

When I woke up, I was surrounded by a light mist. In the sky, I saw what seemed to be a river of stars. I could also see a large mountain at some distance.

I started to make my way toward the mountain. I was amazed by the sheer size of it. It was probably the most enormous mountain I had ever seen in my two lives. I could see myself slowly approaching it.

I reached the base of the mountain. I took some rest before I started climbing. I could only climb for two hours before I had to take some rest. Fortunately, the slope was not steep else; I would have fallen due to exhaustion. I started to search for something to eat as I was an idiot not to bring some supplies with me.

I thought that I could survive just based on mana, but my mana would only last for a few days. I didn't know that it would take more than a few days to get there. Maybe Mom and Dad would start to worry about me.

I started wandering around a flat terrain I found. After searching for a while, I found nothing. I again started to climb the mountain in hopes of finding something.

Two days later.

There was no concept of day or night here. The only way I could judge time was my approximate guess.

I was aimlessly walking up the mountain. I did find some water in little puddles, which I was thankful for. I had climbed a quarter of the mountain. Well, what else could I do right now? I rested, climbed, rested, and climbed again. I was slowly getting hungry. Water couldn't fully satiate my hunger.

I didn't know when, but my hunger overpowered me, and I started to eat anything to fill my stomach grass, soil, bark, anything I could find.

Some days later.

I didn't know how much time had passed. I started struggling to keep my sanity. I was almost losing myself. I kept on going. I couldn't walk properly now.

I slowly started losing consciousness. Sigh, I don't know how many times I was going to lose consciousness after coming to this world.


A little while later, you could see a magic circle start to form under the body of a young boy soundly sleeping on the ground.

It slowly started to get brighter, and then the boy vanished, as was the circle.


I started to open my eyes. I could see a large view of space from where I was. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was lying down on what seemed to be a cold stone platform when I suddenly heard a deep voice.

"You woke up."

It sent my head buzzing just hearing it.

"How are you feeling?"

The voice spoke again.

"I feel fine, sir."

I said as I tried to find the source of the voice. But I couldn't find anything. All I could see was a plain of grass.

"Why do you want power at such a young age?" the voice asked with a hint of puzzlement.

To protect my family and me, of course.

"It is to protect my loved ones and me from any threat that could endanger their lives."

I could then hear a swish, and the space in front of me started to tear apart.

What came out of the crack was a young man that looked about 18 years of age with long Golden hair and Multi-coloured eyes.

He came before me and spoke while caressing my head, "Sigh, what has this world come to be for such a young child to bear such heavy responsibilities."

He then looked at me for a few seconds before saying, "Child, do you want to be my disciple?"

I was shell shocked. Did I want to be the disciple of the most powerful being in the previous era? Personally, my answer would be yes. But if I disappeared for more than a few days, my whole family would be in chaos.


"Sigh, can you give me a reason?"

"I can't keep my family waiting for too long."

"What? Hahaha!" he suddenly started laughing.

"Did you think that I was going to teach you everything manually? Don't underestimate me this much, kiddo. No matter what, I was still once the most powerful being in the entire cosmos. It would just take a few days for you to inherit my memories. So, what about now?"

If that was the case, then I had no problem with that.

"Disciple Ethan Zephyr greets master. I will be in your care."

As soon as I said that, I was teleported along with master to a white hall. It had countless doors on all of its walls.

"Come on, Ethan. Sit down with your back facing me."

I did as he told me, and then he put his hands behind my back.

"What I am about to do might hurt and feel like you are dying but hold on. Also, don't lose yourself. Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath and calmed my mind.

"Yes, master."


I then felt a cool sensation starting from my back to my head, and then suddenly, it began to get a little painful.

"Hold on; it is about to be finished."

The headache slowly receded, and I again found myself in a gravityless space floating. I could see another ball of light, just like the first time. But this time, it was significantly larger, about a thousand times. I was only like a speck of dust in front of it. It started to move towards me, and as soon as I got in contact with it, I began to have a lot of memories getting implanted into my head. I could see myself diligently practising weapons, studying and cultivating magic. I could also see myself participating in bloody wars where I emerged victorious, and I could see myself giving instructions to my subjects.

Who was I?

Was I Dante? Was I Ethan? Or Was I the person who fought in these battles?

"You are Ethan Zephyr."

A loud voice reverberated in my mind. I suddenly felt a sense of coolness in my mind. Yes, I was Ethan Zephyr of the Zephyr family and was Dante in my previous life.

I slowly digested all the memories, and a little while later, I opened my eyes. I was again teleported under the sky and was no longer in the room.

What I saw felt a lot different to me. I could vaguely see lines floating across the sky, the grass, and even trees and rocks. I could feel myself thinking a lot faster. I enjoyed the feeling for a little while until I saw something.

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