

Heading east, Harry stopped briefly in the middle east, experienced a very different culture, both magical and mundane. However, the magical communities had diminished exponentially in the past 30 years. Not that the magical community was that large to begin with. Being a monotheistic society, the higher ups of the mundane world tried to reduce the number of magicals with a passion.

Being disappointed with the number of books he could find, Harry headed out further east, landing in the Indian peninsula.

Being a huge land and having multiple people rule over it in the past, leaving their culture behind, the land was a treasure trove of exotic and rare magical books.

From the ancient greeks to the romans, to the Mughals and portugease, along with the current most dominate group the hindus, the mixture of magical texts was limitless.

Even with the internal strives, the country didn't decide to outright kill or outcast the magical community.

Mainly because of the lack of stigma of being magical in the polytheistic religion.

However, the situation in the country was quite similar to that of Britain. While Britain was focused on the blood purity and put down those that were of 'lesser' blood, India did something similar. The caste system might have been fading away a bit in the mundane world, however, it played a huge part in the magical world. However, it didn't discriminate between mundane and magical. If a muggleborn happened to be born to mundane parents of the higher caste, their position would be much better than those born in the lower castes.

Spending a few days in the country and its neighbours, harry collected a plethora of magical texts and made his way further east.


Landing in mainland China, harry was instantly ushered into a different part of the airport, however, after a few questions on the reason why a British wizard showed up in China were answered and cleared, he went his merry way.

Apparently, the magical community had been very paranoid ever since a few years back.

Because of Chairman Mao wanting to remove parts of the ancient culture and revolutionise the mainland during his power trip, huge numbers of the magical population were killed off.

He deemed them as a stain on the Chinese history and wanted to either control them or destroy them.

And since the magical community was hella arrogant and wouldn't submit, they were killed off gradually.

In the few years that the chairman was in power, China lost around 60% of their magical population, with around 40% of their magical foundations such as artifacts and texts being destroyed.

Going from one of the most ancient magical society in the world to one comparable to Australia had made them very cautious of others. This led to international visitors being closely monitored when they arrived in the country.

This was not only for keeping track of them, but also for their protection. After all, there were still a few supporters of the cause that had the means to harm the magicals.

Spending a week in the country, Harry decided to head to the neighbouring countries and copy a few of their texts, before moving over to Australia.

The most surprising thing for harry after arriving at Australia was not the weird animals but was the number of magicals living here.

The magical to mundane ratio in most parts of the western world was just around 10%, however, Australia broke the record by being almost 40% magical.

It was also the most secured magical community in the world. While the mundane public didn't know about the existence of the magical, the Statute of Secrecy didn't let the magicals avoid hooking up with the mundane.

The people here were one of the most accepting to the magicals and the rate of oblivations after a failed relationship was extremely low.

The other thing that surprised Harry was the number of Lords and Ladies to Britain's ancient families that lived common lives here.

Turns out, when England dumped their prisoners here three hundred years ago, magical Britain jumped on the trend.

Those that weren't bad enough to be sent to Azkaban were sent to Australia. This mainly included lords and ladies of families since they could just claim they didn't belong in Azkaban. Some families thought that sending their squibs here was a great idea. Eventually, years passed and the magical convicts started their families and built a community.

With the wars and dark lords popping up in England and surrounding areas, a number of families died out. However, many didn't remember that a branch of almost every major family existed in Australia.

When comparing the ideologies of the magical communities in Britain and Australia, the mindset in Australia was almost the exact opposite of the majority in Britain.

In Australia, there was little to no concept of bloodlines. As long as one had a trace of magic, they were welcome. This even included Squibs. Turns out, being a squib and thrown out of one's country made people not want the same fate for others.

This led to the largest magical community in the world, at least by ratio.

Harry had to spend over 5 days to copy the texts that were developed in Australia, and spent a few more days trying to communicate with the magical communities of the indigenous populations. However, that was reduced to being nothing more than a legend, because so few existed. Turns out, the convicts on the muggle side thought they owned the land and just killed off the magicals because they thought it was a unique thing to this continent.

While some may say, why didn't the magical convicts help. Welp, mainly because they were either squibs or prisoners with time bound magic. A few years at the start, they were nothing more than sitting ducks for those with rifles and guns.

A week and a half later, harry decided it was time for him to move on to the next country, and this time, it was time for Japan.

When harry stepped inside the country, he thought to himself, 'I wonder why Britain closed themselves to news of other countries.'.

This was because, whatever he had seen in the past in his travels around the world, harry had not heard about it in detail in any conventional texts in Britain.

This included the fact that Japan had something that harry was a major fan of.

Demon Slayers.

Turns out, Demon slayers was a thing in this world.

It was not just a figment of someone's imagination in his past world.

In this world, Japan had an influx of a certain breed of artificial vampires that wreaked havoc throughout the past.

The story was the exact same as well.

Muzan was a squib abandoned by his family at birth. He didn't inherit the magic from his family, however, he did inherit the family's Maledictus curse. No member of the family's main branch survived more than 30 years.

A witch doctor on the time tried to heal him by experimenting with The Blue Spider Lily. This however turned out to be infected with the blood of a vampire passing by, with led to a mutation in Muzan.

After that, the story stays the same. However, the demon slayers that were recruited were either squibs or magicals, often orphans for the lower ranks. No mundane human had been able to become a demon slayer.

With the death of Muzan a few years ago, the demon slayer corps had been disbanded, however, traces of it lingered in the magical communities, since it was essentially a branch of the main community.

Even today, descendants of Tangiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke existed, and Harry was excited to meet them.

However, with them being in the magical school of the area at the time, it was hard to meet up.

Harry could only disappointedly collect books from the magical community and head over to the next country.

Slowly, by the end of the break, Harry had finally visited most of the magical communities in the world and decided to head back to Britain two days before the start of the term.

After all, the haul from the trip was wonderful.




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