1 Chapter 1.

I am not in a good mood. Finding myself waking up, outside. without any memory of how I got here is frustrating.

The last thing i remember was my ps4 exploding like a freaking bomb.

Sigh, Thank God no one was inside at that time, though that should have killed me.

I got up from the cold rocky pavement took a deep breath as i stretched my body all the while, ignoring the cracking of my bones before glancing around.

"Yep, definitely not at home," I mutter I took another deep breath before looking down, only to frown.

Chinese?...No....Japenese?" Somewhere in between. I was confused, I don't remember wearing these clothes don,t looks badass though It reminds me of certain people from an-


My eyes widened in horror before sprinting to the ocean to confirm my thoughts.

Once i got them I gazed at the reflection I froze.

Black hair, Black eyes, with golden totara earings on each ear how did i not notice that-No! that's, not the point! the point is I'm looking at the reflection and Vegito is staring back at me! Another dude, that's most certainly not me. As I realized just what was going on an idea poped in my head as a smirk started to slowly form on my face.

I chuckled sadistically "this was going to be fun"
