
There's always a bigger fish

I'm a fish.

After getting gobble up by a fish, currently, I've become the fish. I don't know I've did this happen but, probably after I ate the fish from the inside out. At first, I panic for a while, then, I stood there calmly thinking how to get out of this mess. Suddenly, the fish's stomach slowly dissolves by my own liquid body. I could feel the fish thrashing about as it slowly looses disappear. Finally, without me realizing, I get back my eyesight and a my other senses.

Also, judging by the shape of my current body, it's probably some type of catfish. Having the usual body of a catfish but, it seems to have sharp scales all over the body. Never known this type of fish before. Well, whatever. At least it's better than being before.

Well, for now, let's to get a bearing on where exactly I am. Of course, I know I'm in a river. But, where exactly? I surface on the river with my catfish head. Scanning the are around me. It seems the river I'm in is flowing through a forest. Hmm, quite a decent view from down here.

Suddenly, I feel an acute pain coming from my catfish tail. Looking down, I see a bigger fish trying to swallow me whole. It pulls me down with it's mouth, one bite at a time and slowly devours me. Thus, once again I am within a stomach of a fish. This time I ain't panicking. Just gotta wait for this fish to get dissolve.

Probably, after ten minutes, I am now the big fish. Also, apparently it's a catfish as well but, a it's a bit different with the razor sharp side fins. This catfish is probably five times bigger than the one before. Also, for some reason after all this time, my desire to eat suddenly arises. Alright, Imma eat all the other fish! Swimming up and down the river, I finally find another fish. It's also a catfish....What with all this catfish in the river?

I immediately dash towards it with my mouth wide open. The little catfish notices me and tries to get away but, nothing is escaping me! Just before my mouth reaches to the little catfish, a giant eel comes out of nowhere and bites down on my prey! With one gulp, the little catfish disappears. Oh shit! I thought I'm the biggest fish here. It seems I'm not king of the river yet. Just the eel's head is as big as my full catfish body. The eel then, slowly retreats back into a whole at the bottom of the river bed with its head poking out and just looks up at me with its black dull eyes. It's giving me the shivers looking at them. What you still hungry? Huh?

I swim closer to it. Enticing it to eat me. If getting bigger and stronger means getting eaten, I'm alright with that.....Not that I have vore fetish, alright!? Totally not! The dull eyes of the eels suddenly turns sharp and it immediately lunges forward with its mouth wide open. Instantly, half of my body chomped! My tail disappears.

SHIT! It hurts! How come it hurts now? Nope. This plan is not working anymore! I need to get away from here. With my tail gone, I try swim with only my front fins but, my effort is fruitless. With another lunge forward. The eel completely devours me! My consciousness this time, slowly fades as I feel that my catfish tail has reunite with me.


"Dad! What are you doing now? I thought we agreed to sale these potions first before you went off to your hobby!" A loud voice wakes up an old man. The fishing pole in his hands drops into the river in front of him. Straightening his back, he slowly stands up and looks over his shoulder. A young man wearing a robe attire walks on the riverside jetty and comes over beside him.

"Gosh darn it, boy! You've made me lose my fishing pole," looking over what his father is pointing, a branch floats down the river. "I put my sweat and tears into making that fishing pole. All that hard work down the drain," the old man says in a somber voice.

"Dad. You only made it out of a branch and a fishing line."

"Naive, fool. It's made out of the World Tree's branch!" the old man exclaims.

"Yeah, right Dad. From the World Tree," with a scoff, he once again peers over to the now faraway branch. Why would anyone would use a branch from the World Tree to make a fishing pole? This senile old man. Suddenly, the branch that should have slowly disappear from their sight is going upstream. A look of surprise appears on the young man's face. Looking to his side, it seems the old man is surprise as well.

"So, after all this time, you finally got a fish after you let go of the fishing line. Magnificent," the sarcasm in the voice made old man crease his brows. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get down there and pick it up. My old bones cant' swim. Also, it's your fault I dropped it in the first place."

With a look of annoyance, the young man reluctantly takes of his robe and jump down into the river. He slowly swims over to the fishing pole when it finally passes in front of him. After getting a hold of the fishing pole, he feels the strength of the fish pulling from within the river.

Swimming back to his father and almost about to reach the shore, the fish pulling the line begins to struggle much more intensely. However, it still didn't pose much problem for the young man. Suddenly, with a big splash, the young man disappears with the fishing pole. For a few moments, the old man awaits his son to appear again on the surface. However, the young man still hasn't come out.

'What could've happen to him? He could let go of the fishing pole anytime,' the old man thought. Slowly feeling panic over his son prolong disappearance, he immediately jumps down into the river. Even though, the years has been hard on the old man but, he still have the strength to dog paddle in the water. Swimming to where his son has been, he dives under. The water is a bit murky and the old man could only see five meters ahead of him. Finally, he finds his son unconscious. However, upon closer inspection, he immediately realize that a big catfish is clamping his son's legs. It's huge!

The old man almost try to scream underwater but, once again looking closer to the catfish, it only has a head. From the gills down, all of it has been bit off cleanly. Without giving more thought about it, the old man pulls his son by armpits and bring him to shore. Of course, after he kicks away the catfish head from his son.

I apologize for the many missing months but, I'm trying to restructure how the story is going to go.

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