
First Fight

A slight burning was felt on my chest and I figured I wasn't quick enough and the bullet clipped me. But I carried on charging at Blade who was curious about why I wasn't on the floor screaming seeing as I came into contact with a silver bullet covered in dried Garlic concentrate.

Taking his surprise as an opening, I charged at him and threw a kick at his midsection. Blade pushed the surprise from his mind and sidestepped my kick before sending a roundhouse kick to my temple.

Feeling the danger I ducked under the kick and brought forth the retractable claws in my hand and sent a knife hand right at his passing knee. He saw what I was attempting to do but I sped up my hand turning it into a deadly blur.

Blade couldn't fully dodge the knife hand but I couldn't impale his knee with my hand, I only left a shallow cut which tore between the plating of Kevlar around the joint. Blade jumped back with a simple push, firing bullets at me to make sure I didn't follow.

Using my superior reflex and speed, I looked at the incoming bullets. Three of them, to be exact, one going to my heart, one going to my head and the last one was fired in front of me to stop me advancing.

After analyzing the bullet's destinations, I quickly tilted my body fully, letting the bullets harmlessly fly past me.

I looked back at Blade, not for a second thinking he'd give me a breather. But surprisingly, I was wrong, he was looking at me with interest before his deep voice spoke once again.

"You're quick, kid. You've got good reflexes as well, which helps you fight even though you have terrible fighting skills...and from what I felt behind that knife hand, you're quite strong as well..." he stopped looking at me before turning his head to Mia, "Oi, bloodsucker, will he continue to grow stronger?"

Mia saw this as Blade was willing to give Alex a chance as long as he was good enough, so she didn't hide any information, "Yes, he will. He was made to be the most perfect of us. We even let go of our pride and mixed his DNA with other Races DNA to make the perfect warrior for our kind's mission. If you trained him, I'm sure he would become a brilliant fighter in no time..." her voice trailed off as she saw Blade raise his gun at her. She felt shocked for a moment but smiled at the next moment. She already knew in the back of her mind that Blade would only ever take Alex with him, not her, a full-grown vampire who's committed multiple murders.

"Well, I'll take him on then. He's rough around the edges but he's a real gem...--!" before he could finish, I appeared next to him, one hand at my side shaking from the pure anger I was feeling and the other firmly holding the barrel of his gun.

The gun barrel was slowly creaking and letting out small groans from the pressure I was putting it under. It had even slowly started to collapse inwards.

"Oi, Blade, was it? Who do you think you are pointing that gun at Mia?" unknown to me, my blue eyes I was born with was now blood red and my pupils were slits like a dragon's. I knew Blade hated Vampires but still, seeing him point that gun at Mia and knowing what he wanted to do with it set my alight with fury I'd never felt before.

Blade looked surprised at my speed and the strength in my hand but he nevertheless replied calmly to my anger, "She's a bloodsucker, kid, she'll only kill more people if I let her out. I only said I'd take you under my wing, I never said anything about her," his voice was indifferent and that only served to piss me off even further.

I grit my teeth, an unconscious growl escaping my throat, "I don't care what you want, what you think is going to happen if you let her go, but if you kill her, I'll f*cking eviscerate you, you hear me?" the gun barrel was slowly being crushed now and Blade was realizing he'd taken the wrong mindset to the situation.

Mia stormed a few steps forward before she heard Blade reaffirm his aim on her, stopping her in her tracks. But she still glared at Alex, fire spitting out of her eyes, "Alexander, you naive brat! Why are you protecting me, huh?! Did I ask? He's giving you a way out and you're throwing it away for one of the creators who made you and then proceeded to torture you for four years, are you mentally inept?!" she screamed this as tears started to collect in her eyes, her voice became shakier when she continued, "Just leave, Alex...live a life outside of here, okay? Just do one last thing for me and leave...please..." the tears in her eyes fell down her pretty face and she looked hysterical that Alex may be about to throw his life away with her.

I never broke eye contact with Blade all the way through her screaming and shouting and instead of deterring me from my actions, she made me resolve them. The worried I heard in her voice was sincere.

"I'm not leaving without you, Mia," I slowly spoke, my childish voice sounding too serious for a 4-year-old, "You were there to patch me up after every experiment they did, even though my healing factor could've done it on its own, you treated me because you were sincerely worried, I could see it in your eyes. You helped me up when I was knocked down, cheered me up whenever Arthur or Hannah would stomp on my mental state and you did so with a happy smile on your face, always willing to help even if it got you a massive scolding from Arthur..." my voice trailed off as I turned to look at Mia.

By now she was a ball of tears and snot, unlike her usual happy-go-lucky and teasing persona. Her body was shaking and her eyes were red from the tears as she looked at me. She went to speak but I beat her to it.

"If I were to abandon the only person who cared about me this entire time, what kind of person would I be? Well, I'd say someone who shouldn't be alive in all honesty...so I'll either get out of here with you or I'll die with you," my eyes bore into her showing her my resolve and determination and she couldn't speak any further.

Seeing her so stumped and at a loss for words, made me slightly smile. This was a woman who I couldn't see to the bottom of, she had so many expressions and yet all of them were sincere. I wanted to see more of her expressions.

Which is why I couldn't allow either her or myself to die.

I turned my head back to Blade, "I know I can't beat you but with my superior speed, strength and reflexes, I could probably take an arm off of you before I finally die. It'd be a pyrrhic* victory for you and I'm sure Vampire hunting with one arm is quite hard," I smirked at him which caused him to chuckle somberly.

(*A/N: A Pyrrhic Victory is a victory that is gained but at a great cost. Pretty much a victory that could be seen as a loss in some cases)

He slowly lowered his gun arm, "Not only are you strong, kid, you're a real clever brat...I'm gonna have my hands full with you and that bloodsucking b*tch over there...as long as she adapts to my serum, I'll keep her around, if not, she has to leave and if I ever see her again, I'll kill her, understand?" he seemed tired after dealing with me but he still had a small grin on his face.

I finally relaxed a little bit and Mia dropped to the ground, the situation obviously has taken a lot out of her.

"I understand, Blade, so what are we gonna do now?" I looked curiously at him, to which he looked at me with a full on smile, showing off his elongated canines.

"We're gonna have a practical exam for you...I'm gonna see how you go up against some Vampires!" he walked to the door and I chuckled. There were definitely a few Vampires I wouldn't mind hurting.

I walked over to Mia and helped her up before helping the shaky woman walk over to the hallway.

If you're wondering why Blade accepted what Alex said, it's because he's actually a pretty calm and clever guy. He'd see that fighting wouldn't give him much advantages while letting Mia live would gain him a powerful ally.

What other creatures/monsters should be in his DNA? I've worked out 3 so far: Vampire, Oni and Asgardian. So, any suggestions? Don't suggest anything to OP either xD

Lazyycreators' thoughts
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