
Short Talk

Shock flooded my system as I looked at the person in front of me. He was tall, about 6'2" and he seemed to weigh just under 100kg and all that weight seemed to be muscle.

He was wearing all black, with a long leather trench coat which covered his large frame. Underneath the coat was a black combat vest which seemed packed with bulletproof material. His trousers seemed pretty normal but from how filled they looked, I could tell that they were also filled with Kevlar or something similar.

In one hand the man was holding a pistol, a pretty high caliber one from high big it was. In the other hand, he held a long katana-like blade which was covered in ash. I couldn't see his eyes as he was wearing sunglasses but even then I felt a chill go down my back as I made eye contact with him. It was like I was a deer looking to eye-to-eye with a wolf.

The literal hatred I felt in his gaze was enough to make me wonder if I'd done wrong by him in a past life but I knew better to think that.

Hated me because of what I was. Because I was a Vampire, I deserved nothing but death in this man's eyes.

How did I know this? Because I'm 99% sure that this man is Eric Brooks, otherwise known as Blade. From the fact he was here in a Vampire Facility killing Vampires, to the Katana and Gun he was using, the body armor and the silver stakes he had on his chest, everything pointed to this conclusion...But that meant something somewhat terrifying while also somewhat amazingly brilliant...

It meant I was in Marvel! I couldn't be sure on which Universe of Marvel I was in but I was definitely in one!

I thought I was just in a supernatural world but to learn I was in Marvel was like waking up on Christmas morning!

Sadly, however, this excitement was doused by a bucket of water in the form of "I'm a Vampire and Blade The Vampire Hunter is in front of me"....yeah, the situation doesn't seem very good for me or Mia, does it?

While I was having this mental storm of thought, Mia and Blade were having a staring contest.

Blade seemed a bit taken aback by my appearance, I only looked about 7 at most and from the way Mia was protecting me, he felt like he may have stumbled in on a mother and son. Even if they were Vampires, he still knew they were sentient creatures and could feel feelings, which made killing a mother and her son leave a bitter taste in the back of his mouth.

Mia, on the other hand, was slightly shaking in the presence of the Daywalker, a killer of her kind who was remarkably good at it too. But she seemed to gain a lot more confidence when she felt me behind her.

She knew Blade could kill her easily, she was only a Doctor after all and even if she took classes in self-defense just like the other workers at this facility, it'd mean jacksh*t in front of Blade, someone who'd dedicated himself to fighting and killing.

When she was preparing to charge at Blade to buy time for me, my instincts flared dramatically and I pushed her to the side while throwing myself in the opposite direction.


Blade seemed to have resolved himself as he lifted his gun and shot at us, or more specifically where we were. He raised his eyebrow at me when he saw my reaction and quickly turned the gun toward Mia before going to pull the trigger a second time.

Time seemed to slow down for me as I heard the blood in my veins rush through my body with never before felt ferocity. I quickly grabbed a needle next to me, threw myself up from the ground and spun my body, building up force for a throw.

I flexed my small muscles and threw the needle in my hand with everything I had.

The needle split the air in a high-pitched screech that sounded somewhat like a whistle. Blade heard this and tilted his head to the side with a casual movement.

Even with the sunglasses in the way, I could feel his dark eyes dart towards me, surprise filling his face as he didn't expect me to be much of a problem. But he could tell purely from that throw that I wasn't a normal child, Vampire or not.

"Is he one of the things made here?" his deep voice was filled with calm as he looked over at Mia. Mia was looking at me with anger in her eyes, obviously pissed off I'd brought attention to myself instead of running away like she wanted me to. Hearing what Blade said brought her out of her anger-fueled death stare at me.

She looked venomously at Blade before threateningly speaking to the deadly man, "Yes, his something we made...so he holds no sins of us Vampires, please leave him out of this, Daywalker. If anything he is also a victim of us, just like you..." her voice was close to begging at this point. But Blade seemingly wasn't having any of it.

"But he's a Vampire, just like you. If I let him go, he'll grow up and kill just like the rest of you...if I'm getting anything from looking at his red eyes and sensing his aura, he'll kill even more than you guys when he's older," he seemed ticked off about her mentioning his past and how he was a victim to Vampires, but his voice stayed calm and unperturbed.

Hearing what he said seemed to push Mia a little bit over the edge, "You're still like us, Blade! You still have the thirst! What? Do you think you're the only one who can control it? Don't be so naive!" she spat at Blade with fury in her eyes. She pointed to me before shouting once more, "He's the best of what we are, Blade! He doesn't need as much blood as any of us, a tenth of what I need will keep him going for a week..." she calmed down significantly at this point, "Look, Blade, just please let him leave, he's been here his entire life...he's innocent..." her voice continued to shake as she saw Blade's unshakable face look indifferently at the both of us.

While they were speaking, I was busy figuring out what to do. I knew I couldn't go up against Blade in a fight. Even if I was physically superior, he'd mop the floor with me with just his martial arts skills. If this is the comic book version of Blade from Earth-616, he's had decades upon decades to refine his skills; meaning I wouldn't stand a chance.

But at the same time, I felt that I wouldn't be completely hopeless against him. My instincts seemed like they could guide me in a fight as long as he doesn't go all out against me...which he probably would...Why could Captain America have stormed the base? Even Wolverine would've been an upgrade on Blade, at least for my current circumstances!!

My thoughts were brought to an end by Blade's deep voice, "Let's say for a second that I believe anything you're saying - and that's because I've seen a lot of f*cking Vampires lying when I go to kill them - so, why should I spare you? What could this kid do for me?" he looked genuinely curious, as he faced Mia. Hearing what he said, I knew a chance had appeared.

Before Mia could speak, I stepped forward toward Blade, "I could help you kill Vampires. I was made to be a weapon for the Vampires, so I guess I could just as easily be turned into a weapon to kill the Vampires," I got two different reactions - disbelief, worry and anger at me speaking from Mia, while I got more curiosity from Blade and even a glimmer of interest.

Blade's mouth opened into a small grin, "Hmm, really? Why don't I test that out then...if you survive for longer than a minute, I'll let you live," without waiting, he lifted his gun up and shot at me.

Without time to throw myself out of the way, I tilted my body before flexing my legs and shooting forward at Blade with blistering speed.

If you're wondering why Blade didn't kill them instantly after he resolved himself and instead let her speak, it's because he wasn't fully resolved to kill what he sees as a kid and his Mother. It reminds him of his own Mother in a way, is how I guess I'd put it.

This Blade is a mixture of the comic book version and the movie version. Just imagine Wesley Snipes' Blade, but taller~

Lazyycreators' thoughts
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