
Chapter 1

Pain,  pure pain was the last thing I felt before my world went dark. I remember laying in a pool of my own blood feeling the sharp pain deep in my chest where a bullet was engraved. The sneer of my boss is one thing I will not forget. I lived a good life,  working multiple jobs to take care of my siblings since the untimely death of our parents. Desperation led me to crime but now here I lie in some dirty alley, with a bullet wound in me. As i said,  I lived a good life. But, to whatever god is out there, I better not come back to life because if I do, whatever world  I am born in shall suffer, a lot. Anyway, I guess its my time to embrace death as a whole. Let's see where it leads me.

Congratulations y/n,  you have been selected to recieve a very rare reward, REINCARNATION.This only applies to the following  universes

1 Naruto

2 fairytail

3 DragonBall

4 Bleach

5 One piece

Please,  pick a world to go to and two abilities to assist you in your journey.

Wait, are you serious right now? This is awesome!! I can finally live how I want to with nothing holding me back. Honestly,  though,  I am a little confused. Sure I was an anime guy but the only world I know very well is that of DragonBall. A world where it is possible to spam planet destroying blasts at will is something that has always had my interest.

Sure throwing fancy jutsus, using dangerous spells and even having my own blade made of my own soul is very tempting,  but, the ability to handle myself against universe-tier opponents is too good to pass up.  So, I'm going with the DragonBall universe

Is this your final choice?


Request confirmed. You may now pick any two abilities.  Note that any ability may be chosen, even if from other universes not included in the list as long as it is not to out of place in this universe or downright impossible.

Oh this just keeps getting better and better. Now,  what do I go with. For starters, I want to make sure I am a saiyan so I'll have to pick an ability inherent to saiyans in order to force the system to make me a saiyan. Many others may choose to be of the  frost demons like frieza but the first transformation of the saiyans was able to keep up with the fourth of the frost demons,  so,  there goes my choice. Now,  for the ability, It has to be something useful. Oh I know, how about INNATE SAIYAN GOD KI? This will give me three things:

1 insurance that I am born a saiyan

2 easier transformation to the various levels of super saiyan,  and

3 HUGE energy reserves. Seriously,  if you think about it, a super saiyan god was able to go toe to toe with the god of destruction. If that isnt proof of huge energy reserves,  I don't know what is.

System,  is this allowed?

Your request is processing... Yes,  your choice has been confirmed. Choose your second ability

Perfect. Now, the system said that I can choose from any fictional universe which must also include manhwa. And what better ability to pick than the infamous Gamer's Body. That's right,  having the body of a gamer,  one who is able to take a hit to the lungs and feel the same effect as a hit to the shin is not something I can easily pass up. So system, my second choice is Gamer's body.

Your request has been confirmed. Are these the abilities you wish for?



Yes, they are.

Confirmed, prepare for reincarnation in 5,4,3,2,1,0


I have no idea how long I was out or just where I was actually. Everywhere was pitch black with only those floating words. Kind of creepy if you ask me. But that doesn't matter. I have another chance at life and I plan on using it. Although right now I am still in darkness but I feel a warmth around me. Wait,  am I moving, what is that light and why is it so bright? Yes,  I'm out of there,  wherever that was. Wait a minute, who is this woman in white? Why am i seeing to legs beside me?  DID THEY JUST GIVE BIRTH TO ME? God knows I do not want a repeat if that experience. I do have to admit though, I can clearly feel the difference between this body and my old one, the strength, speed and pure untapped potential. I also feel an wxtra weight on my lower back. Is that my tail? Hell yeah!!  I have a tail!! I am a saiyan!. This means that step one is complete. Yes, with this I should be more than able to conquer this universe. But first things first I have to eat. Who knew that being given birth to can make you hungry?

Allowing myself to be picked up,  I was given to my mother to feed. I have to say, she looks strikenly familiar but I just can't put my finger on it. Oh well,  it doesn't matter right now. Time to eat.

"He really is an energetic little one, isn't he Gine? "

Wait,  Gine, GINE? This make things even better. I am of Bardock's family. But this leaves two options,  am I Goku,  or am I Raditz?

" Yes, even more than his elder brother". This statement made me nearly spill my milk. To anyone hearing me, I have an announcement,  I AM KAKAROT, THE FIRST SUPER SAIYAN IN A THOUSAND  YEARS. This is too good. Combine Goku's raw potential with my Gamer's body and we have an unstoppable force. But if this is so, i will need to play the part of the energetic baby. Earth still has some things I need before I start my journey.

So with my decision made, I began my act, crying time and time again until I was put in the pod and sent away. Looking back at the planet,  I see its destruction and even though I don't really mind,  I still feel the rage of watching my home world get blown to space dust. Freiza, you will be the first stepping stone in my rise to greatness, that I can promise you. This feeling must be a saiyan thing but I don't mind. I embrace the rage building in me and channel it to my goals and ambition. This universe will be mine before I am done.

Judging by how old Goku was in the original series, I say earth is about five months from  planet vegeta, enough time to start my training in ki manipulation. Gotta love Gamer's body. Your age is insignificant since everything is measured by stats, at least it would have been if i was living life as a game,  but still,  my age does not matter in the slightest, only my strength and reserves. Add rhat to the fact that simply by sleeping my health and energy will be fully restored is a huge boon to my goals. So, while I am here, It's best i start with the training

5 months later

Being cooped up in that pod for fibe months is not a funny experience, but it is a necessary part of my plan. Well, time to start crying, I do need grandpa gohan to take care of me. Speak of the devil, here he comes. Ok crying, activate.

"who are you little boy? Did you lose you mummy? "

More crying

" you are a strange one aren't you. Well,  I guess I can take care of you,  I don't see anyone around here"

Ah, next phase complete. I will stay with him untill I can handle myself, but in the meantime, more crying.

Next chapter