16 Chapter 16: Arriving at West city

After finishing of taking a bath I go check the fish and I see its almost being eaten by a fox who was passing by and probably found the smell of the fish good.

I then turning mad seeing that my food was about to be stolen step on the ground with enough strength to create a loud noise since I was wearing shoes and break the stone on the ground I was stepping on marking it with my foot and scream at the fox even surprising myself due to the loudness, "GO GET YOUR OWN FOOD YOU DAMNED FOX OR I'LL SKIN YOU AND MAKE A SOUP OUT OF YOU!''

After hearing such a loud noise it first looked at the origin and then when it heard the absolutely deafening scream it ran away scared to the core, ''Damn it, I ripped my shoe'' I say after noticing the bottom of my shoe had been ripped apart by the force and speed I hit the ground with.

''Welp, Not much I can do now I'll just go eat the fish and get ready to run again since if I remember correctly I must be near West city.'' I say with a annoyed face after realizing I would have to run without one of my shoes, ''Guess I'll just run without it anyways, Not like it would hurt me stepping in any stick or rock or some shard of glass that would surely rip a normal person's feet'' I say throwing my shoes away into the wild while rolling my eyes.

After eating the fish which was to say, Even more delicious than on my past life I get ready and start running after checking if I needed something else aside from my clothes and begin running towards West city

After 3 consecutive hours running I start seeing the outskirts of West city an enormous city with houses looking like spheres the size of skyscrapers and other circular or cube like skyscrapers but some tinnier buildings as well.

After a bit more of time of running I start walking when I reach the city and notice a lot of people walking around the streets, 'must admit althrough strange the architecture in this wolrd is this is quite admirable' I think while gawking at the city like someone who's never been to one before.

Then reality comes in and my mind reminds me of my probable laughing stock looks of wearing no shoes or anything to cover my feet, 'Guess I'll just need to somehow get money to buy some slippers or new shoes.' I remark while then and only then remembering I have brought no money with me.

I then mentally facepalm myself while on the outside look people would just see me with a expressionless face while standing still, 'Welp, Time to find some way to getting money with my abilities shouldn't be too hard I guess?'

After walking fast for quite a while about half a hour on I found my opportunity seeing a lot of people together on the street as if there was an commotion which brought my attention when I get close to the people I can't see well because there are lot of people on the way I just start moving fast between the people while seeing people in almost slow motion appearing as if a shadow just passed close to them.

When I pass through some people that were on my way I see what they are looking, A fight between martial artists, One of the crane school and another which I do not recognise and the later is actually winning flawlessly.

And when the latter is victorious another person comes and say ''Anyone who can beat my friend here will win 50 thousand Zeni!, The price free to trying to fight him is 1000 Zeni.'', Then I see the crane student who by himself wasn't that weak by a human standards about 15 battlepower admiting defeat and giving him the money.

''So anyone wants to give a try at defeating me?'' Says the Martial artist being quite proud of himself for being strong, Then noticing its time for me to step up and win the easy money I then say ''Me, I am gonna fight you.''

I then hear, ''Don't go boy!, You'll only end up harming yourself, That guy is very strong you might not have been here to see but I was!'' Someone tries to advise me not to fight the guy, ''Don't worry thanks for the worry through. I'll fight anyways.'' I say while walking towards the Martial artist who just eyes me up and says, ''Are you sure?, You might get hurt I am not gonna hold back against you.''

I just nod and he gets on his fighting stance and says, ''You'll have to pay the entry fee anyways if you lose through you really want to continue this?'', ''Yeah, Lets go.'' I say with a carefree face, Althrough it may be quite similar to when Goku fought Bruce Lee but it isn't the same person since even the price of winning is different.

The person who manages the entry fee then just smiles and I notice it,'He is probably thinking he would be getting free Zeni from me, How fun would it be to him to know I do not even have a single Zeni on me tsk.' I think while clicking my tongue and he just starts counting.

When he says ''Go!'' The Martial artist had move quite quick and dashes right as the fight starts and tries to punch me I who was FAR. Stronger than this guy merely seen him in almost slow motion I grab his arm and atleast have the decence to not just pull an Omni Man piercing this man's chest in and just punch in his stomach with enough power to make him unconcious, ''Well, That was as expected.'' I say looking at the unconcious man I am holding and I just place him on the ground slowly after all I was still holding his arm.

I then turn myself and see the crowd shocked at my strength and speed and I smile towards the entry fee manager who is genuinely scared and just while extending his hand shakily holding the stack of 50 thousand Zeni which I just grab hastily from his hand and say while smilling, ''Thanks for the money kind sir, Good luck next time for both of you'' I just leave then after seeing the crowd has made passage for me.

'Damn is it good to be powerfull, Sucks to not have been even half as strong as this on Earth, But its better to not cry over spilled milk since if I had been this strong on past Earth I would probably be on a research table being cut in pieces at this point.' I think smilling while grabbing my ''hard'' earned money.
