
Reborn in HunterxHunter with a Perk

Alex is confronted with a strange questionnaire that will change his life for ever. Disclaimer: I do not own the franchise or any character in it except my own.

Rank1Cloud · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Alex had formulated an initial plan after realizing that only strength mattered in this world. He had though in many ways to accomplish it but most of them would take much time or be too much of a bother.

He had first thought of becoming a Hunter. They had nice privileges and benefits but Alex didn't like to have to take orders from people he couldn't afford to offend right now. Although he dismissed becoming a Hunter for now, who can say about that in the future.

Next, he had thought of trying to become a member of the Phantom Troupe, but that was even more dangerous and harder. From the information that he had from the Phantom Troupe, they still didn't have the full members like in the beginning of the main timeline of HxH and that could in fact be a point in favor to join them.

He felt like being in the Troupe could be good for him since they had a degree of freedom similar to the Hunter Association, they still had to obey unconditionally to Chrollo.

With the prowess of his Nen ability, he knew that if he ever showed some kind of intent of disagreeing with Chrollo, he wouldn't hesitate to take his ability while at the same time crippling him so that he couldn't do anything but watch as Chrollo used his ability.

Those two options were the main ones as the others were kind of related to one of them. So he took the third option, he would try to get into one of the Mafia's groups. Although they were an association similar to the Hunter Association and the Phantom Troupe, they didn't have monsters like Netero or Chrollo.

He could develop himself while gaining some power and money. And if he ever he wanted to bail out, the only ones that could stop him were the Shadow Beasts.

But he knew that by that time he would be able to flee if not take care of them. This was mainly a choice based on the power scale of the world.

He knew that he couldn't avoid bloodshed if he wanted to do some interesting things, so he rather get something in return.

Inside of the building he saw many burly man dressed in suits with dark glasses. He didn't have a sure way of being recruit into the Mafia but he thought that the best way was to showcase some of his strength. He arrived at the desk where a clerk was typing things into the computer. The man looked up and said in a bland tone, "Good day Sir, what can I help you?"

Alex looked at the man and with a serene expression he said, "I want to talk to your boss."

The man though he heard wrong. He gazed at Alex as if he was trying to ascertain some things, but besides the elegant clothes and young looks the man couldn't pick any more information.

"Sorry Sir, I don't know what you mean. If you wait a second, I'll call my supervisor to answer your questions."

The man talked with a smile as his hands reached to a phone on the desk. Alex seeing that he said, "Don't bother to call your supervisor. I want to see the Don."

The clerk trembled the moment he heard the word 'Don'. Although they knew that owner of this building was one of 10 Dons, nobody would dare to call them in public even more on one of their buildings. The burly men that were also paying attention to the young man frowned and began to walked in his direction.

Alex saw from the corner of his eye the approaching security and looked at them. The men flinched when they crossed eyes with Alex, they could feel like they looking at a predator looking at their prey. But seeing that the young man was a bit skinnier and shorter than them they ignore the absurd feeling and continue walking.

Seeing that, Alex turned to the clerk and said, "If you can relay this message to the Don or the one in command: If nobody will lead me to them, I will make my way towards them."

The clerk shook as every word crashed into his very core. Panic began to sprout on his mind as the pressure he felt from the young man began to seem more obvious and increasing at every second.

He began to type on the phone. He waited for the call to connect while he saw the security reach their hand to the young man. But the next scenes completely turned the impression of the young man around. Even though the frail build of the young man, the pressure he was releasing was enormous.

He saw the young man knocking down a dozen men with only his hands. The security tried everything in their power to either pin the young man down or to somewhat hinder him but the young man looked like a leaf drifting in the wind. Fluently, he saw the young man dodging every attempt and by grabbing the wrist or swift blows, he quickly knockout the security.

When the call finally connected, the young man already had defeated all the burly men which were specialized security trained by the Mafia.

An old but dignified voice sounded from the phone, "Speak quickly. You know what happens to people who waste my time."

The clerk gulped and said shakenly, "Y-yes! A young man is asking to speak with the Don or the one in command. He also said if nobody comes lead them to them he will make his way towards them."

After the clerk finished speaking, no voice came from the other side. Sweat began to pour from the clerk's forehead as he felt like there was a descending pillar crushing him.

After what it seemed to be ages, the deep voice sounded once again, "Tell the security to beat him up and dispose of him. We can't let some smartasses think that we are push overs."

The clerk flinched and stuttered, "B-but h-he-he al-already..."

"Say it clearly."

That sentence almost made him buckle in fear. His survival instincts instantly kicked in as he spoke clearer than he ever spoke in his life, "The young man already fought the security and he defeated all of them like they were nothing."

Once again, the voice on the other side turned silent. But this time, he responded a few seconds later, "Tell him to come to the 25th floor."

"Yes Sir!"

The clerk placed the phone in its spot and said to Alex, "Go to the 25th floor."

Alex nodded at the clerk and calmly made its way through the unconscious body of the security and entered one of the elevators.

The clerk dropped down on his chair like he had spent all his energy just by standing there.

Meanwhile, Alex already reached the 25th floor. When the door of the elevator opened he saw a dozen men pointing their gun at him. Although guns posed some danger to him, he still had some means which he could avoid being killed by bullets.

A fine film of Nen began to surround his body. If it ever came down to a gun fight having Gyo activated, he could somewhat mitigate the damage caused by bullets.

He calmly walked between the men and made its way to a large wooden door. Without any stop he opened it, reveling a room surrounded by all the sides with glass windows except the wall of the wooden door.

In the middle of the room there was a desk where a middle aged man was sitting smoking a cigar. On both sides of him there were two men wearing dark suits and black glasses.

The moment Alex glimpse at the men, the instincts he developed by fighting for his life in Meteor City flared like never before. He could see that both of them had fine layers of Nen surrounding them and by their body language, he knew that if he showed the slightest suspicious movement they would attack him with the intent to kill.

This came at a surprise to Alex as they were the first Nen users he came across. But as quickly the worried appeared he extinguish it exchanging it by a many different thoughts and calculations.

He walked to a couch in front of the desk and sat down. Silence installed as neither Alex or the Nen users nor the man smoking a cigar spoke.

After some time, the overbearing tension was broken by the man smoking the cigar. He put down the cigar and talked, "So what do you want?"

Alex looked at the man and said, "I want to enter your family."

The man looked at the young man and said calmly, "Why should I take you? To me you are nothing but a pest that I can kill with a wave of a hand. Speak to me why should a man of my stature take you into my family after you beat up my security?"

Alex looked at the man and his serene expression while throwing some glimpses at the bodyguards. He smirked and stood up slowly, "You would only win in this transaction. You see even though I'm young I have more information than you think. I know some secrets that not many people know and also have the strength to prevent people to get them."

That moment he released his Nen. An overbearing pressure due to the enormous amount of Nen made the bodyguards dash to the front of the desk. They were as surprised as the man behind the desk.

Since the young man stepped inside of the room they already knew that he was a Nen user just like them but what they didn't knew was the abnormal amount of Nen that he had. They supposed that since he was young he couldn't have much Nen or time to get familiar with it, but the moment Alex released it they felt like their common knowledge was broken.

The man behind the desk also was surprised. Not by the fact that this young man knew Nen since he had to have some insurance to dare to beat his people and come here, nut by his age. Someone this young having this amount of Nen could only be seeing in those genius.

Alex seeing the trained actions of the bodyguards retracted his Nen to the initial film surrounding his body. The bodyguards remained on the spot as they were trying to ascertain if the young man was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

The man behind the desk waved his hand at the bodyguards. Seeing the signal, both men retreated to their previous spot beside the desk.

The man began to think and after looking at the confident looks of the young man, he smiled and stood up.

"What's your name boy?"

Alex smiled and spoke, "Alex at your service."

He walked in front of the young man.

"Well I'm glad that young men like you still have the guts to speak like that in front of me. After seeing your performance, there's no way I will let someone as talent as you not be in my family. I, Light Nostrade, welcome you to the Nostrade Family."

Alex smirked and grasped the man's hand, "Thank you, Sir Nostrade."

Hey, lads! I thank all the support and comments.

Continue to report any mistake or plothole and I will try to correct it.

Almost at the 15,000 words and then the novel can finally be in the Ranking.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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