
Counting your lucky stars

The veil of darkness is heavy in the night, and the heavy onslaught of rain pouring down does little to discern the thoughts of private detective Richards.

"You should just walk away from this anytime now, Richard." A man in his late twenties said while twirling a cigar in his mouth.

The heavy rain poured down on both men, they were standing in an undisclosed alleyway but both men were on the same payroll.

"Christian, this case is more than both of us, if we don't work together we might just both end up dead." Richard said with a bleak expression.

Richard looked up at the clouds as it poured down, somewhere above the clouds were stars. He knew after tonight, it'd be a small chance he could see the stars again.

Richard was contempt with his life, sure he was an unmarried detective, but for Richard he'd hit the mark when he got the job of his dreams.

In a hoarse voice Richard said "I know where the place is, might as well count your lucky stars today. Might be the last time you can."

Richard signalling Christian to follow, both men in heavy trench coats walk out of the alley and drive into the red light district of the city. "Ya sure this is where they're at?" Christian asked but already knew the answer to.

Christian had been on the case longer than Richard had, but always fell short of a few unnoticed clues. Richard looking at Christian with a face of fierceness and confidence said "no" in a deep voice.

"We just need to send him a message, and they'll come."

Richard started walking towards a gentlemen club called "Majestic Destiny". Richard walked in nonchalantly, and not disturbing the bouncers at the door with Christian following closely to boot.

The Gentlemen's club was hot and stunk of perfume, the exotic dancers on the poles with seductive smiles all made this place a smear on this city. Richard found a remote seat in the corner and sat down, with Christian across from him.

A waiter comes by and asks whether the 2 men would like a drink, Richard leans to the waiter and says "Get you boss" in a low tone, and passed him a medallion. When the waiter received the medallion his face flushed and he started sweating and he fumbled backwards before he sprinted to his bosses suite.

Seeing a bloodied waiter crawling out of the suite. A menacing man walks out and yells out "WHICH ONE OF YOU HAVE CALLED FOR ME?" his anger was aptly justified, as he just figured out his right hand man was murdered.

Richard tilted his hat down and said "I've come here to make a deal." His voice was cool and confident.

The man who walked out had blood shot eyes and was fuming. "Bastard you better have a good excuse if you want to die faster." He walked towards Richard and grabbed him by his trench coat. "ah, about this. Put me down and sit down before I blow your ass into next Tuesday." taking off his coat to reveal a bomb vest. His finger was on the switch showing that he was not afraid to do this.

Looking at the bombs the man who was holding Richard up let him down before sitting down. "Now, I want to know where they are." Richard said while holding up the switch for his vest. A body guard behind the man put his hand in his suit reaching for his gun, but Christian had the barrel of his gun on the body guard's temple "I'd think twice if I were you."

"Why do you want to know? You're asking for a death wish if you want to oppose them!" The man shouted. "I'll have you dead before you even lick their boots-" before the boss man could finish his sentence his body guard was shot in his temple with his eyes bulging and his brain being splattered outside his head. When everyone in the gentlemen club heard the gunshot they fled and started screaming.

Getting some blood on him, Richard wiped the blood off himself. "Either talk of you will have the same fate as him. Except slower." Richard slowly said as if he were talking to a baby. "They will kill you so there's no p-" again before the boss man could finish his sentence he was pistol whipped by Christian knocking a few teeth out. "Shut the fuck up!" Christian shouted at the boss man. Christian remembering some of the old CIA torture methods. He thought of water boarding, and smiled

"Hey big man wanna go for a swim?"

Before the boss man could get up out of his chair, he was shot in the thigh and knee cap, rendering him crippled, and before he could retaliate with his hands he was handcuffed.

The boss man was withering in pain as he hollered and whined.

With Christian going to the bar, Richard still sitting down asks again "where are they?" The boss man was in a daze, he was relaxing before and now he's laying on the floor being interogated by 2 nobody's.

Bang! bang!

2 gunshots reverberated from the front of the gentlemen club, the 2 bouncers sitting outside were killed clueless. Taking one of the bloodied bouncers shirts, he went to the bar and grabbed a bucket and filled it with water. and went to the boss man and Richard.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way." Richard chuckled .

Throwing the shirt at the boss man's face, Christian started to pour water onto the boss man's face. Imitating the illusion of drowning. The boss man was chocking for air, when the shirt was lifted up. "Can you talk now?" Christian said with a grave smile. "yeah... They're in the capital they have a small building... that's all I was told." The shirt was once again thrown onto the boss man's face with more water inbound. But this time apparently drowning him wasn't enough as Christian started beating down on the bosses face. When Christian removed the shirt once more he was missing teeth and had a greatly crooked nose he was bleeding everywhere on his face and he had one eye closed with the other eye semi- closed he was beaten black and blue halfway to death.

"We're done here." Richard commanded

"Aye me too Richard" said Christian after he got off of the boss man. The boss man thought the heavens look down upon him and let him live.

When the pair of private detective walked out it was still pouring. When they got to their car Richard hit his switch. The boss man was closing his eyes to rest for the night as he was beaten bloody. When he closed his eyes The gentlemen club and him were swallowed in a firery inferno as it exploded leveling the whole building in fire and ash.

Elmo will come l8er after some useless noir type stuff. xoxo - Yours Truly

Diivine_soupcreators' thoughts