
Fun on the ship

After we landed many Agents came out to take Loki to his cage.

As we walked inside the building I noticed Agent Hill,

(Fury's right hand,) "where is Fury?"

"He's waiting at the cage for Loki.

You need anything?"

"No it can wait."

When Tony goes to take off his suit everyone gathers at a table in the command room.

I see Bruce and decide to introduce myself since last time I saw him he was the hulk.

Reaching my hand out for a handshake, "Ethan Mikealson, nice to officially meet you."

Looking confused, "Bruce Banner, have we met before you look familiar besides seeing you on tv."

"We have, we'll me and the other guy has, I helped you with Abomination, it was fun."

"Now I remember, having you here really puts me at ease, to know someone can handle the hulk puts me at ease."

"Glad I can help."

After leaving Bruce I head over to Nat.

"By the way before we start to fight because I know it's not over I made you a new suit."

"I like my shield uniform you didn't need to."

"I know but mines better, you'll love it."

I kiss her then sit next to her while we all watch the monitor, on it is Fury talking to Loki.

As I look at the video feed I see Loki in a cylinder cage held off the ground.

Loki walks backwards towards the center. "It's an impressive cage, but it's not for me is it?"

"Someone way stronger."

"Oh I've heard, how desperate can you be to bring that beast on this ship.

At least you brought a bigger beast to stop him."


I smile, "hey, he knows of me."

Thor looks at me, "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name."

"How rude of me."

I stand up and walk to him, "my name is Ethan son of Mikeal, it's a pleasure to meet you Thor son of Odin."

Shaking my hand, "it's nice to see someone who speaks correctly on Midgard."

"Well I'm a lot older then I look."

Thor thinks for a moment, "I think I know of your family, Heimdal did mention a family around 1,000 years ago who went by that name, would that happen to be yours?"

Looking a little surprised, "oh, mothers pleads actually made it to you guys I'm impressed."

"He mentioned you guys because you surprised him on the power you held after a ritual."

"Yeah that turned me into what I am today."

He clapped my shoulders, "well I'm happy to have such a warrior as yourself battle with me."

"That's a honor."


Loki is grinning at Fury, "how does it feel to have the tesseract in your grip to only have it ripped away, to be so close to real power, unlimited power to just have it ripped away so easily."

Fury turns around to walk away, "well let me know if real power would like a magazine or something."


Bruce tries to lighten the mood, "he really grows on you doesn't he."

No one answered instead Steve asked Thor if he knew anything.

"He has an Army named the Chitauri, they will win him earth."

I ignore the rest of the conversation until Tony comes in.

He then walks up the the command station and messes with the computer while explaining what is needed to stabilize a portal from the tesseract, but before he leaves he sticks something on a computer then asked if anyone read the packet they were handed and only Bruce did, then me Bruce and Tony talked a little science.

When Tony walks up to Bruce saying "he like how he loses control and turns into a monster.

Then fury walked in. "Dr. Banner isn't turning into anything, he's just here to find the cube I was hoping you and Ethan could help."

Steve looked at us. "I don't know much about how to find it but you might want to start by looking into hydra weapons, his stick sure looks like how they worked."

Fury then spoke, "I don't know about that, but I'd like to know how he turned two of our sharpest men into his personal flying monkeys."

Steve the gets excited and yells, " I understand that reference."

Everyone stays silent and Tony rolls his eyes.

"What I understood it."

I laugh, "way to go old man."

He looks hurt before shooting back, "old man, aren't you over a thousand years old."

"I am and I think I look good for my age."

I look at Thor, "what do you think Thor do I look good."

"Son of Mikeal looks amazing, but I myself am over 1,500 years old we are still young."

Everyone stayed silent that was until Tony looked at me and Bruce. "You guys want to play."

I waved my hand, "I'll be there shortly, go ahead."

I walk to Fury, "you know before the day ends Bruce isn't going to stay Bruce right."

"I know that, I just don't want him to worry."

"Just making sure, I didn't want you to be surprised."

I see Nat walking out of the room and I know where she's heading. "Be careful, he might be in a cage but magic can't be trapped by simple glass."

"Thanks for the heads up."

After that I headed towards the lab to meet up with the science bros.

Along the way I talked to Raphael. (Are you watching stark tower?)

(Yes, I have been for a while)

(Good make sure to keep an eye on Loki's scepter once they are in the building.)

(Will do.)

Once I got to the lab Bruce was looking at some monitors while Tony was setting up his own computer.

I walked to my own corner then tapped on my watch a couple times before doing a grabbing motion about the watch before throwing it in front of me. I made my watch a very powerful computer with the pym particles help, then I put a projector in it so I can have a computer wherever I am.

Tony looked at me surprised. "Why don't I have that, you need to help me make that.

I only brought this heave computer, it has more power then the machines here but that seems handier."

Bruce chuckles, "you guys came prepared, I only brought a toothbrush."

I look at him, "hey hygiene is important."

After that I kept on working because I curious where is located at the moment.

While I was working Tony grabbed something to shock Bruce to see if he will change.

As soon as he shocked him Steve came inside.

"Are you nuts?"

"The jury is in the air on that one."

As he walks away from Bruce. "You're creeping you need to strut."

Steve for some reason is worked up. "And you need to stand back, you are definitely crazy if you think it's fun to jeopardize the safety of everyone on board."

Then looks at Bruce, "sorry."

"It's fine, I wouldn't have came aboard if I didn't have a handle on it."

Tony grabs food out of nowhere, "I'm not putting anyone in danger we have him." Then he points at me.

"Thank you for having so much trust in me, but it would be nice to not battle him especially here, so let's keep the poking to a minimum."

"You all are no fun."

After that I ignore everyone again and go back into my work.

I lost track of time the closer I got to finding it, I got so lost in my own head that I didn't pay attention to the fact that everyone came into the room and is currently fighting.

Before I could ask how long it's been and to be quiet there was a loud explosion and I fell.

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