
Reborn in Danmachi as a dragon kin

The embodiment of reincarnation gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My new life brought me to a world where gods walk amongst men, monsters roam and lots of beautiful girls. From legal loli goddesses to Demi human furry Milfs. Join Draco on his journey in Danmachi to level up to the pinnacle and revive his race with a harem. Mc looks like the Dragon from monster girl doctor anime. Just that a guy instead of girl with curved horns, black scales and no wings. Disclaimer: I do not own the Danmachi series except the characters I created as this is a slight Au fanfic. Warning: This fiction may contain things such as Murder, thoughts of suicide and some dark descriptions of events. Release schedule: Monday to Thursday. Will post 4 chapters a week. To read up to 21 advanced chapters of Danmachi and 5 of Journey through fictional realities. Feel free to visit my pat3on to donate. www.patr3n.com/Hungrymushroom.

HungryMushroom · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 121

Snapping out of my ruminations, I hastily finished my meal, knowing it was for me to venture into the depths of the dungeon.

"First, I need to make a stop at the guild," I mumbled to myself. It was necessary to separate the loot from the dungeon dive with Tsubaki.

I believed that she would want me to keep the monster parts that dropped during our excursion.

Within moments, I completed all my tasks and was ready to depart. However, a sudden recollection dawned upon me, reminding me of the potion that Eleni had been telling me about.

'I should take a quick look before I forget again,' I thought inwardly , changing my course toward Eleni's lab.

As luck would have it, the door to the lab was locked, but as the captain of a familia, I possessed a master key that granted me access.

Unlocking the door, I was immediately greeted by the pungent aroma of herbs and potions that permeated the room. "I haven't been here since it was built," I muttered aloud, marveling at the sight before me.

Scanning the room, I observed a plethora of labeled bottles, making it easy to discern the contents of each.

With a sense of certainty, I picked up a bottle containing blue liquid. Its label revealed it to be a "Speed Potion." Curiosity piqued, I wondered if it truly had the power to enhance speed, though I knew I could only ascertain its effects by testing it firsthand.

Summoning my bravery, I gulped down a portion of the potion, confident in my resistance to poisons. Instantly, a remarkable transformation occurred. The world around me seemed to shift into slow motion, as if my reaction speed had been amplified multiple times over.

This sensation was doubly peculiar since my natural reaction speed was already quite impressive, but the potential applications of this potion were not lost on me.

However, I couldn't help but ponder the potential side effects of such a potion. Surely, something this powerful would come with its share of unpleasant ramifications.

Standing there for a while, I patiently waited for the potion's effects to dissipate. After approximately 15 minutes, the potion's potency waned. This realization made it evident that I had only consumed half the bottle, resulting in a diminished effect.

From my observations, it appeared that the potion temporarily accelerated both my thoughts and physical reactions, depending on the dosage.

However, the aftereffects were rather unpleasant, encompassing a debilitating headache, momentary sluggishness, and if the body wasn't properly trained to handle the heightened capabilities, muscle spasms and aches.

In essence, it was a potion that provided temporary enhancement but carried potential drawbacks. Strangely enough, it did not seem addictive, possibly due to the fact that I was the one who had consumed it.

"I can see this potion being misused if it falls into the wrong hands," I pondered. Additionally, the ingredients required for its creation were exorbitantly expensive, making it unlikely for the average adventurer to procure it.

Reflecting on this, I contemplated possible ways to improve the final product, perhaps by reducing the dosage for each bottle.

Sealing the potion bottle, I took a piece of paper and wrote a detailed review of my experience with the potion, leaving it in a conspicuous spot within Eleni's lab.

I believed that this potion could potentially serve as a specialty product for our familia. Satisfied with my contribution, I swiftly exited the lab and locked it securely. Thanks to my resistant nature, the side effects did not linger for long.

Returning to the manor, I retrieved my trusty dungeon bag before making my way to the guild, where I would sell the dungeon stones before going into the dungeon..

Upon arriving at the guild, I wasted no time and made my way to sell the monster cores I had collected. As for the monster parts, I had kept them at home, planning to give them to Tsubaki at a later date.

"Good morning, Rose," I greeted the receptionist with a smile.

"Good morning, Black Knight," she responded in kind.

"Black Knight?" I questioned, puzzled by the alias she used.

Rose looked just as confused. "You don't know your alias?"

Suddenly, it clicked in my mind. I hadn't asked Bahamut about my new alias after the Denatus meeting a few days ago.

"Tsk, so that's why she seemed a bit dodgy lately," I muttered to myself. I had completely forgotten about it because I had a date with Hephaestus the next day and one with Tsubaki the day after.

"Sorry, I didn't know," I finally replied to Rose.

"It's not a bad name, so cheer up," Rose said reassuringly, offering a kind smile. I nodded and thanked her for trying to cheer me up.

Realizing that I was holding up the line, I knew it was time for me to leave. As I prepared to make my way out, I whispered to Rose, "Hope no changes to our date plans."

With a stoic smile, she replied, "No changes." But her tail betrayed her excitement. I could only hope that she would take it well when I eventually broke the news to her about my growing harem with Bahamut, Hephaestus, and Tsubaki.

"See you later," I said before turning to leave. Rose smiled and waved back.

As I exited the guild, I couldn't help but overhear some gossip going around about me.

"Tsk, our Rose is smiling at the Black Knight," someone in the guild commented.

"Nah, they're probably just friends," another person dismissed.

"You must be a noob. Have you ever seen a man and a woman just being friends, especially when the guy is a hunk?" a lady chimed in.

I didn't linger to hear more and instead headed towards the dungeon. My focus for the next few days was to find faster and easier ways to navigate between the 25th and 27th floors.

It had become a minor hobby of mine to discover shortcuts within the dungeon, helping to pass the time when things were slow.

However, I did have a lingering concern about running into the Xenos. Not because I was scared of them, but because I had no idea how to handle their situation.

I knew myself well enough to know that if I encountered one, I would likely get involuntarily involved in their troubles.

Slap! Slap!

I mentally scolded myself to stay focused as I effortlessly made my way through the upper floors. Time seemed to slow as I progressed through each level, until I found myself once again on the 26th floor.

Crack! Thud!

The sound of ice breaking and the bodies of defeated monsters hitting the ground echoed through the chamber.

Now that I was alone, I could fight without restraint, paying no mind to friendly fire or hindering my allies.

When I battled alongside Tsubaki, I had to be careful not to hinder her with my spells. But now, being alone, I only needed to attack any non-humanoid creatures within my range, always conscious of avoiding accidentally harming passing adventurers.

"Phew, finally done," I muttered, looking down at the raging waterfall. The temptation to try flying off the edge and see if I could make it to either the 27th or 25th floor without using the usual route was undeniable.

However, I decided against taking the risk for now. I needed more time to assess the feasibility of such an endeavour. After all, one misstep could prove disastrous.

With that in mind, I continued on my journey and took the usual route, determined to uncover another shortcut before reaching the 28th floor.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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