some of the main cast of MCU this early.

"Hello nice to meet you I'm Adrian," he politely answers after a short pause he ask "Are you the new tenant next room?"

"Yes we are" May replied and pointing in their room "though we didn't finish packing yet"

"Do you guys need to help in moving your furniture and appliances?" Adrian asked as he looks where May pointed and sees Ben Parker assisting the movers to unloading their furniture and appliances.

"Oh, that's ok Ben can handle assisting the movers-" May replied as Peter tugging her arm.

"What is it Pete"

"Auntie, I want to eat chocolate" Peter fidgety said

"Pete we will eat chocolate after we greet our new neighbors ok" May kneel in front of Peter and caress his face and Peter answers in nod.

Adrian happily observe the interaction of May and Peter, their relationship as a mother and son not of an auntie and nephew, then a thought come to his mind a way to test one of his skills.

May turn to face Adrian "Sorry about that" she apologetically said

"That's ok" Adrian smiled as face to Peter "Peter do you want to see magic"

"Magic uncle I want to see it" Peter said as he bouncing left and right

"Alright watch my right hand"

Adrian shows his empty hand to Peter then he put it behind his back, and use creation of all things to create a pack of kisses chocolate.

"Tada" he presents the pack of kisses chocolate to Peter who happily receive it.

"Wow, how you do it uncle? Can you tell me? Please please please?" Peter babbles

"A Magician will not reveal his secrets" Adrian smugly as he cross his arms

"Stingy uncle" Peter pouts as he points a finger to Adrian

"Now now Pete, that's not behavior when we receive a gift" May teased

"Thank you uncle"

"You're welcome Peter"

"Oh it seems they finish unpack our belongings" May said then turns to the direction of Ben as he called them and waves them to come back "come Pete, bye Mr. Adrian"

"Bye uncle" Peter wave to Adrian while munching the chocolate he receive

As memorable the meeting of May and Peter, the test is successful and it seems an ordinary person can't sense the chakra, Adrian check his skill the creation of all things and its updated

Creation of all things - max - active: Can create anything the process involved the administration of imagination, and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness. Then, through the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of Yang chakra, cost CP: 1,000,000 usage: 1/10 a day


Adrian Lim

Job: The Gamer

Lv: 1


HP: 100

MP: 10,000,000/ 100 Mana regen per second

CP: 9,000,000/ 100 chakra regen per second

STR: 10

VIT: 11

AGI: 23

INT: Max

WIS: 25

LUK: 15

'It seem my Mana Regen and Chakra Regen are fixed 100 per second and ordinary person can't detect chakra I need to test some of my other skills,'

So he went outside and he finds an empty alley with no security cam.

"Create ID Empty"

In instant an invisible dome form and all the noise vanish, here he can test and create new skills without restrain, first with his photographic memory he can recall any memory whether his past life or this new one, there he watch a memory of a Naruto series that shows explanation about the twelve hand seal

Rat (子, Ne): This hand seal is commonly affiliated with the special Shadow Techniques of the Nara clan.

Ox (丑, Ushi)

Tiger (寅, Tora): This hand seal is commonly affiliated with Fire and Earth Release.

Hare (卯, U)

Dragon (辰, Tatsu)

Snake (巳, Mi): This hand seal is commonly affiliated with Earth, Lightning, and Wood Release.

Horse (午, Uma)

Ram (未, Hitsuji)

Monkey (申, Saru)

Bird (酉, Tori): This hand seal is commonly affiliated with Wind Release.

Dog (戌, Inu): This hand seal is commonly affiliated with Water Release and Ice Release.

Boar (亥, I)

He performs the hand seal exactly instruct in his memory, and after he memorizes the different hand seal then he perform the three basic justu.

In Kawarami he needs to find an object to switch and he finds a trash can approximately 2 meters away.

'The hand seal for kawarimi no justu is' he then perform the necessary hand seal Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake

"Kawarimi no Justu"


Adrian find himself switch with the trash can and he check his skills list and find the Kawarami no Justu

Kawarimi no Jutsu -1- Active - the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar. Cost 10 CP Hand seal Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake

Henge no Jutsu -1-Active - This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object. Cost 20 CP hand seal Dog → Boar → Ram

Bunshin no Jutsu -1- Active - users create one or more afterimages of themselves to move alongside them. Unlike most other clone techniques, these afterimages have no substance and thus are incapable of damaging opponents. Cost 30 CP Hand seal Ram → Snake → Tiger

In two day's Adrian train his abilities, swordsmanship throughout a day, and learn Flying Raijin Jutsu. Then he created a vibranium ninja suit and adamantium Obito mask that use in 4th shinobi war

Natalie walks alone in the street when 5 men apprehend her and drag in the alleyway those 5 men laughing and reeks of alcohol and seems taking illegal drugs, they pin her down, she screaming for help when one of them rips her dress. A shadow looms over them and they stop what they are doing.

"Released her" a distorted scary voice came from the shadow

"Ha ha ha we outnumber you 5 to 1, boys get him" the leader ordered his companion

Adrian is calm and when the leader attack him, he easily dodge the punch of the leader then he chop the neck of the leader that knock the him out, he kick the second man unconscious then avoid the right hook of the third man and punch in the gut that led to unconscious , as the remaining two men when they saw their companion unconscious they run but Adrian catch them and knock them up.

"Ttthank you fffor saving me" she sincerely thankful for saving

"No problem"

Then Adrian give a long coat to Natalie then she wear the long coat.

"I'm Natalie what is your name"

"I'm Shinobi, the police will be here soon"

After 1 minute a police car arrive on the Scene and sees five men unconscious and one woman

"Miss what happen here" doubtful ask by the police officer

"when I walk from my job this men abduct me in this alleyway and when they tried to harass me some kind of ninja that save me from those hooligans"

"Where is he now miss"

"I swear he was beside me 10 second ago"

Next chapter