
Reviews of Reborn in DC


Reborn in DC


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



This shameless 3-star review is to say that the story has been rewritten (Again, sorry) because I'm an idiot who ruined it last time. I'll make the character smarter this time and have him not be bipolar as heck. Again, I apologize for the sudden change, but after reading the reviews and consulting myself I decided to change up the story. He won't have the advantage of money, or power out of the gate, he'll be a normal slime - If that's a thing - and he'll have to work for power, no shortcuts for this slime. Thank you if you continue to read the book and let me know if you have an suggestions. Join the Discord if you want. Code is PawRYvp

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