
Reborn in Danmachi as a dragon kin

The embodiment of reincarnation gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My new life brought me to a world where gods walk amongst men, monsters roam and lots of beautiful girls. From legal loli goddesses to Demi human furry Milfs. Join Draco on his journey in Danmachi to level up to the pinnacle and revive his race with a harem. Mc looks like the Dragon from monster girl doctor anime. Just that a guy instead of girl with curved horns, black scales and no wings. Disclaimer: I do not own the Danmachi series except the characters I created as this is a slight Au fanfic. Warning: This fiction may contain things such as Murder, thoughts of suicide and some dark descriptions of events. Release schedule: Monday to Thursday. Will post 4 chapters a week. To read up to 21 advanced chapters of Danmachi and 5 of Journey through fictional realities. Feel free to visit my pat3on to donate. www.patr3n.com/Hungrymushroom.

HungryMushroom · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 2


I screamed at the top of my lungs, as the unbearable pain was the last thing my body felt, so my mind still thought I was in pain.

Thought of how I wouldn't get to be a great sage popped into my head, weird but I felt that I had so much left to accomplish. My dream was to get a badass job and start a large family as I didn't have any, but now that dream is gone.

"Damn, it…" I muttered several times as my emotions were all over the place Causing chaos inside me. I desperately wanted to regain my composure and focus, but it felt impossible. The feeling of being overwhelmed was suffocating, and I knew I needed to take a deep breath and find a way to clear my mind, which I did, and then noticed something.

I was ok.

And I didn't seem to have any injuries at all.

As I looked around my body, I didnt see any injuries and felt no intense pain, which made no sense since I was sure that, I got pancaked by a truck. As curious as I was about my predicament, I knew I needed to calm down first taking serval deep breaths, I calmed down and looked at my surroundings. I was in an all white room sitting on a chair.

And I am not alone.

Sitting across from me guess could make guess who it was.

"Are you god".

"Yes" he immediately replied. "This is not my true form. Just a form you can relate to, so you don't implode seeing my true form". He said to me.

Looking closer at his face, he looked like a regular old guy with the beard and all. I simply nodded to his explanation.

"Alright, to put it simply you died."


"I know?" I said , it would be stupid if couldn't figure that much out, well either that or I was in dream, and based on my religion, you only meet god in visions, death and when being judged.

"Ok that makes things easy," he said, " Right now you are just a spirit, that's why you still have your memories and sense of self as the soul doesn't hold such things". I then asked what is a spirit.

The spirit is simply your sense of self, that is formed when a soul enters a body from birth. It builds and takes the current shape that is you, from the experiences that you have in life and those around you." He said while I thought on it.

'So in summary my spirit is my ego attached to the soul that inhabits my body. Did that mean my soul was not mine, is the current me just a bundle of memories and emotions tied to a soul as power source'. I kept going down a rabbit hole in theories and thoughts, I was snapped out of it by god

"Anyway don't think too much about it as now you can be reborn" he said.

"Would i be judged and be sent to either heaven or hell here?" I asked, knowing hell might be my destination, because I did commit some minor sins and all sins are equal according to the bible so, I was a bit afraid.

"Don't think too much, as I am the embodiment of the concept reincarnation. To put it simply the real gods are embodiment of concept and have existed since nothingness created something, all those other gods you know in your world are classified as deity's. They borrow our concepts as power but can never usurp it simply because they were created by the world they reside or ascended mortals. That's why they fight and act as overly emotional mortals with power. I am simply beyond such trivial things" he said. All this mind blowing information was said as if it was nothing Important. So I stopped bothering to think and not ask anything further as my meager existence couldn't take anymore.

"Hahaha don't worry, I was just bored so I will reincarnate you into a new world to spice things up. That's why you are here and not being judged by your world god" he swiftly said.

"So do I even have a choice, on what world I would go to, will I get cheats, will I keep my sense of self" I asked rapidly as just the thought of being isekaid excited me.

Going back, if that is even an option, means that I would face judgment and possibly an eternity in heaven or hell. Knowing I would probably go to hell scared me so my only real option was reincarnation.

"Hmm the world will be random, and you get to be you. Otherwise, it wouldn't be interesting. Your race is random and you only get to choose powers from a certain list that is compatible with the world. The timeline you appear in is random and your existence might change the world's destiny. Hmm, I think that last all". He said. He then snapped his fingers.

When he did a roulette wheel appeared right in front of my face. As soon as it did so, I inspected it and saw the names of several fictional worlds on it from my world.


Swing out sisters

Tensura slime





There were so many worlds listed so I asked if these are all real.

" Hmm that's a secret," he said mysteriously. Not that I minded, I mean if I live in it, it is real.

" Now then, spin the wheel?" He asked me.

" Where ever it lands, you will go". He said and I nodded in reply as I spun the wheel.

Going around, and around ...

It kept spinning for a long while and finally slowed down to a stop.

Naruto….. DXD…..HOTD and finally stopped at Danmachi.

The roulette landed on the Danmachi world which I binged an hour before my death, not whole series but just enough to let me know what I needed 'Of all the places I could end up in it's not bad. As long as I choose good powers and get an awesome race it's all good . Plus a harem might not be a dream for a virgin like me hehehe'. I thought to myself as I laughed weirdly.


The first wheel disappeared as a new one took its place. I looked through it and saw races of beings in the Danmachi world. Some I could recognize and some I couldn't. So I spun the wheel again without being told to.

It spun for a good while before slowing down.

Human… elf… dwarf…. Dungeon monster... Hume bunny….. dwarf and finally stopped in Dragon kin.

The next thing I knew the basic race details suddenly popped up on a translucent screen in front of me.

These Demi-human species are said to be descendants of dragons and elves, some say they may be part spirit, and they have incredibly long lifespans. The male is covered in scales from the shoulder up, while the front and back are made of humanoid dark skin, having large curved horns, a long reptilian flexible tail, with an elven-looking face which I found weirdly aesthetically pleasing, and also a big package down there.

While the female look like the cat demi-human, just with horns instead of animals and an elvish-looking face with a long scaly, and flexible tail. They are all extinct for unknown reasons. They tend to have bright-colored scales while males have dark-coloured ones. In summary, they look like what an elf and dragon combined would look like.

They also seem to come with varying Racial skills.

Partial transformation: Enables skill owner transform parts of the body to that of a dragon such as claws, scales, wings etc….

Return to origin: After reaching a certain level of power, one can take on the true form of a dragon.

Blessed by nature: a passive skill that grants a high affinity with nature,

Blessed by the elements: a passive skill that grants high affinity to compatible elements and grants resistance to the elements.

Enhanced senses: have heightened senses.

Enhanced reflex: can react faster.

Poison resistance: have a high tolerance to poison.

Breeding: dragons are known to be able to breed with any species and with the addition of falna can even breed a goddess.

Reading my racial skills I couldn't help but gasp in shock as this was a cheat race 'Did Danmachi even have such a race' I thought to myself as they were all extinct then it makes sense why they were not known in the series.

"Will my Racial skills be visible to the gods of that world" I asked and he replied with a simple "No" as I thought about the implications of the breeding skill.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with the appearance of another wheel showing various timelines. Since my new race is long-lived, maybe far longer than elves, I mean they are dragons. Then I could probably still be alive by canon no matter the timeline I get.

I spun the wheel and it stopped at 22 years before canon.

Though this was disappointing, it wasn't bad considering I would be starting as a kid and I wouldn't go to Orario until I was at least 16 or 17 years old , as I want to skip some of the dark period in Orario after the Zeus and Hera familia fall. So still would have 5 to 6 years before the main character comes to Orario..

"Now that the lottery's are done, time to select 3 skill perks to go with you, and don't worry. The gods of that world can't see your past life memories and though your soul would be visible to a few of them, it would look as it should. The abilities will range from racial skill, abilities that sprout from your innermost desire which glows in purple to the one's compatible with you as the rest will not show so choose wisely, but I recommend the purple coloured skill". After he said that I looked at the list of abilities and one caught my eye right away as it was glowing purple. I picked it right away as it was recommended.

After that I chose a spell grimoire as I worked with my blessing of the elements and will record the spells I learn from traditional magic and hopefully help shorten their chants or so I think. The grimoire will also grant me versatility as long as I have the mind to spare, and lastly chose charm resistance skill, as it would save me from Freya and Ishtar those scary goddesses.

With all that done the skill page closed without letting me know what the purple skill I chose does.

"What does the purple skill do" I asked god.

"Hmm, the name is called equilibrium. It forces your stats to be the same value before each level up, assuming one stat reaches its max level the other stats get a minor boost to reach the same value as the highest stat". His reply left me speechless, when I was looking through the abilities list, I couldn't find any permanent stat growth skill, but it was insane even if it wasn't broken like the worlds mc. 'But doesn't this mean I would be a jack of all trades' I couldn't help but think. Though I desired a stat boosting skill, didn't expect it to manifest like this.


It's already done so what can I do.

"So what happens next" I asked.

"Then off you go, and remember to have fun in this life". He said as he snapped his fingers and everything turned dark for me.