
Through Death A New Life Is Born

( Thump! Thump! Thump!)

Many footsteps ran in and out of a room.

( Creak! Creak! )

A man with his black hair tied up in a bun paced back and forth outside of the room.

Inside the room, 4 women stood around a woman laying on the bed.

"Argggghhh! Ahhhhh" Shouted a woman in pain.

"Keep pushing miss, we can see the head!" shouted a lady assisting the lady in labor.

"Ahhh... uhhh... ahhhhhh!" shouted the woman pushing out the baby with all that she had left.

The minutes felt like hours as she continued to push.

Slowly the head made it past then the rest of the body made it out of the lady screaming in pain.

"Wahhhh Wahhh!" cried the baby.

( Snip! )

One of the ladies standing around cut the umbilical cord.

"It's a boy!" said the other ladies in excitement for the mother.

"Hand me the clean towel." the lady holding the baby instructed the other women in the room.

Receiving the clean towel she wrapped it around the baby boy before passing it off for the mother of the child to hold.

Holding her child and looking into the boy's eyes the mother was barely able to smile as she felt exhausted, she whispered to the ladies in the room, "Please hold onto Kiro as I need to rest for a bit.".

Handing the baby to one of the ladies, Kiro's mother closed her eyes to rest. The color in her face slowly faded as she went white.

Not one word was spoken and the room went silent. The ladies grabbed one of the clean sheets and cover the mother only showing her face.

( Slide! Bang! )

"Wahhhhh Wahhhh!" cried the baby from the loud noise.

Opening the door stood the man pacing back and forth outside the room. Seeing the mother of the baby covered in the blanket the man shouted, "What happened to my wife?! Why is she not moving?".

"Sorry Lord Hisui it seemed like the lady has passed." said the lady holding the baby.

"No Nooooooooooo! Why her?!" sobbed Lord Hisui. Lord Hisui quickly rushed to his wife's side and fell onto his knees.

Behind the door, 4 people could be seen, an old man, a girl holding a baby, and a little boy. The 4 cried as they watched Lord Hisui.

The little boy ran to the bed, "Wait," said the girl holding the baby trying to stop the boy from entering the room.

Watching his father cry the boy started crying louder. The boy too young to know what was happening was only crying because his father was crying.

The boy then stood next to his father, fighting the tears the boy managed to let out "Is mommy going to wake up?".

"Mommy is going to sleep for a long time so she won't be able to wake up." the father replied to his son as he wiped his tears.

Hearing her father's words the girl holding the baby broke down crying loudly, causing the baby she was holding to start crying loudly too.

The old man walked up to the lifeless body of the mother. Feeling her wrist, the old man checked for a pulse.

Lord Hisui looked up at the old man's face as the old man shook his head. There was no pulse coming from Miss Hisui.

"Let me hold my grandson." said the old man as she looked at the lady holding baby Kiro.

Holding onto Kiro his grandfather looked into his eyes.

( Gasp! )

His grandfather was in shock as the pupils were a faded black color. The green iris of the Hisui was there but the pupils were not a normal color.

"My son Iji, would you like to hold your son?" asked the grandpa.

"No, I need some time to myself," said Lord Hisui as he left the room.

( Thump! )

The door closed behind Lord Hisui as he left.

"Little Ria would you like to hold your younger brother?" the grandpa asked the girl holding the other baby.

Ria handed her younger brother to one of the ladies in the room as she went to hold her newest younger brother.

Baby Kiro smiled as he looked at his older sister, just one smile made his older sister go from frowning to smiling.

Holding onto Kiro and looking at her deceased mother Ria vowed in her head to help raise her younger siblings, "I will keep our promise and I will look after Kentaro, Kenji, and Kiro.".

Weeks before going into labor Ria and her mother had a long conversation about what could happen after she gave birth to Kiro. Her mother made her promise that if she passes away, Ria would help look after her younger siblings.

The pregnancy was unexpected as Rei, the mother of Ria, Kentaro, Kenji, and now Kiro, was weak as she had just given birth to Kenji not too long ago. Her body was too weak to take medicines to help abort the baby and it was also too weak to give birth to another without risking her life. Stuck in the dilemma she chose to give birth as she felt it was unfair that the baby didn't have a chance at life when she had a chance.

Lord Hisui was very against his wife giving birth as he knew she could die but he also knew the chance of her surviving the abortion was also low, but he knew the chances of surviving were higher if she just aborted the baby.

Days after finding out about the pregnancy, Lord and Miss Hisui had a serious talk.

"We can just make another one!" shouted Lord Hisui.

"Oh dear Iji, we both know the chances of me making it from either is low, but I at least have a chance to bring another joy to your life," replied Miss Hisui.

"My joy is seeing you raise our kids, how can I be hap--py when you're not here." Lord Hisui's voice cracked as he fought the tears coming out, thinking about his life without his wife.

"I will always be in your heart," replied Miss Hisui.

The two talked for hours until Miss Hisui convinced Lord Hisui.

5 years passed since Kiro's birthday.

Sitting in his room Kiro sat by the window feeling the spring breeze and smelling flowers sprouting from their garden. Kiro's room was on the first floor in the left corner of the house near the garden. The garden had a pond that grew the Aura Center Lily. The flower is known as the Aura Center Lily as it is the main ingredient in making Hisui's famous elixirs which help to gather aura quickly in the abdomen. With the excess aura that is gathered, a center then could be formed.

While enjoying the breeze and smells, he also enjoys the warmth coming from the sun.

( Thump! Thump! )

Kiro could hear footsteps approaching the door quickly.

( Slide! )

"Kiro would you like to join us in going to watch the play happening in town?" asked his grandpa.

"Grandpa, you know I won't watch much but I'll come to listen." joked Kiro.

"Haha, I'll let the others know that you'll be joining us," replied Grandpa Kazu.

While his grandpa was walking back, Kiro asked, "Wait, will Kentaro be going too?".

"No don't worry, that little rascal will be staying here with your father to get in extra training." Grandpa Kazu answered Kiro.

Kiro and Kentaro didn't have a good relationship as Kentaro blames Kiro for killing their mother. The others tried convincing Kentaro but he wouldn't budge on his opinion of Kiro. Kentaro would always make rude remarks about Kiro whenever he had the chance. Kentaro would never physically harm Kiro as he was protected by his older sister, brother, and grandfather. He would only go after Kiro mentally and emotionally.

"Himei, could you please help Kiro get ready? After he gets done please bring him to the main gate as we are heading out soon!" Grandpa Kazu shouted.

"Yes!" replied a voice.

Himei came into Kiro's room and helped him get changed.

In the Hisui household, it was uncommon for someone to have a personal servant but in Kiro's case, it was needed as Kiro was blind.

Kiro's blindness was not something that made him completely unable to see. He could see but his vision was extremely blurred. He could make out the color and figure of someone but he can't see the fine details of an individual.

The blindness was a blessing and a curse as Kiro could see the aura particle in the air. Kiro could see the aura clearly, which also helps him with identifying the figure of someone based on how the aura reacted around the individual. He could also see the aura center and the aura links of a person.

"All done, you're looking sharp youngest lord Kiro," said Himei as she was done dressing up Kiro.

"Thanks, Himei, now let's not keep them waiting too long," Kiro told Hemiei as he held Hemie's hand and made his way to the main gate.

Arriving at the main gate there were 4 people there Grandpa Kazu, Kenji, and 2 Hisui guards.

"Nice to see that the youngest lord is also joining us." said one of the guards.

Before leaving with the others Himei handed Kiro his blind walking stick.

The 5 left the Hisui's Estate and made their way into town.

Hello, it's me

I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

To go over everything

They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I ain't done much healing

Hello, can you hear me?

I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be

When we were younger and free

I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us

And a million miles

Hello from the other side!!!

Treehouse_Talescreators' thoughts