

Drew was the first to take action, having begun preparing since the moment the door was opened. He loosed the arrow he had knocked from his longbow, taking aim at the nearest goblin.


The arrow flew true, sinking into the neck of the closest goblin.

Drew heard a sound that only he could hear.

<You have dealt 7 damage!>

Blood flowed from the wound and the goblin silently fell to the ground, dead.

Everyone heard a strange sound, coming from inside their own heads.


<Level 1 Goblin has been slain!>

<Due to being in a party experience is shared>

<Gained 100 Experience>

Fire began to grow in Phil's outstretched palm as he muttered a short incantation. The bolt of fire blasted from his hand slamming into the nearest goblin, knocking the green humanoid off its feet and leaving a nasty hole in its chest. The smell of charred flesh sizzling drifted into the air as the golbin thrashed about before laying still.

Phil also heard a sound only he could hear, detailing his damage.

<You have dealt 6 damage!>


<Level 1 Goblin has been slain!>

<Due to being in a party experience is shared>

<Gained 100 Experience>

Two goblins were killed within moments, but the remaining 10 goblins now turned their sights upon the group with hungry stares and drooling mouths. As a group they charged, moving like primal beasts with wild abandon.

Frost let loose the bolt from his crossbow. The realistic chaos of the battle had caused him to momentarily pause, and re-access his target and strategy.

The bolt sunk into the left eye of the goblin, instantly severing the connection to its brain. It dropped to the group like a lifeless ragdoll.

<You have dealt 9 damage>


<Level 1 Goblin has been slain!>

<Due to being in a party experience is shared>

<Gained 100 Experience>

"Fall back to the Hall, face them one at a time." Frost barked.

"There just Goblins. " Huffy said as he charged forward to face them, slamming his large fist into the first enemy, sending it flying at least five feet into the air.

Huffy heard a sound only he could hear as he dealt damage for the first time.

<You have dealt 3 damage!>

He then heard it again as the goblin crashed to the ground.

<You have dealt 1 damage!>

He continued using his momentum to kick out with his leg into another goblin. The force of the kick sent the goblin crashing into another knocking them both to the ground.

<You have dealt 3 damage!>

All of the goblins he attacked we're still alive, though damaged. His moves seemed to pack a punch, but in fact he had dialed back the strength of his blows.

As he had charged he was assaulted with the confusing memories of his monk training, in which he learned to value all life great or small. These embedded teachings had briefly affected his actions.

This placed him in the open and the remaining goblins swarmed him from all sides. Two of them stabbed at him with their daggers, as they drew close.

Huffy narrowly avoided the attack by jumping backward, but more goblins closed in, jabbing with short crude spears.

Try as he might he couldn't avoid all of the attacks, and one found its mark cutting into his left leg. Pain coursed through him, but he found it was no big deal. He suddenly felt as though he had been through much more painful endeavors in the training of his body.

<You have taken 3 damage!>

<13 Hit points remaining>

Huffy growled under his breath, and he mentally swore he would aim to kill from now on.

Tabby and Whit began to cast spells simultaneously. Though similar their words and source of magic were very different.

Tabby called upon the power of her Deity to channel the holy power of light. She simply felt an emotion, something like the purest form of love wash over her as she began to pray. She didn't know the name of the being, nor could she see its face, she only knew that she was connected to it.

<You have healed Target for 3 points of damage>

She had successfully focused her mind on Healing Huffy's wound, simply having to concentrate.

Huffy felt a warmth in his leg as the wound closed up.

<You have gained 3 hit points!>

"Thanks Tabby!" Huffy yelled out.

Whit had also cast a spell, calling upon the unique spellcasting of the druids to harness the power of nature.

Vines began to grow through the ground entangling the goblins as she completed her spell <Entangle>.

The spell did no damage but managed to entangle all of the goblins, slowing their progress and giving Huffy some breathing room. The goblins Huffy had knocked to the ground were instantly immobilized by the vines.

Drew fired another shot with his bow which glanced off the shoulder of a goblin. His shot seemed clear, but the goblin moved last second.

< You have dealt 1 damage!>

Phil began chanting again, a small arcane bolt forming in his hand this time. He finished the chant and the spell blasted into an immobilized goblin.

The small ball of energy traveled through his body like a hot knife through butter, leaving a perfect hole in its chest.

<You have dealt 6 damage!>

The goblin dropped to the ground, instantly dead.


<Level 1 Goblin has been slain!>

<Due to being in a party experience is shared>

<Gained 100 Experience>

The goblins began to slice and tear at the vines with their weapons, teeth and claws in a desperate attempt to break free.


Jelico sat before his crystal ball, a frown upon his face while Tordek floated behind him upon his cloud of liquid gold.

Jelico could feel another powerful presence entering his domain, though with the actions he witnessed in the crystal ball it was hardly surprising.

With a flash of light, a man covered head to toe in shining silver armor appeared.

" Welcome Skyroth, what brings you to my domain?" Jelico asked, never taking his eyes off his crystal ball.

The God of Light and Virtue walked closer and gazed into the crystal ball as he spoke, "A very unique presence has just called upon my power, though she does not know my name. Can you tell me how this is possible?"

Jelico smiled, "As expected from you. You may join us if you wish."

"This woman has an innocence that does not exist in this world. This is no doubt another one of your summonings then." Skyroth stated as he moved to join Jelico. With a wave of his hand a comfy chair appeared out of nothingness which he promptly sat down in.

"Well, you are just in time for the action. Tordek believes that I am not challenging my guests." Jellico said.

"12 goblins are hardly a challenge." Tordek said reiterating his prior statement.

"I have nothing to attend to at the moment, so I guess I will stay for a while. I must be sure you don't corrupt such a pure soul." Skyroth declared with his typical "Holier than thou" attitude.

"Corrupt? Me? I am the master of impartiality! See even now I keep the balance. It seems to be too easy for them so I must up the ante." Jelico claimed as black lightning surged from his hands into the crystal ball.


Black Lightning arced from the crystal ball in the middle of the room, striking the goblins and destroying the vines that held them.

The black energy seemed to become absorbed by the goblins, instantly rejuvenating them. They began to transform becoming twice their normal size with sharp spikes growing from their backs, arms and legs. Skin became tougher, muscles swelled and bulged as the creatures let forth demonic guttural battle cries.