47 Chapter 47 - Oceanside School of Fine Arts

After leaving the Teleportation Station about three hours later, since he couldn't stay longer than that, he took the maglev train to his city and finally picked up his aeromotorcycle at a parking lot nearby.

Navigating through the air traffic, it was strange to think about how he lived his previous life with a lower level of technology, but a world that seemed much more developed than this one. He had already tried to research, and there was no planet they had discovered that had something like spiritual energy, which naturally enhanced all forms of life or things like that.

He researched this because he wondered if the universe he was in was fundamentally different from where he came from. If it was just a different timeline, there would still be peculiarities that he could notice. But if they were two separate spaces, he could only slowly ascend through the Sanctuaries to understand this. Either way, that was just one of the thoughts he kept for a while.

Entering a wealthy part of the city, Han Sen arrived at a set of villas in a very renowned condominium in the city, going through all the verification processes. Being an aristocratic condominium, not even the Son of A Monday could lay hands on his family here, as it would mean conflicting with beings as influential as his family. Big companies…

Arriving at his house, he took an access key and used it to open the door. There was no sound indicating his arrival, as he chose not to have that.

"Mom, I'm home!" Han Sen said as he threw his bag on the couch and then took off his shoes. He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice while watching a small object move along the house wall.

A cute, advanced cleaning robot flew into his bag before small metal arms extended and grabbed it. Then, it took his sneakers and began to wash them along with the socks in a built-in quick washing machine. Carrying the belongings to his room, it left them there and returned to its resting place on the wall.

"If she didn't respond, it's because she's not at home with Han Yan. They must be having fun before she has to go to school." Han Sen finished his juice and put the glass in the sink.

As Han Yan was about to began her studies and had to live at the school for a while, her mother decided to have some fun with her before that day came. They now had the freedom to do so thanks to Han Sen. And Luo Sulan tried not to make her daughter sad about her brother's absence during these periods, promising her that he would take her to school.

As soon as he arrived in his room, which had practically an entire floor to itself, he saw how pleasant and comfortable its design was, with a long wall of glass windows for him to admire the city below and the lakes of the condominium. Seeing that it was a good room, Han Sen clapped his hands and waited for the system to start up. And he was sure to have improved everything.

As soon as his claps sounded in the dark room, there was again a pulse of blue light that covered the entire place. At the same time, the bed, wardrobe, or anything else inside the room were taken to the ground and what replaced them were several different machines, and even the floor began to change as they turned upside down. Soon, Han Sen's entire room became a complete laboratory of someone who liked to experiment with all kinds of science.

"I should give Jade a bonus for the great work. That woman knows how to please me for real..." Han Sen looked around and liked it a lot. He appreciated having a suitable place to do whatever he wanted. Mixing two places, bedroom and workroom, would only make it senseless.

After enjoying his new workplace, he simply ordered to return to his usual room. He wasn't in the mood to work now and just wanted to rest for a while. He had already had his share of crazy ideas for the month. Despite having EXP, he lacked motivation…


A few hours later, Han Sen was sleeping when he heard noises coming up the stairs at high speed. Assessing the size of the foot of the little human running towards him, he remained lying down. The door of his room opened and a cute and energetic voice sounded as a little girl jumped on top of him.

"BROTHEER! You came back and didn't say anything!" Han Yan was pouting while lightly tapping on his back to wake him up. She didn't care if she had woken up her brother, who had slept for the first time in half a month.

"Yan, did you know that young children feel more pain when they get flicked on the forehead?" Han Sen honestly didn't care about it, but he couldn't let her get away with it like that.

"I'm going to tell mommy that you hit me!" She stuck her tongue out at him, as if challenging him to do exactly that. She knew that he wouldn't be capable of doing that to her, hence the courage. And if her mother knew that he was going to hit her, she would definitely stop him. That supported her even more!

'I am influencing this girl?' Han Sen thought as he saw her audacity in challenging him. Seeing Luo Sulan appear at the door, he smiled, "Mother, can I hit her?"

Luo Sulan had just arrived at the door of the room when she saw Han Yan on top of Han Sen's back, looking victorious. And seeing her son's sinister smile, she didn't know who she should support. Looking between the two, she decided to follow her heart and make the fairest decision.

"You can!"

"MOTHER! I trusted you!" Han Yan felt the tears streaming down her face from her own mother's betrayal. And as she saw Han Sen rising with a malicious look on his face and even flexing his muscles, the world around her began to crumble.

"The world is unfair, the world is unfair..." Han Sen complained, as if he wouldn't enjoy it.


"Do she need to bring anything else? Are she still hungry? And what if there's no food there?" Luo Sulan had packed Han Yan's clothes and belongings in a small suitcase and continued to think about what else should be taken.

"Mother, do you think an aristocratic school would lack anything?" Han Sen tried to rationalize the question with his mother for the thousandth time. It was possible that Han Yan lived in an even greater luxury than at home. How could anything be lacking in such an environment?

"But what if the boys harm her? You should have put her in an elite school!" Luo Sulan didn't want to listen to anyone's opinion about her own concern. She looked at Han Sen as if he was to blame for this. He could have just put her in a school for wealthy people instead of influential people.

"Sorry, there are some words in my vocabulary that do not exist. Poverty, misery, elite schools, and lack of women are just a few examples. So I can't understand what you said." Han Sen didn't care about what his mother was saying, nor the two pairs of slippers that came flying towards him. She may be right about simplicity, but he wanted to make Han Yan someone with a strong foundation so that the Han lineage would only have strong individuals.

As a powerful cultivator, he always cared about the smallest details of everything, and he made sure of several things the last time his family gathered to discuss the house. None of them seemed anything like him when observed down to the smallest detail, not even the scent he could detect was common with them. In other words, he knew that his uncles' and cousins' Han Family was different from his own. Now, the reason why was like this is what he needed to find out.

"Mom, brother. I'm ready!" Han Yan walked out of her room after finishing getting dressed, looking very cute in her dress and jacket. She was inspired by Han Sen and how he dressed, with proper clothes and darker tones.

"Envy kills..." Han Sen let slip, only to receive a weak slap on the knee from his sister.

Leaving the house with her, he got into his personal aerocar, which had the fiercest design. Quickly speeding through the city, they arrived at a place where a specific train passed that took them to the Oceanside School of Fine Arts, the aristocratic school that Han Yan now attends.

"Remember, behave yourself and if someone decides to pick a fight with you, punch them right under the chin. And if they try to blame you, say you tripped and accidentally hit them. Understood?" Han Sen looked into her eyes and saw that she understood everything perfectly.

"Yes, brother! Always strike first, pretend to be clueless second!" Han Yan seemed like a little soldier as she saluted him. But soon she smiled with tears in her eyes, "You have to come and get me once a month, understood?"

"Your wish is my command, princess!" Han Sen laughed back and kissed her forehead, giving her a hug. He had never had a younger sister before, and the feeling of familial attachment was something new to him. And definitely good.

After saying their goodbyes, he saw Han Yan board the super train and depart with the other children who belonged to aristocratic families. The other relatives and close people who left the children there had no idea that Han Sen was not one of them, as the way he was dressed and behaved indicated someone of high status.

In a way, it was easy to get Han Yan enrolled in this type of school when the principal received a call from Qin Xuan, stating that she had a subordinate who was about to evolve into an Aristocrat, but his sister's age was already sufficient to enter the school. With some valuable understanding and contribution, the principal allowed her entry, but under the name of Qin Xuan.

"Well, I can only hurry up and not rely on anyone..." Han Sen looked at the starry sky and thought calmly, knowing that now would be a good time.

"I think it's time for me to start keeping an eye on the Super Beasts."

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