
Reborn In DC Universe With The Dice System

Miles Brown's life takes a dramatic turn when he is killed by his vengeful girlfriend, only to awaken in the DC universe as an eighteen-year-old college student. Initially thrilled but soon disillusioned by the lack of superpowers, Miles's mundane existence is shattered on his 18th birthday by the mysterious arrival of The Dice System. This enigmatic force offers him a chance to attain powers and personas from a pool of DC's mightiest abilities and iconic characters. The Dice System challenges Miles with tasks that unlock new abilities and characters, altering his physical form and capabilities. As he navigates this power, Miles seeks to balance his aspirations for heroism with his desires for fame, admiration, beauties and a lavish lifestyle. His unconventional methods draw both ire and intrigue from DC's established heroes and villains alike. _____________ Disclaimer: Contains mature content. MC wil also go through a lot of character development.

TimVic · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Dice System

Miles spent his first few weeks in the DC universe in a blur of desperation and hope. Each morning, he'd wake up and attempt something new, convinced that somewhere within him lay dormant powers just waiting to be discovered.

He tried everything from jumping off the low roof of his dorm building (landing with a painful thud), to attempting to run at super speed down the athletics track (only to be overtaken by a jogging freshman), and even sitting in a bathtub trying to manipulate water (which ended with nothing more than pruny fingers and a cold).

"Come on, God wouldn't just drop me here with the superheroes and leave me as the only dude without a cape or tights, right?" he muttered to himself after another unsuccessful attempt to move objects with his mind.

His daily life resumed its mundane rhythm. He attended classes, where he half-listened to lectures while his thoughts wandered to what superpowers would suit him best.

At the campus board game club, he played the role of a strategist in *Settlers of Catan*, which was as close as he got to feeling in control of any kind of power.

His part-time job at the superstore was equally uneventful. "Beep. Beep. Bag. Smile. Repeat," he droned, mechanically scanning groceries as he daydreamed about fighting alongside Batman or trading witty banter with Flash. He returned each evening to an empty dorm room since Ron, always the life of the party, rarely came back before sunrise.

Miles felt invisible in a world that celebrated the extraordinary. He saw superheroes on every channel, saving the day in ways he could only dream of. "Must be nice," he sighed one evening, watching Superman save a cruise ship on the brink of capsizing.

"So my retribution for cheating on Tanya is being stuck as an ordinary person in an extraordinary world ~sigh~" Miles couldn't even feel sorry for himself.

He felt he was to blame but at the same time how could Tanya expect him not to fuck around when there were so many beautiful girls with perfect asses who wanted him.

Of course, he wanted to taste them all.

From white to ebony to short to tall to busty to creamy to curvy to flat.

Now that he had arrived in a superhero world where thick girls in tights and shiny capes existed... where some of his wildest fantasies could become reality, God decided he wasn't going to get any superpower.

'Not fair Kami Sama. This is torture. Well I guess no sinner goes unpunished.'

His eighteenth birthday arrived without much fanfare. Three weeks into his DC universe adventure and nothing had changed—until that morning. As he was leaving for class, a shimmering notification hovered in his line of sight:

**[ You Have Unlocked The Dice System ]**.

"What the—?" Miles blinked. The message hung in the air, glowing with potential. His heart raced as he tapped the air, half-expecting it to be a figment of his imagination. Instead, a virtual interface sprang to life, displaying options he had only seen in video games.

"Dice System? Is this like Jumanji? Because I swear, if a rhino charges at me next, I'm done," he joked aloud, though the thrill of hope was palpable in his voice.

As Miles stared at the shimmering notification of The Dice System, his mind raced.

[ Roll the dice to either attain an ability for a limited time frame or become a character ]the message displayed, each word embedding itself in his consciousness.

A cube appeared in his grasp which he stared at in disbelief.

The simple cube with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 etched on its faces seemed almost laughably simplistic for something that promised such profound transformations.

"Abilities and characters?" he muttered, prompting another panel to materialize before his eyes. The options displayed were nothing short of a comic book enthusiast's dream:

**» Abilities «**

**< Gorilla Grodd Intelligence >**

**< Superman's Laser >**

**< Catwoman Reflexes >**

< Locked >

< Locked >

< Locked >


**» Characters «**

**< Lex Luthor >**

**< Oliver Queen >**

**< Plastic Man >**

< Locked >

< Locked >

< Locked >


His jaw dropped. Each name and ability was iconic, a direct pull from the pages of the comics he'd devoured since he was a kid. "This is insane," he whispered, half-expecting someone to jump out and tell him it was all a prank. But the dorm room remained still, the only movement the slight flutter of his curtains in the breeze.

The system then outlined the terms of use: each ability or character transformation could only be held for a specific time, followed by a cooldown period. It was like something out of a video game, and the gravity of what this could mean sent a thrill through him.

Deciding to embrace the surreal opportunity, Miles declared, "Let's test this out," his voice a mix of nervousness and excitement. He shook the dice in his hand, the clack of the singular cube echoing in the quiet room. He tossed it onto his desk, watching intently as it rolled to a stop.

The dice displayed the number 3.

**[ Catwoman Reflexes Has Been Activated ]**

"Catwoman, huh?" he chuckled. "Guess it's time to see if I can land on my feet."

With a newfound agility, he moved towards the balcony. His body responded with an unfamiliar, fluid grace. At the doorway, he hesitated for a moment before leaping. To his astonishment, he found himself easily bounding from wall to wall, his movements slick and assured, much like the famed feline anti-heroine.

In no time, he reached the rooftop, his heart pounding not just from the exertion but from the sheer exhilaration of the experience. He stood there, looking out over the campus, feeling a part of something much larger than himself. "I'm really doing this," he laughed breathlessly, the sound carrying away into the wind.

He spent the next hour exploring his new capabilities. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, marveling at the ease with which he could maneuver.

The city lights blurred beneath him as he moved with a precision and speed he had never known. This was it. He was not just a bystander in this world of heroes anymore; he was part of it, if only for a moment.

As the ability's time limit approached, he felt a slight twinge of regret. With graceful leaps, he returned to his dorm room just as the agility faded, leaving him with a normal human's balance. He nearly stumbled over his chair, catching himself on the desk.

"Back to normal, I guess," he sighed, the thrill of the night leaving a lingering sense of power in his limbs. He couldn't help but think about what other adventures awaited him with the other abilities and characters. The potential was intoxicating.

As he sat back down, he pondered the implications. The Dice System was not just a tool for amusement—it was a responsibility. What he chose to do with these abilities could define his place in this new world. Could he really be the hero he had always dreamed of being, get fame, get the girl, even if it was just for an hour at a time? The thought was daunting yet thrilling.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Ron, looking disheveled as usual after another night out. "Dude, you missed another killer party," Ron said, flopping onto his bed.

"Yeah, had my own... um, things to handle," Miles replied, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

Ron raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. "Well, if you ever wanna join, you know where to find the cool kids."

"Thanks, man. Maybe next time," Miles responded, his mind already racing with the possibilities that tonight had opened up. He had a feeling that the "next time" would be quite different for him.

As he lay in bed later that night, staring at the ceiling, the dice resting on his nightstand, he couldn't help but think about what the future held. With a tool like The Dice System at his fingertips, the possibilities were endless. Tomorrow, he might be a genius like Lex Luthor or a skilled archer like Oliver Queen. Tonight, he had been as agile as Catwoman.