

"Being right or wrong was never the answer, the sin wasn't killing it was surviving."

"Please be ready


— ✿ —

"Liam! Come on get up" Liam lifted his head. Did he fall asleep in class again? Whatever it's not like he cared.

"Yes sir, I'm up" When he said that he could hear a sigh coming from his teacher and everyone in his class snickering.


Liam got up, knowing that was the bell he was about to exit class when suddenly the ground started to shake. Stumbling onto his ass Liam began looking around.

Everyone else seemed as shocked as he was, "Holy shit" someone whispered behind him. Liam turned around just to see his friend.

"Get the fuck down Callum!" He screamed, in all honesty, he didn't know what to do when there was a fucking earthquake, but he sure as hell would get the fuck down.

He looked out the window, "Ooh what the fuck?!" He screamed, the sky was black with purple swirling around it like a fucking portal.

Ok, calm the fuck down Laim, first things first make sure no one alerts trouble from whatever the fuck is outside-

"Hey, guys there's some zombie looking things outside" Okay whoever screamed that wanted to die-

"AHHH HELP ME-" Blood splattered everywhere on the walls, never mind that zombie-titan already did the favours… Wait- What-

Ooh shit, Ooh my fucking god, what the fuck was that? This was not what Liam signed up for when he got his lazy ass up to get ready for school today.

Liam felt someone touch his shoulder, he reacted quickly and snapped his head to where that person touched. Callum looked shocked but soon shushed him and pointed to the door of their classroom- Well more like a monster eating room now.

He squatted down, making sure not to alert the zombie-monster fucking titan thing that was eating one of his dumbass classmates, yes the one who decide to scream out the window like a dumbass.

Okay, Liam needed to get out of this classroom now.

— ✿ —

"Callum, what the fuck was that?" Liam shouted. They were running for minutes to find a safe spot, Callum turned around and looked at him like he was crazy.

"Well does it look like I know?"

Wait a minute… This reminded me of something. The zombie-titans looked like those things from the novel my sister used to read. Ugh, what was it again? Ahh yes, it was called "Reborn in a zombie apocalypse as a zombie" it was also a bl novel-

"Liam get your mind out of the fucking gutter" Callum pulled his left ear, "Owww oww, let go you psycho!" Liam screamed, Callum let go of his ear and Liam continued what he was thinking but instead said it out loud to Callum.

"Anyway remember my sister, well she once read this novel about being reborn in a zombie apocalypse as a zombie" well in all honestly, I think we're in that novel," Callum gave him a look, "Callum it might sound crazy but remember when we were in class? We recognised no one there, and we know everyone in our class."

Callum stopped giving him that look and started to think, "We aren't even in our school, that's why we can't find the exit- Because we've never been here before..."

"So where the fuck are we?"

— ✿ —

Okay finding the exit was a lot harder than it seemed to be, not only has Liam never been to this school before but, the place was littered with zombies, and it reminded both the boys of their first day of high school, they cringed a lot when they realised.

"Liam, get your ass here, Look what I found" Callum called over to Liam, who started walking to him. Liam looked to what Callum was pointed at and it seemed to be the exit.

Liam was about to run over to it but Callum stopped him and hit him in the head, pointing to the side a couple of centimetres away from the exit, stood the zombie-titans.

How the fuck didn't Liam see that? He almost died, if it wasn't for his stupid ass friend he would have been a goner-

"Liam I know you just called me a stupid ass friend so you didn't seem so dumb about what you were about to do." Callum's face got darker. It was official, Liam was gonna meet the grim reaper soon.

It's the " me taking 5 months to publish this shit because I forgot about it" for me.

SakiPastlecreators' thoughts