
Reborn As The Monster's Lord

YOU CAN BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE! https://ko-fi.com/Zeertified Alex Murazaki, an 18 year old sophomore engineering student, along with his bestfriend, Nao Hideaki, a female transferry student, decided to walk home together after eating at a nearby cafe. On their way home; with unavoided circumstances, they were both involved in a car accident. When they woke up, they were surrounded by pitch black background telling them that they were already dead. Thankfully, a God from another world, decided to keep their souls and wanted them to live in his world. But the condition is . . . . "You wont get reincarnated as a human but as a monster." What will happen to these two whom being thrown in another world? Can they survive in this harsh environment where magic and swords are involved?

Zeertified · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Roulette of Fate and Determination

[ ... ] : Inner Dialogue ( Alex )

( ... ) : Author's Description/ Reaction



[ This scammer, bastard. No wonder his offer sounds tempting, but who stupid will turn down his offer! Ughh! What a plotting scum! ]

"What do you mean by that?" Despite his burgeoning anger, he asked with a fake smile attached on his face.

"Well, my world is composed of humans, demi - humans and monsters coexisting together. Oh! There's also magics and spells that you badly wanted. How is it? Interesting right?" Eran sounded annoyingly happy.

Upon hearing what Eran said, Alex's whole body filled with anger gradually lessened. After all, living in a world with swords and magics was his hopeless dream.

[ I'm still angry but still! My dream world that I was begging so much! Finally! Thank you truck- kun! So you're real after all! ]

Alex saw a hallucination of truck-kun winking at him ( Lol! ). On the other hand, Nao who was hiding behind him all this time, finally showed herself and faced Eran with a pretty funny face. She was trying to be calm and composed yet her excitement was leaking as she was trying to held her smile back.

"So what do you want from us?" Nao bravely asked.

"Well? I will tell you that later!" Eran the entire time, was oddly smiling.

The two still had doubt on this Eran but still, their excitement took over their body. Out of the blue, Eran flicked his fingers and 3 mysterious roulettes appeared out of nowhere.

"Roulette?" Alex mumbled.

"Mmmm! Rou-le-tte" Eran energetically responded.

Eran brushed a quick smirk. Nao didn't saw it but, Alex did. The chills of his smirk instantly crawled onto his body.

"Can you please stop smirking? It's fucking creepy!"

"Eh?! Really? O-, okay!"

"So what do we do with this roulette?" Alex pointed out to the three eye-catching roulettes.

"Okay! Let me explain the rules!" Eran disappeared in split second and appeared behind the three roulettes. "There are 3 roulettes in front of you, each roulette is classified into Type of Monster, Ultimate Skill and Specialized Class."

"Okay?" Alex was kinda impatient. "So what?"

"Alex! Stop being impatient!" Nao's smile can almost reached her ear. "You're fucking rude to Eran-sama right now."

[ What the fuck Nao?! ]

Eran brushed a laugh. "I like it! Regardless of that, did I introduce my world to you? Well ... I can tell you that later."

[ This God looks so stupid but, a scheming bastard. ]

"As I said earlier, you will not be reincarnated as humans but monsters. But in your case, I'll allow you to transform into humans even though you're monsters so be thankful for that and praise the great me!" He laughed at his own swanking.

"O-Okay? Thank you very much?" Alex boringly played along with him.

On the other hand, Nao was indifferently clapping her hands like a circus seal.

"Well! With an appearance of a monster, it'll only just ruin my plans so don't be thankful." Eran whispered and no one seemed to heard it.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Alex asked.

Eran brushed a look at him and ignored him soon after. "So moving on!"

[ Fuck! Did that brat just ignored me?! ]

"The specialized class is the class you will obtain when you are in human form."

"Huh? So there's adventurers down there?" Nao frankly asked.

"There is though? Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering cause if we go down there as monsters, then aren't we on a disadvantage?"

[ Rational question! Good job Nao! ]

"That's the reason why I'm giving you your human form. Don't ask more question and just fucking listen to me, okay?"

[ What a bossy bastard! ]

"Well, to start, Nao Hideaki please spin the roulette!"

Nao walked forward and spin the roulettes. After the roulettes had been spin, a loud 'ting' sound was heard from the sky.

"Congratulations! Congratulations! You got the Winter Phoenix! How lucky isn't it?" Eran's tone was kinda monotonous. As if he was acting poorly.

"Is Winter Phoenix strong?" Nao asked.

"Well! Winter Phoenix is a Rank SSS Monster Type. There's no Winter Phoenix in my world right now and I badly need one so thank god you got it! I can rest assured now!"

"Huh?!" Nao and Alex reacted in unison.

[ Fuck? This Eran sure is something. Now I know what he is planning. He is badly in need of strong monsters with high intellect that's why we are currently here. I got you now, bastard! ]

Ignoring that fact, Eran acted like nothing happened. "Nao Hideaki, what will be your name in my new world?"

Nao felt hesitant. "Wait a minute. What do you mean by what you said?"

Eran acted cluelessly. "What do you mean? I never said anything though?"

"You said you badly need that Winter Phoenix in your world, what do you mean by that?!" Nao raised a tone.

Eran disturbingly glared at them. The atmosphere around them instantly turned frighteningly cold. "Nao Hideaki, what will be your name in my new world?" He pressured her to answer.

[ Fuck. What's with the sudden suffocating air? ]

"Uh-, uhmm ..." Nao was forced to drop her question. "I'll go with Shizuha."

"Why Shizuha?" Eran's bright personality gradually returned.

"Because it is the Kanji for Quiet and Feather, therefore Shizuha."

"Huh?!" Alex accidentally slipped his thought out.

[ What the hell? Quiet? Really? This girl sure is shameless. I want to smack her once in the head. I guess there's a worm living inside his head, slowly eating her brain until it rots. ]

"I accept the name 'Shizuha'" Eran flicked his finger and Nao unexpectedly found herself wrapped in glowing gold light. "Shizuha the Winter Phoenix is now born!"

The gold light slowly faded away.

"Shizuha please check your status screen."

[ Is there a status screen? Like games? Really? ]

"How do I do that?" Nao asked.

"Swipe your fingers in the air and a status screen will appear." Eran instructed.

Just as what he instructed, Nao swiped her fingers in the air though in Alex's vision, nothing appeared.

"Hey, brat. I mean Eran, nothing is showing though. Are you for real or just a sham?"


Shizuha the Winter Phoenix ( SSS )

Title: None

Level: 1

Specialized Class: Glacial Mage

Unique Skill: None


Icy Spikes ( Cooldown: 120 seconds ) ( Current Level: 1 )

Snowball ( Cooldown: 70 seconds ) ( Current Level: 1 )

Ice Shield ( Cooldown: 85 seconds ) ( Current Level: 1 )

Ultimate Skill: Blizzard Catastrophe ( Locked ) ( Progress: 0.00% )


"Woah! It's a real status screen!" Nao yelled in surprise.

Alex was dumbfounded. "Huh? Really? But I can't see it!" He doubled check and even scratched his eyes yet still, nothing was in his vision.

"You can only see your own status screen however, if you are in a party with someone, statuses of your party members will be shown excluding his/her skills and confidential stats."

"Oohh! I see."

[ Just like a game! Now this is becoming more of like an RPG game. ]

After Nao, it's finally Alex's turn to spin the roulette. He was quite nervous and excited at the same time.

[ Hope I won't get a slime or a goblin or something common! It will destroy my reputation! Please! No slime! ]

"Alex Rodriguez, please spin the roulette."

Alex spun the roulette with his eyes closed.

[ Hope I got something close to Nao's Winter Phoenix. Hope I won't get a slime ... No slime ... No goblin ... Please ... Slime won't do ... ]

"Woah!!" Eran exclaimed.

Alex slowly opened his eyes and his eyes widen in surprise to what he just saw. "What?!!"

"Congratulations! You got the Shadow Drake!" Eran oddly smiled. Alex noticed this.

[ There's that odd smile again. ]

"Is that strong?" He noticed it yet he pretended not to. "I think drake is just something that is lower than dragon or something."

"Shadow Drake is a Rank SSS+ Monster Type!"

"Huh?! Rank SSS+?" Alex sounded surprised though in fact, he was not. Afterwards, he glowed in blinding gold.

[ As expected, roulette my ass. ]

"Yup! Rank SSS+ is the strongest monster type of all monsters." Eran hid a smile. "Shadow Drake along with Elemental Drake, Holy Drake and Phantasma Drake, they are the only Rank SSS+ monsters that are said to be found in my world. They are called the 4 Heavenly Drake Guardians that are scattered around to ensure the stability of the world."

[ What the hell is his motives? I already know that he sabotage the roulettes. ]

Nao approached him with a faint smile. "Congratulations, bastard. You got something perfect!"

Alex out of the blue, faced him with a serious look and confronted Eran. "Don't tell me you badly need a Shadow Drake in your world now?"

"Oho?!" Eran's expression turned smug. "That's right! How did you know?"

"What the hell are you planning? Can you just at least spare us some details?"

[ This cunning bastard. ]

"Don't be impatient Alex." Eran vanished in front of them. In split second, he appeared behind Alex and chillingly whispered, "I already told you once to stop asking questions, right?"

Alex felt a chill in his words. Like nothing happened, Eran passed by him as he said, "Well, go ahead and name yourself brat."

Alex silently clicked his tongue. "I think 'Yuki' is good enough."

"Yuki? Why Yuki, Alex?" Nao curiously asked.

"I don't know, It's just sounds cool."

[ Let's stop thinking and forget that cunning bastard's plan. For now, I wanna see my status screen! ]


Yuki the Shadow Drake ( SSS+ )

Title: None

Level: 1

Specialized Class: Phantom Assasin

Unique Skill: None


Night Shade ( Cooldown: 0 second ) ( Passive ) ( Level: 1 )

Shadow Ball ( Cooldown: 50 seconds ) ( Level: 1 )

Dark Protection ( Cooldown: 90 seconds ) ( Level: 1 )

Ultimate Skill: Shade Destruction ( Locked ) ( Progress: 0.00% )


"Now that you've spin the roulette, I guess it's time for the next phase."

"Huh? Is there more?"

"What do you mean?" Nao followed up.

"Now that you're done spinning the roulettes, I will now grant you your Unique Skills."

"Oh! That's right! I saw a Unique Skill tag in my status screen but it stated that I got none." Alex exclaimed.

"Yup! Unique Skills are only granted by God to those people who he took a liking with. In short, I'm the one giving them their unique skills."

[ Well this God knows how to please someone however, he's motives are still unclear. He's just teasing us by giving us free lollipops. Aside from needing strong monsters, I still don't have the faintest idea why would he go this far, if the monsters he already gave us are freaking mythic type. I won't be swayed by this! ]

"For Shizuha, I'll grant you the Synthesize Skill that allows you to fuse certain items to create a specific item. I'll also grant you the Notebook, that allows you to browse the recipe for each items." Shizuha was wrapped once again in bright gold light. "For example, if you browse over the Notebook and the required recipe for a single brick is 25 stones; with the synthesize skill, fuse them together with the 25 stones you gathered."

"Wow! Thank you! That's very helpful!" Nao was delighted.

Eran's face unexpectedly turned serious. "But remember, using the skill gives heavy burden to the body. Using that skill required magical energy, so always be careful." Eran kindly adviced. "On the brighter side, the more you use the skill, the more chances for you to unlocked new recipes."

Nao seriously nodded. "I'll take that advice."

"Now moving on, for Yuki, I'll grant you the Domination Skill."

"It sounds shady." Alex commented.

"It allows you to steal and own the monster skills when you slain them. I'll also grant you the Unlimited Storage that will be very helpful in your adventures."

Alex glowed in blinding gold once more. Afterwards, Alex tried to squeezed out his motives.

"Isn't this a bit too much? Being a mythic type monster was already enough so I'm too curious as to why you are suddenly granting us this stupidly crazy skills."

Eran's expression straightened. "I already told you right? Just wait, I'm still not done talking." He once again had this chilly vibes around him. "In the Domination Skill, a notice will show up if you successfully takes the monster's skill and of course, the chances of stealing the skill is purely based on luck. Also you can't store living organism in the storage box."

The three turned silent. Nao and Alex took swift glances at each other. Afterwards, Nao slowly raised her hand and voiced out. "Me also, it's so suspicious of you to give us these cheat skills, there's something more in it isn't it?"

Eran coldly glared at them as he rose towards the sky. "So you're really that curious?"


The whole beautiful background cracked into two. As if it was just a room wallpaper, the background was torn into pieces and gradually changed into something horrible. It was raining to hard where storms and hurricanes appeared nonstop. The waves behind them was too violent. The trees and leaves were dancing along with the rampaging heavy breeze. On top of these all was Eran, glaring down at them with the coldest look.

"Now, let's move on to the real deal ..."



2 chapters will be posted per week! Thank you for reading!

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