

"As the old laws dictate, you may challenge him in whatever numbers you see fit"

Diablo proclaimed, his voice echoing through the arena as he gestured towards Bliss. 

"A Demon Lord must be capable of quelling any uprising within his own ranks." 

Diablo continued to explain as the five demons drew their weapons and circled around Bliss. 

The trail of the Demon Lord was created in the early days of the demon-kins, its arduous nature proved to only elect Demon Lords who could rule without question. The very nature of the trial itself prevented anyone or any group from rising up in revolt since their leader was always multiple times stronger than any of them.

Unfortunately this meant that a lot of demons with great potential also died in the trials. Despite very few demons deciding to take on the challenge throughout the entire history of the Demons, they had had many Demon Lords nonetheless. 

Bliss looked at the Demons and felt a bit a regret in his heart. Over the last month he had been allowing the entire Demon camp to feed on the Greater Phantoms of Trepidations that he created. This caused the demons to grow at an unprecedented pace. 

The camp that originally had exactly 235 demons, originally, of that 235 demons one hundred twenty were mare children not even passing the adolescence stage. But since they began to feed on the greater Phantoms, their metabolism that was probably stunted by malnutrition skyrocketed. 

At least seventy toddlers had matured into adolescent teens and adults had grown into well built men and women. 

But now that generosity came and bit him in the arse. So many demons maturing only meant more challengers for him. But this was still only the beginning of his troubles. 

Five demons, their weapons radiating an ominous glow, advanced on Bliss. His heightened senses allowed him to perceive the sluggishness of their movements. With an almost nonchalant grace, he dodged their attacks, weaving through their strikes like a specter. Bliss's hand, bathed in a radiant white hue, lightly tapped each demon on the back of their heads.

In an instant, the five demons collapsed, unconscious on the arena floor. A stunned silence swept through the crowd, followed by an explosive eruption of cheers. The assembled demons were electrified by the extraordinary display of power from their prospective leader.

A wave of ten demons surged into the arena, forming a line, each aiming a fiery projectile at Bliss. It was obvious they did not intend to give him time to rest. 

Their combined efforts birthed a colossal, roaring fireball that hurtled towards him. The very creation of such an attack was enough to make the onlookers perspire.

Instantly the humongous ball of fire fired towards Bliss. Bliss felt the heat coming from the attack and smiled inwardly. 

Bliss remained unfazed. Extending his hand, he seemed poised to touch the colossal sphere of flames. In a mesmerizing twist, the fireball altered its trajectory, redirecting its path towards the group of ten demons. Some tried in vain to evade the impending inferno, while others raised feeble earth shields in desperation. However, the sheer magnitude of the blast overpowered their defenses. 

The explosion of fire engulfed the arena, obscuring vision and enveloping demons in blistering heat. Even those who managed to dodge the central blast were not spared from the ensuing shockwave. Before the curtain of smoke had a chance to dissipate, Bliss had rendered all ten demons unconscious with a simple tap to the nape of their necks.

The crowd erupted once more, witnessing yet another group of challengers vanquished with ease. Realizing the lingering hesitance among potential challengers, Diablo prompted them with urgency,

"Bring forth the next contenders!"

As he finished speaking a group of four demons stepped into the arena. These for demons unlike the ones previously were covered from head to toe in thick armor and each boasted a different weapon.

Bliss looked at the lot and pitied himself even more. Once again his generosity had come to bite him in the back. 

This group of demons were his new and improved version of his goblin riders. Unlike before they had not yet started their training with the wolves but he had forced them to learn to fight much more coordinated and get familiar with the multitude of skills attached to their weapons and armors. 

Not only were they multiple times stronger than the goblin riders in basic attributes but their strategic capabilities were also off the charts. Not to mention they had far stronger skills and abilities attached to them than the lowly goblin riders from before. 

Bliss looked at the lot, understanding that he was in for a hard battle and smiled inwardly before drawing his dragon tooth sword from his spatial pocket and adopting a poised fighting stance. 

"Alright! Show me what you've got!"

Next chapter