
Before the rebirth

" Hey jack could you get up ," someone said in my ear while shaking me.

I opened my eyes to see my childhood friend. Her name was Kristina. I looked around and noticed we were the only one in the classroom. It seemed like the bell rang. Back to the topic. She had that good girl vibe. She had a nice hourglass figure. I also had a crush on her but could not say it. I just could not speak to her normally after I found out that I liked her.

" Are you just going to sit there looking at me or not go to our next class," she said in a pleasing voice.

I automatically blushed after realizing what I was doing. It was a good thing she turned and left. I did not want her seeing me blush. Today was the day I was going to ask her out. I was exited to do it by also nervous.

When I got to the next class I found my other friend named Tom. He was an arrogant type of person but he always had my back when we were kids. We used to fight off bully's a lot for other kids our age at the time. He noticed me and walked over.

" So what do you want to do after school," he said in a casual tone.

When we go hang out we usually play games or go to the park and play with some kids at a basketball court right next it.

" I have plans today so I can't," I said in a sorry tone.

" Aww damn man that sucks," he said in a disappointed voice.

" Alright class time to get to work," said the teacher walking in.

I said bye to my friend and sat at my seat. As algebra started I started to take notes because I did not get some of it so better memorize it later. Argh, I hate it so much. I started to take note again when I noticed him texting someone with his phone. He then raised his hand to leave. He started doing this thing about a month ago. So the teach said he could leave.

I felt it was odd that he would leave and not come back when class ended. I tried to call him then I also tried to call Kristina. They would would not answer. I always got a bad feeling about it. I shrugged it off.

After class ended I was about to exit the school when I noticed I forgot something. Ahh yeah thats right. I was going to ask out Kristina. I should really use the bathroom first. I went up stair because there was one really close their. I passed by an classroom that was under construction. The construction worker were always here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I heard a very weird sound coming from there. It was the sound of slapping. I also heard a very familiar voice.

" I don't think we should be doing this anymore because I know Jack likes me and I kinda have feeling for him to," said a very familiar voice.

It sounded like Kristina. I gulped and listened on. It sounded like they were done with what ever they were doing. I also heard another voice.

" Nah, let's go one more round and who needs that dumbass anyways," said another familiar cocky voice.

Oh god please tell me it is not who I think it is. I opened the door and peaked in side. I saw who it was and was utterly devastated. It was Kristina and Tom and they were naked. I had my phone in my hand and was intending to call Kristina but I did not want to anymore. I felt sick and wanted to throw up. How could they not tell me about this. I mean we were friend for years. How could they. I realized to soon that my phone had slipped and out of my hand and my bag was off. It made a loud sound alerting them. I heard footstep and Tom speak again.

"Who is there?" He said in a demanding voice.

I heard the footsteps and when he opened the door standing behind him was Kristina and they were shocked to see me.

" Jack I can explai... " Kristina said but was cut off by me running away.

I did not no where I was supposed to go. I just kept running and next thing I new was I was on a roof. I wanted to die so bad. She knew and did not say a word and continued to do it behind my back. I heard footsteps behind then they stopped.

"Jack we can talk about this," Tom said in a calm voice slowly getting closer to me.

He knew me and knew what I was going to do.

" How long..." I said in a whisper.

" What I could not hear you," he said in a wary voice.

" I SAID HOW LONG!!!!" I said yelling this time.

" You don' t have to do this," said Kristina.

" I said HOW LONNNGGGG!!!!!!" I said really angered.

They looked at each other and Tom finally said" 4 months."

I truly felt a loss of words. I was hurting so much in side and wanted it to end. I wanted to be far away from them. Anywhere but here. I wanted to end it all. I slowly moved forward and jumped over the edge of the roof. Tom tried to get me but missed. All I heard was wind and a voice say" noooo Jack."

That was the last thing I ever heard when everything when black.