
Reborn for each other

this is a fanfic of the untamed. it's about the modern world where wei wuxian is a mafia and lan zhan is a doctor. it's their story about how they met without even knowing their past but felt a weird connection and how their life changes.

scarki · TV
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2 Chs


I tried to run as fast as I can before Wangji comes after me. I can't face him. I can't be with him. I am again risking his life along. All I want right now is that he should be happy but he can't just be with me. It's enough I have to leave. You can call me a coward if you want but I am running away far away this time and he can't even find me anymore.

I checked behind me if anyone is following me but thankfully no one was and I reached our hideout. The bodyguards paved my way. I was almost on the verge of crying but I was confused whether I was crying for my dad who is struggling for life or for running away from Wangji.

I entered my dad's chamber and saw that my big man is so weak that the machines are being a support to him. I wiped away my tears and rushed to him ( cause he hates to see me cry ). I sat down beside him and held his hand, he slowly opened his eyes and spoke , " Wei Wuxian you came finally I thought I will die without even saying goodbye to your handsome face", he smiled. I struggled to smile and replied ," don't say about dying baba you will live for another 50 years".

He coughed up and then replied," don't lie to dying man Wuxian and I want you to fulfil my dying wish ". I knew what he was going to ask and that was the reason I fought with him and left home. I can't do this but I also don't want to make him sad in his dying bed. I already left Wangji I guess I don't have anything to lose. I spoke up then ," what is it baba ?"

" Be the leader and lead them all , the name and fame that has been there since ages I want you take it forward and then pass it to my rightful heir that's all I want you to do. And I know you can do it", he said with hope in his eyes. I nodded a yes and I held his hand more tightly. He raised his other hand and blessed me and then his hand suddenly fell down and then I realized I entered the darkness.

I put both his hands in his sides and kissed his forehead and got up. I told his secretary to look towards his funeral and left and I realized everyone bowed when I passed them. I was no more that Wei Wuxian , I became the mafia leader whom everyone fears. And one small tear left my eye then.

Hi , I am new to this platform and this is my first story and this is the raw draft and i hope you will enjoy this story. And stay tuned and keep reading this and send me some feedback these things are really motivating <3

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