
Chapter 106

After carefully considering my options, I ultimately decided to choose the Enhanced Strike skill. With this skill, my melee attacks would be able to keep up with my magic abilities.

During my fight with the green dragon, I noticed that my current physical methods of attack were lacking, which further solidified my decision.

"I will go with Enhanced Strike," I confidently declared.

"Really? I thought you would choose either Greater Impact Negation or Enhanced defences," Bahamut, replied.

"While those skills are indeed valuable, I believe my magic can compensate for them for the time being. I will choose one of them during my next level up," I explained.

"If you say so," Bahamut muttered before proceeding to level me up. With her assistance, my stats moved to the next level.:

Name: Draco Black

Alias: Black Hunter

Level: 3

Strength: SSS 1499 -> I 0

Endurance: SSS 1499 -> I 0

Dexterity: SSS 1499 -> I 0

Agility: SSS 1499 -> I 0

Magic: SSS 1499 -> I 0


Slot 1: Rune Spell Grimoire - Summons a grimoire containing runic signs. The grimoire acts as a medium to facilitate spell casting without the need for chants. As the user levels up, higher tier runic elements will be unlocked, enhancing spell potency, range, and mind efficiency.

Chant: None

Slot 2: Empty

Slot 3: Empty


Equilibrium: Provides a slight boost to the lower attribute until it balances out with the highest attribute.

Charm Resistance: Grants mental resistance against charm debuffs.



Development Abilities:

Mage I -> H: Improves magical power, expands the range of spell effects, and enhances mind usage efficiency. Creates a magic circle beneath the user to support their magic casting.

Enhanced Strike I: Increases damage while unarmed. Damage can be further enhanced by infusing mind into the strikes.

After Bahamut completed my level up process, I immediately felt a strange sensation coursing through my body.

Suddenly, an excruciating pain washed over me, as if someone was tearing me apart limb by limb. It felt like my bones were elongated, thickened, and became denser while my flesh seemed to break down and regenerate simultaneously. The agony was so intense that death would have been a kinder fate.


Meanwhile, Bahamut had taken the precaution of soundproofing the room to prevent Draco's screams from reaching the ears of other familia members. She didn't want them to witness his transformation.

"Sigh, this will take a while," Bahamut muttered as she left the room. Soon enough, she encountered Michalis, who had been patiently waiting in the hallway.

"Bahamut-sama, have you seen Draco-nii?" Michalis inquired eagerly.

"Yes, he's in my room," Bahamut responded calmly.

"May I go and see him?" Michalis asked, his face now turning red.

Realizing Michalis' train of thought, Bahamut promptly delivered a smack to his head.

"What did I do?" Michalis protested, holding his head in pain.

"Stop thinking inappropriate thoughts," Bahamut scolded him.

"Ahem, I wasn't thinking about anything like that," Michalis defended himself, cheeks flushed.

"If you weren't thinking naughty things, then your face wouldn't be so red," Bahamut countered, raising an eyebrow.

Michalis sighed and admitted, "Fine, I was, but it's not my fault. Draco nii banned us from the red light district, and finding a lover isn't easy."

"Hmm, I see," Bahamut replied, taking a contemplative posture. "I thought you guys were banging the girls from the Astraea family. I guess I was wrong."

"What do you mean, and how can you say that about our friends" Michalis stuttered, taken aback by Bahamut's comment.

"Ho, ho, I see there is something going on but not yet at the intimate level. I see, I see," Bahamut countered, nodding her head in understanding. Michalis couldn't come up with a response and remained silent.

"By the way, why aren't you in the dungeon with the others and here instead?" Bahamut asked curiously.

"Ahem, I wanted to ask Draco nii if we can enter the 14th floor. We took down 3 green dragons today," Michalis recomposed himself and proudly announced.

"That's a good accomplishment, but didn't you guys fight multiple level 2 monsters during your training?" Bahamut questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm," Michalis was at a loss for words. He had thought that taking down the green dragons without the Astraea familia and Draco watching over them was a significant achievement.

"Anyway, that still doesn't explain why the others aren't here," Bahamut redirected the conversation, saving Michalis from his embarrassment.

"The others are still in the dungeon. I was the fastest, so I came to ask because we wanted to go in deeper," Michalis replied, his tone a bit subdued.

"Sigh, Draco isn't available now, but if you all feel like you can handle the 14th floor, go ahead. But be extremely careful," Bahamut warned, concerned for their safety.

"Also, don't rush too much and go at your own pace. You are young and have a lot of time," Bahamut advised before heading downstairs to the kitchen to cook for Draco, knowing he would be extremely hungry after his transformation.

She wasn't any good at cooking, so Draco would be in for a surprise once his transformation was complete.

"I should get going," Michalis muttered before leaving the familia manor and heading back to the dungeon.


Meanwhile, in the Hephaestus familia area, Hephaestus could be seen in her office, humming a strange song. She was cycling through some clothes, trying to decide which ones to wear. Oddly enough, all the clothes looked identical—a pair of trousers, a shirt, and a vest—in different colors.

Swish! The door opened, and Tsubaki walked in.

"Tsubaki, why are you here?" Hephaestus asked curiously.

"Just to drop these," Tsubaki replied, dropping a huge stack of papers on Hephaestus' desk.

"Also, why aren't you looking at the clothes Bahamut and I chose for you?" Tsubaki inquired.

"They are too revealing and girly," Hephaestus replied dismissively.

"Sigh, I can't deal with this now," Tsubaki quietly muttered. She didn't have the willpower to deal with Hephaestus' antics at the moment. She had a lot of commissions to complete due to the recent increase in adventurers diving into the dungeons.

As Tsubaki left the office, Hephaestus continued humming her strange song, her mind occupied with her various thoughts.

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