
The vaults and Ritual.

"Ok we'll be going to the Peverell vault as that's the vault closest to the surface." Ragnog says as they all climb into the cart.

The cart starts moving slow at first but it gradually starts going faster. This feels like a rollacoster, its really fun Arthur can't help but think.

Eventually once they descend quite deep into the bowls of Gringotts, the minecart finally comes to a stop.

"Alright we're here." Ragnog says as he climbs out the cart.

"Woah wasn't that fun grandmother?" Arthur asks with a cheeky smile on his face.

"It was, but flying is so much better." Morgana smirks at her grandson, knowing that he'll be interested.

But before Arthur can ask they stop in front of a big vault door with The deathly Hallows engraved on the front if the vault door.

"Here we are" Ragnog gestures towards the vault door.

"Unfortunately lady Le Fay you cannot enter the vault, only those of Peverell blood may enter."

"Arthur makes sure you take a good look around but don't touch anything. If there's anything interesting inside make sure to remember it and tell me about it." Morgana orders.

"Yes grandmother." Arthur agrees.

Arthur walks into the vault and the first thing he sees is a massive mountain of galleons, jewelery and other sorts of expensive items within in the pile.

Woah I'm rich! Arthur thinks to himself excited.

Arthur can't wait to use this money to buy whatever he wants, something he couldn't do in his past life.

Arthur walks to the pile and grabs handfuls of galleons and shoves them into every pocket he has.

He further inspects the vault, but apart from the mountain of treasure there's nothing that exciting inside, the only other interesting thing Arthur can see is an old book, 'The tales of Beedle the Bard.'

Arthur recognizes the title of the book, but can't remember why it's so important.

After he did a full inspection of the vault, Arthur walks out of the vault.

As Arthur walks out of the vault, Morgana notices that his pockets seem to be filled with something. She can't help but sigh as she can already guess what Arthur took.

"Really Arthur I told you not to touch anything." Morgana can't help but smile at her grandsons silly antics even though she's trying to reprimand him.

"But there was so much, I couldn't help it." Arthur pouts.

Morgana turns to Ragnog. "Do you sell coin pouches?" She asks.

"Yes, we have a bottomless pouch for 5 galleons." Ragnog gives Morgana a big smile at the prospect of making money.

Morgana reaches into her pouch and pulls out 5 galleons. "Here." She pays Ragnog.

Ragnong hands Morgana a brown leather pouch. "Here Arthur, put your Galleons inside." Morgana passes Arthur the pouch.

Arthur grabs the pouch and starts putting all his Galleons inside. "Thanks grandmother."

"Alright Ragnog take us to the next vault." Grandmother orders authoritatively.

"Very well lady Le Fay. Our next stop will be the Pendragon vault."

The trio climb into the cart and start descending once again. They eventually come to a stop.

"We're here." Ragnog announces.

The three of them get out the cart and walk towards the vault.

The Pendragon vault is huge, on either side of the vault door are two proud looking lion statues.

"Only those of King Arthur's blood may enter." Ragnog warns.

"Let's go in Arthur." Morgana orders nonchalantly and walks towards the vault door.

As they get closer to the door the lions on either side turn towards Arthur and Morgana. The lions eyes start glowing a terrifying blood red, scaring Arthur ever so slightly. After a few seconds the red in the lions eyes slowly fade, once it completely fades the two lion statues go back to their original positions. The vault door opens slowly. After it's opened Arthur and Morgana walk inside.

Arthur was expecting another mountain of gold, but the vault was surprisingly empty apart from two items, A sheathed sword and a fancy looking gold cup.

Morgana can't help but look at the two items stunned. She's been looking for the holy grail for years, but could never find it.

"Grandmother what are those items?" Arthur asks intrigued. Arthur can feel the sword calling out to him, begging him to pick it up.

"That is Arthur's legendary sword Excalibur and the golden chalice is the legendary holy grail." Morgana says with reverence in her tone.

"What's the holy grail?"

"The Holy grail is an item that can give you pseudo immortality." Morgana explains.

"What's seedo immortality?" Arthur asks interested in the immortality part.

A small smile graces Morgana's lips. "Basically the cup ensures that you will never age, it's the reason I look so young."

"Wait how old are you grandmother?" Arthur asks innocently.

*Pow* Morgana smacks Arthur across the back of his head.

"Owwww!!!" Arthur grabs the back of his head. "What was that for grandmother?" Arthur grumbles.

"Never ask a woman about her age Arthur!" Morgana narrows her eyes at her grandson.

Arthur nods nervously seeing his grandmother's terrifying gaze.

"Uhmmm what does the sword do grandmother?"

"Well the sword is magical, it was made by the lady of the lake. The sword can cut through anything, including magic, that's how Arthur was able to fight wizards toe to toe."

Arthur really wants the sword after hearing it can cut through magic. In a word full of magic, a sword like that will be very useful.

Morgana seeing Arthur's interest continues. "The sheath keeps you from getting sick, protects you from poison and enhaces your body to the point that it can even resist magic."

Arthur practically runs towards the sword, he desperately wants the sword, but before he gets far Morgana uses magic to keep him in place.

"You cannot have the sword just yet Arthur, first you must train."

Arthur frowns in dissapointment but manages to calm down. "Okay grandmother." Arthur lets her know he won't grab the sword.

"Don't worry, once I am satisfied with your training, only then will you be able to wield his sword." Morgana explains.

"What about the Holy Grail?" Arthur asks.

"When you become fully mature, only then can drink from the holy grail, I'm sure you would not like to be stuck as a kid forever, would you Arthur?"

Arthur shakes his head. "Definitely not grandmother."

Suddenly something laying on the floor in front of the sword catches Arthur's eye. Arthur walks over and picks up the book. "Enhancement magic for magic knights written by Myrddin Emrys Wylt." Arthur reads out loud.

"Who's that grandmother?" Arthur asks because the name sounds so familiar.

"That's the legendary Merlin, he taught me many things when we first went to hogwarts together." Morgana answers with a warm fondness in her tone.

"So he wrote this book for King Arthur?" Arthur asks curiously.

"Yes he did, Arthur wasn't talented in magic. He was a great knight but that wasn't enough to fight against a wizard. Merlin noticed that Arthur had some talent for enhancement magic. Enhancement magic makes enhances a person's strength and speed to a level that's far beyond that of a humans. When you master the spellsnin those books, you can become as strong as a giant and as fast as a vampire. Morgana explains.

That's amazing grandmother when can I start learning?" Arthur asks practically bursting with excitement.

"Soon Arthur, soon. First however you need to learn swordsmanship before you can learn enhancement magic." Morgana explains.

"Really grandmother, I can't wait." Arthur says excitedly.

"Don't be too excited its going to be torture." Morgana says with a sadistic smile on her face.

Arthur pales slightly, he knows that smile means nothing but bad news for him.

"Grandmother, I'm your precious grandson who you love so much you can't bear to hurt. Arthur tries acting cute in order to pull on his grandmother's heartstrings.

But it seems to have no effect on the old witch. "Oh no my child I'm doing this because I love you, grandmother wants you to be strong." Morgana pats her grandchilds head her sadistic smile still gracing her face.

"Ok we'll take this book with us" Morgana takes the book from Arthur and stores it in her bag.

Morgana and Arthur exit the vault.

"Take us back up Ragnog" Morgana orders.

She doesn't need to go to the Le Fay vault since she already knows what's in there. Right now she doesn't need anything from there, atleast for the moment.

After reaching the surface Morgana and Arthur thank Ragnog and head out of Gringotts.

After leaving Morgana buys a few things from various shops before they decide to head back home. "Ok lets get back to the house its time for the ritual." Morgana says excited.

When we get home Morgana immediately makes for the basement telling Arthur to wait until she calls him.

An Hour later she calls me down to the basement, well its more like a dungeon with the cells and shackles on the walls. The place gives Arthur this eerie feeling, if possible he'd rather not come down here.

Arthur walks towards the center of the basement as he gets closer to the center he notices a big metal tub with a terrifying red liquid boiling within it. His grandmother is standing next to the tub, throwing things inside of it. "Grandmother whats going on?" Arthur asks a little scared.

"Don't worry Arthur, what I need you to do is to get undressed and get in the tub." Morgana orders.

Arthur swallows his rising fears and does as she orders. Arthur trusts her completely that's why he doesn't mind doing as he was told.

"Ok Arthur this is going to hurt, I'm sorry my sweet boy but it has to happen in order for you to become strong." Morgana says with a hint of regret in her tone and tears lacing her eyes.

So Arthur slowly climbs into the tub naked as the day he was born.

The liquid feels nice and soothing on his skin.

Suddenly Morgana starts chanting in a language Arthur has never heard before. Arthur feels the water starting to get warmer and warmer. Suddenly a terrible pain invades Arthur's whole body, he feels like he's being ripped apart from the inside out. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Arthur cannot contain his screams of agony.

Please little Arthur endure it. Morgana thinks to herself worried.

Arthur's screaming goes on for 5 hours before it finally stops due to him passing out from the pain.

Morgana overlooks her grandchilds body already seeing some changes. His body is slightly muscular then before. He's also grown a few inches taller and his skin has gotten way smoother, making him more adorable then before. Morgana can't help but feel there's this sort of etheral beauty to Arthur now.

That should be due to his fairy bloodline awakening. Morgana thinks to herself.

The ritual Arthur just went through is called the awakening ritual. A ritual used to awaken ones bloodline. Arthur has awoken three bloodlines, his Le Fay bloodline, his Pendragon bloodline and his Peverell bloodline. His Le Fay bloodline will cause magical creatures to be kinder to him and also allows him to communicate with them. His Pendragon bloodline will enhance his physical abilities to the peak of what a human is capable. His Peverell bloodline will ensure that magic loves him, meaning it will be easier for Arthur to learn magic.

Morgana looks down at her adorable sleeping grandchild, she pulls him out of the tub and wraps him in a towel. She looks at him lovingly before leaning down and gently kisses his cheek.

You'll become a great wizard Arthur of that I am sure. Morgana thinks to herself while looking lovingly at Arthur as she strokes his cheek.

Morgana then carries Arthur upstairs and places him in his bed.

"Sweet dreams little Arthur." Morgana smiles at him before closing the door allowing Arthur to recover from his grueling ritual.

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