5 First Mission

At Hargeon. I said " hmm the mission writes that the person who wrote this mission is in a place called Misty Forest but in the anime there's no Misty Forest guess I'll just have to ask somebody" and then I asked a guard about the place but what they said was " I don't know kid" and then i just follow the road and then I accidentally knocked somebody and then he said "hey watch it brat " and then he looked at me and said " what's a brat doing in a place like this" and then looked at the paper and asked " hey are you going to go to do this mission kid " I said "yeah" and then he said " do you even know where Misty Forest is " he asked while smiling and then I said " no" then he said "then why are you doing the quest if you don't know where it is" because it's gonna be a 10 year quest next week and why are you doing it without knowing the place" and then I thought about something and said " are you the one that put the mission on" and then he said "yes I was the one who put the mission"

I said " so..... hey mister can you please tell me where is the place so I can go there" and then the mister said " I am not gramps I am john and ok sure but if you get killed it's not my fault that I didn't warned you" john then tells me the place and then what I see is a 30 tall cave. I said " is this the place" John said " yeah that's the place" I said " thanks old man " he angrily said "i'm not an old man you little brat" while making an angry face I said " yeah yeah what ever O.L.D.M.A.N" and then i laugh and run inside the cave as I saw two Rivers on right and the left of the cave.'well he didn't tell me which one before he leaves so im a pick it my self' he said in his mind and then he picked the left one 'well if its right or wrong I just need to do it twice right?' he thought but oh how wrong he was. as he was walking inside the cave he saw it was separated to three path and he choose the middle path. after walking through inside he was a little confused why was there nothing here and then he hears something below him he was thinking a little and then the ground below him broke and he fall in a pit full of mobs that was looking at him like he was stupid and charge at him without thinking and then he was a little confused and then fight them. after they were defeated he was exhausted to even look at the loot he got and at least made a camp fire with some coal in pit after he has recovered a little he looked around and finds something.
