
Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Disclaimer?: The purpose of author in this AU was to make it similar to Future Trunks timeline, where in this timeline only Goten was a survivor and the world was without hope. Since it's Goten's story, it starts with few years after Cell saga. If it was Trunks story, it would start with few years after Android saga. ........................... Synopsis: .......................... It has been three years since Jiang Hui transmigrated to the world of Dragon Ball. His soul merged and took over the body of a four year old Goten . After transmigrating, he realized that the timeline he was in was f*cked up. All the Z-fighters died at the hands of Cell in the Cell Games and now were refusing to be resurrected for some reason. He was the only warrior left to protect the earth if one ignored the dead beat old man Roshi and little bald head Krillin. In desperation, not wanting to die, he trained desperately for three years and mastered the full power of Super Saiyan transformation, but still struggled to break through to Super Saiyan II. Just when Goten feels extremely frustrated about not being able to break through to Super Saiyan II, and is ready to accept his grim fate, a system notification rings in his mind. His golden finger, a god-level attribute picking system, finally appeared after three years of transmigration. The system activates and issues a novice gift package Ultra Instinct - Sign. This newfound power might be the key to defeating Cell and protecting the Earth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, I have been working on this fanfic for a while and finally decided to share it with you guys. This is a translated work, but I have made sure to filter out all the kinks and unpleasant name mistakes and other errors from it. But since it's my first translation work, it might be a bit lacking. I will be uploading the whole work, at the moment of upload, I have around 50 chapters left which I need to work on, and then re-refine the previously done chapters before uploading. Basically I have to re-read 3 times before uploading to make sure there aren't some discrepancies. For the curious fellas out there wondering what's the chinese raws: Name: 我!孙悟天,开局奖励自在极意功 English translation would be: I! Son Goten, Starting With The Secret of the Self-centered Sign By author: 赛亚龙珠 English translation would be: Saiyan in Dragon Ball You don't have to worry about me dropping mid way. And once the final touches are done, I might speed up the upload rate to finish the work here. I am a student, so sometimes, my real life work might interfere with my upload rate. But dontchu worry :D I got you guys. Doing this work, I learned that translation was hard work. Took over an hour and half to refine a single chapter, that too when i was just refining the stuff, before uploading have to re-read it twice to make sure everything is in order... 0_0 Kudos to those kind strangers for giving us those gems. (GPT doesn't count, it fuc*s up the feel of the chapter that one would get by working on it himself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan on negatively reviewing this book, please do so after reading till 50 or 60 chapters (You can skim read it). Because I know that some readers might have nothing but negative reviews due to early plot development lol. Those unpleasant developments get a closure around chapter 63 or 68 (I think).

Clay_Champion · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

I Have Been Waiting For You, Evil Buu

Across the battlefield, the scattered pink fragments on the ground began to reassemble, taking on the form of Majin Buu.

His small eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, glowing with a menacing scarlet light.

Woo woo woo~

Steam hissed from Majin Buu's head, reminiscent of a pressure cooker reaching its peak. The white steam condensed rapidly, forming a cloud-like structure above him.

This cloud seemed to possess a life of its own, squirming wildly like a lump of clay.

As it writhed, the cloud began to morph into a humanoid shape.

"What… what's happening?" Krillin watched the spectacle unfold, his voice laced with surprise. The steam expelled from Majin Buu was transforming into a humanoid form. Each new development was stranger and more terrifying than the last.

Shin and Kibito were equally baffled, shaking their heads in confusion.

Amidst the collective astonishment and uncertainty, the white cloud fully transformed into a figure. It bore a resemblance to Majin Buu, but its physique and skin tone were drastically different.

The newly formed entity had dark skin and a lean build. His eyes lacked the benignity of Majin Buu, replaced with an unparalleled malevolence…

This sight left Krillin and Shin utterly bewildered.

Meanwhile, Majin Buu stared at his skinny counterpart, his expression one of puzzlement.

"I've been waiting for you…" Goten sneered, understanding the situation better than anyone else.

When Majin Buu was consumed by rage, the evil within him would separate and form Skinny Buu. The fat Majin Buu standing before him was now benevolent, while Skinny Buu was the embodiment of pure evil.

Unlike the fat Majin Buu, this one harbored no kindness in his heart. He was composed entirely of malevolence.

As Goten finished speaking, he vanished, reappearing directly in front of Skinny Buu. A silver energy ball quickly formed in his palm.

Before Skinny Buu could react, the energy ball struck him squarely in the forehead.

"You… have no right to exist!!" Goten's voice was chillingly indifferent as the energy wave erupted forth.


Skinny Buu didn't have a chance to react. Accompanied by a piercing scream, his body was gradually consumed by the energy.

In the blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air.

Although Majin Buu possessed an extraordinary regenerative ability, if all his cells were obliterated instantaneously by an overwhelming power, he would be unable to resurrect.

Simultaneously, a notification echoed in Goten's mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring Majin Buu's super regeneration ability! ]

Goten remained composed, as if he had anticipated this outcome.

"My… Majin Buu!!" Babidi was utterly dumbfounded. "Impossible! How did that brat kill my Majin Buu in an instant?"

He had believed that once Majin Buu was revived, he would be able to rule the entire universe. But he hadn't expected Majin Buu to perish less than half an hour after breaking the seal.

This brat had actually killed another Majin Buu!

And the current Majin Buu was clearly no match for him. It was highly likely that he would meet the same fate.

Dabura had ceased fighting a while ago. At this moment, he was trembling with fear. The boy in front of him was far too powerful. They knew that he possessed the strength to annihilate them in an instant.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: to escape this perilous place as quickly as possible. His intuition warned them that if they continued to stay here, they would meet a dead end.

"Babidi-sama, we must leave immediately!" Dabura whispered urgently to Babidi. "Majin Buu doesn't stand a chance against that boy. If we linger here any longer, we will be killed."

As long as they escaped, they would have a chance to make a comeback in the future.

"But… my Majin Buu." Babidi hesitated. He had just released Majin Buu from his seal. Was he to abandon him now?

But it seemed they had no other choice. Only if Majin Buu held them off for a while would they have a chance to escape.

"All right!" Babidi finally made up his mind after a moment of struggle. "Let's go…"

The decision was painful, but it was better than dying here. The two of them turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

"Do you think you can just leave?" Goten's voice was laced with indifference as he watched Babidi attempt to flee. He then used Kai Kai to appear directly in front of the duo.

"You… what do you want to do?" Babidi and Dabura were instantly terrified. They knew all too well that they were like ants before the boy standing in front of them. They stood no chance against him.

"Me? I'm merely sending you to hell." Goten's tone remained indifferent. "I believe hell is a more fitting place for scum like you."

Although these three were minor characters and their strength was laughably weak, if they were allowed to escape and wreak havoc elsewhere, other planets might suffer.

After all, Dabura could be considered a top-tier existence on other planets.

"Stop being so arrogant, brat. Don't think that you have the ability to kill me!" Dabura felt his dignity being trampled upon. He spat at Goten.

In the eyes of others, this might be him acting roguish! But Goten and Shin were very clear that this guy's saliva was different from ordinary saliva. If it made contact with the body, it would cause instant petrification.

"Goten!! Watch out for Dabura's spit." Shin warned immediately.

However, his warning was unnecessary. Dabura's saliva vaporized before it could touch the aura flames surrounding Goten's body.


Goten clenched his fists, his aura flaring up. In the next instant, the bodies of Dabura and Babidi disintegrated under the terrifying energy.

"Uh… It seems that my warning was a bit redundant…" Shin said, slightly embarrassed. He then turned his gaze to Majin Buu. Now, all that was left was to deal with Majin Buu and everything would be settled.


So, how will they deal with Majin Buu?


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