
Night of the Fight.

Rias' rating game went as predicted, Sona had invited me to watch. She, admittedly, did well for her first rating game before losing. In fact, the only reason Riser won was because of his queen and himself. The rest of his peerage wasn't great and he ignored his supposed strategist, who was also his sister.

"Well, that went as well as it could have gone." Sona commented.

"Yeah. I suppose I had better get dressed for a fancy shmancy ball shouldn't I?" I asked.

"Well, Serafall got you a suit already. Tsubaki can you fetch it and bring it to the student council room? Would you like to watch something before getting ready?" Sona asked me.

"Sure, whatever you want." I supplied.

It was a little awkward after our date, but we quickly fell back into pace with each other... and went out again as friends yesterday to a museum.

Time flew and soon Sona and Serafall were locked arms with me, satisfied smirks on their lips. Both Sona and Serafall were in a blue one piece dress, with the difference that Serafall's had a split down the side and flowed to her ankles where Sona's just went to below the knee. My suit complemented the both of theirs.

"So is the plan to make it seem like I'm Sona's date?" I asked amused.

"Yes, do you mind?." Sona asked, not meeting my eyes.

"No, I'd be glad to go with either of you two amazing ladies. But won't it cause troubles?" I asked.

"Well yes, but actually no. We're going to have to reveal that you bested Sona at chess, of course everyone will expect you to be betrothed, something the old devils will detest. But then I will be threading through, droppin that isn't actually the case and arrogantly state the clause wasn't betrothal but the right to try and court, pacifying them. Then if they feel like they want to make trouble you beat out an 'immortal' noble devil in a straightforward duel and scare off a lot of people, then during that I let others know you're protected and tomorrow I finish with the execution." Serafall brightly answered. "Now, let's go."

A bright blue glow lit up the floor and we were teleported to the underworld. Satan privilege or what?

When we entered the ball room all eyes turned to us and murmuring started. We initially made our way to the buffet.

"Right, I'll leave you both for a while. So-tan, take care of the weak human boy now." Serafall chuckled "Ronald, behave." Serafall leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving though Sona glared a little.

"Ara Ara, Ronald-kun, you made Rias, Koneko, and Kiba cry you know." Akeno's voice said from behind me.

"I made no-one cry Himejima-san." I answered as Sona and I turned to find Rias's peerage, even Issei.

"You couldn't have just helped?" Akeno asked a little bitterly.

"Akeno-chan why are you all here? Ah, Sona-chan how are you?" an older brunette version of Rias appeared behind Akeno.

"I am well Lady Gremory, this is my date for the evening. Ronald Mallory. How have you been?" Sona introduced.

"Ah, so you're the one Koneko-chan talks so well of. I suppose it would have been nice to meet you were it not for my son. I can only thank you for helping for my daughter regardless... and thank you for what you did." Lady Gremory

"Lady Gremory, a pleasure to meet you. Koneko-chan, nice to see you again. Are you and your family well?" I asked softly, surprising most of them.

"We'll be okay Senpai... Thank you for making him tell us." Koneko bowed, tears in her eyes.

I placed my hand on her head and ruffled her hair a little, letting some soothing life-energy warm my hand a little.

"It's not a problem, but honestly I don't even know what he did. Just kind of guessed it wasn't good from overhearing Serafall-san's angry ranting that night. I won't ask what exactly happened, but if you need someone distant to the whole incident, my door is open." I offered.

I wasn't prepared for Koneko latching around me in a hug, and controlled the water coming from her eyes so it wouldn't ruin her makeup.

"C-can you teach me Senjutsu Ronald-Senpai?" Koneko asked quietly as I patted her head, not questioning the cat-ears that had popped up... for now.

"Sure, let's talk at school and find times good for the both of us." I offered and she nodded before stepping back to the side of an astonished Lady Gremory.

"Thank you." Koneko said quietly.

"It's no problem." I smiled.

"Ladies and Gentleman, may I, Riser Phenex, present to you my bride, Rias Gremory!" Riser announced loudly as a screech and flames lit up the main stage to reveal Rias in a very fancy white wedding dress to the applause of the crowd.

"I suppose that is my queue then." I said "Save me a dance Sona-chan. This shouldn't take long."

I walked unnoticed up to the front of the stage.

"Wow, if it isn't the fried chicken. I'm surprised you did so badly against Rias considering you're a renowned ratings game player with a full peerage and years of experience whilst she played with an incomplete peerage with no experience whatsoever. I mean by the end it was you, your queen, and your bishop against Rias and her pawn. Terrible performance really." I mocked. It was fun pretending to be arrogant.

"Who dares? You human waste, what do you even know?" Riser scoffed as he looked at me.

"I know you're not worth the air you breathe. Well, you might make good work with air balloons with all the hot air you spout." I chuckled.

"I'll crisp you right now." Riser gritted his teeth and a fireball formed in his hands.

"Now now Riser-kun, that's no fun at all. You know, I was thinking this party was rather boring. We should spice it up a little." Serafall chirped as a cool wind put out Risers fire. "You see, nothing Ron-kun said was wrong. You really were kind of pathetic in that game. So I propose one last game. A duel between you and him. If you win, I'll give you a year's worth of my profit but if he wins, Rias is freed of her marriage. What does everyone think?"

A loud murmur of agreement sounded throughout the crowd.

"Ha! you just want to give me money and the satisfaction of killing this human. Very well Satan Leviathan. Get an arena set up." Riser arrogantly scoffed and stormed off as Rias walked up to me.

"Gremory-san, how are you tonight?" I asked.

"I'm fine Ronald..." Rias answered somewhat unsurely.

"Yeah. I suppose you aren't quite pleased with me right now. I'll not take up your time." I said with a small smile.

"Wait." Rias said and grabbed my suits elbow gently. "I just, I'm sorry for my brother Ronald. I truly am. I was thinking, maybe after all this, we could try and be friends maybe?" She asked nervously.

"We could try Gremory-san, but I won't promise you anything." I answered. "If you'll excuse me, I promised Sona a dance."

"Of course. Sorry to keep you." Rias answered.

"If you think you can hurt Riser by taking Riser off guard like last time you are sorely mistaken human. Riser is going to torture you in front of all his peers and then then kill you. None of Riser's people would complain." Riser arrogantly and idiotically monologged.

"Suuure. Good luck." I answered, preferring to enjoy looking at the floating arena sub-space. this was well beyond my current understanding. Maybe I should ask for more magic books.

"Alright, This is your host Serafall Leviathan. Duelists, get ready, get set, Go!" Serafall announced

"Burn!" Riser announced as he launched fireballs at me while thrusting his hips forward. It was ridiculous. I decided to summon my strange pale life-energy water and shot small bullets of water, countering the the fireballs simply.

"You seem to be having performance issues lately Mr Phenex, if I were Rias I'd worry about even being able to have children with your issues." I said, forcing a worried expression onto my face.

"You bitch! Riser doesn't have performance issues. Rargh!" Riser began building up a giant ball of fire which I quickly countered causing it to collapse at a humorous moment. I walked up to him swiftly and patted his shoulders.

"Don't worry, it happens to many people." I consoled.

Riser shouted and swung at me as I took a step back. He was yelling as he tried to summon another ball of fire only for nothing to happen.

"Right, well, I was enjoying dancing with Sona-chan and acquiesced to a dance with each of her peerage and Koneko as well." I said and simply punched his jaw. Riser dropped like lead. "Well, I think we're done here Sera-chan!" I called upwards.

"And there we have it folks! Riser Phenex has been defeated by the human Ronald Mallory! Now, they'll be teleported back momentarily but allow me to happily announce, and to answer the incessant questions about the human at this party, that Mr Mallory was able to defeat my sister Sona in a game of chess. Now, time to teleport back~." Serafall's happy voice

I was greeted with Sona and Rias with their peerage's. "Right, so that's done. Now, how was the show?"

"It was fun. How did you negate his fireballs like that?" Rias asked.

"Compressed water bullet in the core and expanded." Sona giddily explained. "I wanted to see more of your water skills though. Like your water dragon or the dome of water blades."

"Fufufu, Sona wants to see your dragon Ronald-kun." Akeno teased, causing Sona's face to redden.

"And there goes the nice atmosphere. congratulations Himejima-san." I said.

"Thank you." Akeno beamed.

"Right, I believe it was Tsubaki's turn for a twirl." Momo redirected, pulling Tsubaki and I out of the small room. In the end I wound up dancing with Sona and her peerage, Rias and hers, as well as Sona and Serafall before the night was done.