

All people one day must turn to ash. So too must nations fall to ruin. Despite the Capitals wealth and prosperity it has become masked in corruption. The pompous and the vile run rampant throughout the city. These demons are beyond salvation and therefore are silenced in the darkness by an elite group of assassins known as... Night Raid.


Teigu ( "Imperial Arms") are mysterious and extremely powerful relics that exist in the world of Akame Ga Kill! They are rare, and only the strongest of warriors are able to wield them. Some have the appearance of equipment or weapons, while others seem to be living creatures. It is implied that a form of magic was used to create them.

The Teigu was created on the instruction of the First Emperor, who feared that the Empire he had founded would eventually fall. To prevent this, he gathered many materials and hired many scientists throughout the world to make strong weapons and defenses. The creation of the Teigu are the result of their efforts. There were 48 Teigu in all, but almost half of them were lost during a civil war about five centuries before the start of the story. Several Teigu have been seen to be destroyed; it is not known how many of the original 48 remain.

This story will be inspired by both the anime and manga.

This is just an intro into the world of Akame Ga Kill!

If you have any questions go ahead and check out the wiki-page for Akame Ga Kill.

My story won't completely follow the canon, but it will be close to it.

GhostyZcreators' thoughts
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