
Chapter 1

Kei had woken with a pained expression, so from that disturbing pain, his lips parted, and out came a gasp. 'Urk!' He sat up with his hands clenching his chest tightly and he strongly felt an ache on his head.

He couldn't breath, he was scared.

"kugh.... Augh!"

In the darkness, he was engulfed with tremendous pain and his thin body struggled to stop shaking.

His eyes was blurry and his cheeks was stained with crystal clear tears. It was painful and this made him bite his lips to the point of making himself bleed.

. . . . .

After the pain had gradually subsided, the outcome was of his body sweating profusely and his eyes became puffy.

'That was painful...wu... wu...wu..'

He was looking at darkness and by the time he turned his stiff head on his side, he saw a young boy.

"h..." Kei tried to speak up but with a coarse voice, he no longer tried, he was too thirsty and too exhausted.

His body was tiny but it has a lot of willpower.

Kei pulled himself up and took a look around, then this followed by a lot of pain, he didn't feel too attached to that kid.

He was not a hero, because It's either the kid or him, so he chose himself and his eyes fell upon a river.

he felt happy and guilty for being greedy.

Should he go get the kid?


His legs became quicker, and the river by now became larger and larger until he was near for him to drink the undistilled water. It was gross, but he could only do this because he was literally dying.

'Gulp... Gulp' he sighed and wiped his wet lips.

He felt much more better and his brains were working a lot nicer. He felt that his surroundings had gotten clearer and his hearing was picking up light footsteps.

"Ah...Tomoe?" A voice was low but also audible enough for Kei to hear.

'It's a woman?'

Who, what, where, Tomoe? Is that who I think it is? Kei's perfectly smooth pale face turned ugly, he was frowning and also wondering where he was right now.

This curious man wanted to peek so he did.

He started going back to the direction they where and eventually he saw two heads. It was the white haired child and a young girl with hazel hair.

They look awfully familiar...

"Tomoe!" The voice was much louder, Kei was alarmed and he took a step back, but a pesky single leaf just had to fail him.


Kei silently watched the young girl stare at him with horror. "Who are you." The girl asked Kei and he just let himself out of the darkness.

His girly features are his strong points, which proofed it's lethal power in females!

"I'm lost oneesan." Kei answered with a soft voice, tranquiled face. He looked adorable and fluffy so the girl couldn't help but be smitten.

Half of her guard from him lessened in just 1 second?

'How's that for a man like me? Impressive isn't it? Haha!'

"What's your name." Her tone was still stiff.

"My name is Kei," He answered quickly and approached the girl with his puffy cheeks. The girl was startled and backed off with the child on her hands. "Oneesan... I'm scared." Kei answered with a troubled face, he wanted to manipulate the girl...

—but... but he was really scared of the dark... especially the bugs!

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