
Battle For Italica





The group were now currently being lead by Ms Acoho- Pina as they were walking through the hallways of a rather impressive building, though that was by medieval standards. Arison had seen much better, and he was sure that Itami was the same with his world. While they were talking, Arison did listen but looked mostly distracted as he looked around the place with bored eyes.

They were apparently on their way to meet up with the supposed countess of this town, who was going by the name of Myui, if what Pina said was correct at all. It didn't take them that long at all before they arrived at the end of the hallway, to which they were now standing in front of a wooden door. Pina turning around to face them when they arrived.

"The mistress that lies beyond this door is the current ruler of Italica. Also being the countess of Formar, Myui." Pina reminded them as she gestured towards the wooden door. Itami just nodded his head in response as the others remained silent. She then opened the door as all of them then peeked over Itami's shoulders to see.

When they did, they noticed that a young girl, probably no older than twelve, was sitting in a respectful manner on one of the two chairs atop a small elevated section of the room. She was wearing a pink dress, which was rather expensive looking despite its simplicity. She had long orange hair that reached down to her shoulders.

Despite her seemingly calm exterior, Arison could see her nervous expression easily. She was also fidgeting nervously ever so slightly. It was impressive to him that she was able to at least keep a somewhat calm demeanour, she was even younger than he was. Any other girl or boy her age would normally be in a panic, especially if they're told they were going to be having an important meeting with a group of people.

Which was the case with them.

Though, she was the countess of this town, so she did have to have some form of calmness and maturity for her to actually run this place.

Itami blinked as he looked at her. "A kid...?"

Lelei then voiced her own thoughts. "If memory serves, she should be turning eleven this year..."

"She's only ten? I thought she was twelve..." Arison muttered with a bit of surprise in his voice. He didn't expect her to be ten. From what he could guess of her height, though it was hard since she was sitting, she should be a bit over the average height expected for people her age. 'Why the hell do I even know that? Whatever...'

"She may be head of the family, but she has never been taught the skills for leading an army." Pina spoke as she walked to stand next to Myui. The girl in question looking up at the redhead as the woman spoke. "So, I will be the one commanding what is left of her militia for the time being. That being until she is able to."

"Okay... that makes sense."


"Hold on. So, you are offering to help defend the city?" Pina's rather surprised voice spoke as they were now seen sitting down and speaking with one another. Pina and Hamilton sitting with one another on one couch, Itami, Tuka, Lelei and Rory on another. Myui was on a singular small couch at one end of the table, and Arison and Euryale sitting on a double couch at the other end.

Back to the conversation, Arison really didn't have any reason to help this place aside from his own personality. He was the type of person to help others if they need, though that doesn't mean he'd help anyone. If there was even one GOOD reason why he shouldn't help them, then he won't unless that reason has been cleared.

In this case, it seemed that this group were probably with the empire of this world, which he had found out were not exactly the greatest, not in power nor personality. That would be reason enough for him not to help them, but he could see something else. He wasn't narrow-minded. He could see that Ms Alcohol here truly believed that the empire was good.

In other words, she was delusional.

That meant she didn't know of the true horrors that this empire of hers was all about, and was standing with them all the damn way. All he had to do was crush that view of hers, and that may sound cruel, but he had good reasons. That being that if he didn't then she'll be following along a dark path, clouded away from the truth.

He was more than ready to help right now, but that could change depending on what will be said.

"I don't believe that the merchants here will be willing to buy any wyvern or dragon scales right now." Itami spoke. He was speaking of the scales that they collected from the multiple wyvern corpses, as well as the scales from the dragon Arison defeated. Pina blinked before sitting back on the couch as she spoke.

"Very well then... I shall assign your forces to guard the southern gate of Italica." Pina spoke as at this moment, the small crew that they had brought with them should already be on their way entering into the town. She then turned her attention to the side. "Also, I'd like to confirm something... you are the one that defeated the fire dragon?"

"Yes... what of it?" Arison asked calmly. It seemed that a fire dragon was quite the immense threat here in this world, though it was extremely weak in his eyes. He kind of expected a question like this if they were informed of the event, which it seems that they were.

"N-Nothing, I was just curious..."



That was all that was honestly going through Arison's head right now as he was seated atop of the stone walls of the town, his eyes glancing towards the forest they were overlooking as the night sky ruled above. He along with the members of the JSDF were all placed to guard the southern part by Pina, and it seemed that nothing was happening yet.

"Arison." He heard a familiar voice call out to him as he turned his attention to the side to see Euryale walking over towards him. Seeing her walk over, he sat up and turned his body to face her. She stopped in front of him before speaking. "Why is it that you chose to help these people anyway? I don't see any reason to..."

"I know you despise humanity, but that's doesn't mean I do." Arison sighed as he flicked his hair to the side before looking at her seriously. "I know you don't really see their lives as anything worth much. But, I do see reasons why I should help. That being because we may be able to lead these people to a brighter future."

"But aren't these people with the empire? You know how bad they are from what Rory has told us." Euryale frowned as she remembered what the apostle had told them of the acts and nature of this 'powerful' empire of theirs. Before he could respond, a figure walked on over towards them. Being none other than Rory herself.

"I agree with her. So, why do you still help them?"

"Because I see a group of misled people. Ones who need not more than someone, just someone to guide them." Arison voiced as he looked up at the shining moon. Both females giving him confused looks. "Not a commander leading an army. Not some hero of any kind. But simply someone who can show them the truth and bring forth a greater future."

"So, you are saying we can be that someone?" Euryale asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope, not us." Arison spoke without hesitation, surprising both of them. Hearing how blunt his answer was, they could tell he meant what he was saying. "We won't be the person who shows them the way. We are only the ones who will give them the necessary push. I have no intention of guiding them myself."

"Then who will?"

"Isn't it obvious? That would be themselves." Arison smirked ever so slightly. Both the goddess and the demi-goddess appeared confused as they stared at him with blinking eyes. "We will be the necessary push, but they will be the ones to guide themselves. We will crush that view of theirs on how this empire is a great and noble force. Then, it will be up to them. More specifically, that woman."

"You mean Pina?" Rory wondered, Arison responding with a simple nod before adding.

"If she cannot take the step and show the way, then someone else will. No matter what generation, there is always somebody who will step up to do what is right." Arison then jumped off of the wall and walked calmly to the edge to stare towards the eastern direction of the town. "If Pina is that person they need, only time will tell if she is or isn't."

Listening to his words, Euryale and Rory shared a look with one another before smiling, Euryale only with a small one though. The goddess honestly couldn't care less if they succeeded or not. Rory then skipped up next to Arison as she twirled around a bit before bending over and looked up towards his face while standing next to him.

"Quite interesting you are, Arison! Oh~, I can't wait to step into the field with you again!" Rory giggled with a chilling tone as she recalled the last battle they had during the destruction of that large bandit camp. The scene of Arison still sending pleasurable chills down her spine. Arison just rolled his eyes.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy that little slaughter. From what he found in that camp, there was evidence of their actions consisting of not only simply stealing and raiding villages, but also evidence that they have kidnapped, raped and done other rather insane things that would make any sensible person angry.

Truly deplorable actions...

The whole time they talked, Itami could hear their conversation from where he was standing and couldn't help but smile at Arison's words. Arison knew that these people were blindly following the empire, and that was one big mistake. If they could push them to turn things around for the better, than they could truly start to prosper.

While it looked like the empire was appearing rather successful, a kingdom like that was always destined to fall one day. Much was evident in the past where kings and queens had been executed and the kingdoms into chaos all due to the leader's decisions and corrupt personalities. This empire was a prime example of that.

Just the fact that Rory had told them that one of the actions of the empire was even destroying their own people for the betterment of the kingdom itself and to keep it alive was already a red flag. True, it may have helped them decrease their use of resources. However, it was only due time that it would eventually bite them back.


Arison's ear twitched slightly as his attention was soon brought back towards the eastern entrance, he narrowed his eyes as he could hear the sounds of people shouting and also what he could assume was arrows as he could hear the winds whistling. Everyone else started to hear the same as they turned in the same direction.

They watched as the direction was suddenly caught ablaze as smoke was rising high into the sky. It seemed that what they were expecting was happening, and that was the attack. Though, they didn't think that they would attack the most defended direction. It was as if they wanted to die in battle, and the reason to him was unknown.

"Any message from Pina?" Itami asked one of the soldiers, who only shook his head in response. Itami gritted his teeth as he then muttered. "Come on, Pina..."

They honestly started feeling like many tens of minutes were passing by as Arison could hear and feel the damn deaths of many people already occurring. Seriously, what the hell was taking that redhead? If there was anything that could seriously turn Arison's gears sour to the max, it was the many deaths of innocent people.

"N-Noo~, I simply can't hold it back! Mmm, help!" Arison turned his attention after having heard Rory's voice. Everyone was looking as Rory suddenly fell to the ground before running her hands strangely across her body, all the while releasing moans of both pain and seemingly pleasure. Eliciting rather disturbed looks from everyone. "Make it stop!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"A-Arison~, help!" Rory spoke as she grabbed him by the waist. Arison just blinked in major confusion as Euryale was no better. The others watched the scene with incredible confusion as Itami then leaned towards Lelei before he whispered his question, though it was what everyone else was also wondering.

"What's the matter with Rory?"

"Rory's body is acting as the doorway to death. Whenever soldiers fall in battle, they go over through to Emroy." Lelei answered in her usual dull tone as she watched the scene. Arison didn't push or stop Rory as his attention was more focused on the direction where the soldiers were all fighting, even he had a hard time holding back now.

"Anything you could do to help her?"

"Unfortunately, no. Only she can help herself to surrender."

"Any word yet?" Itami asked the same soldier. The person who was asked just shook their head once again as Itami clenched his fist with a frustrated look on his face. Arison narrowed his eyes before his mouth opened slightly as his gritted teeth were now visible, his eyes narrowingly dangerously as he released a low growl.

"Wh-Where are those warriors in green?!"

"We need so help!"

"Fall back no- gah!"

That's it.

"I know we're only supposed to help when we're called for. But, if that princess doesn't have the damn guts to call for our help, then I'll just force it onto them." Arison growled as he then gently pushed Rory off of him before turning towards the others. "I'm going ahead. If you want to join me, then feel free. I'm not waiting for Ms Alcohol to give me damn orders anymore!"

He didn't even wait for a response before suddenly charged forth towards the east at speeds far past a fighter jet as he ran along the rooftops and was quickly approaching the gate as the soldiers watched him run off with awe filling their eyes. Rory soon grabbing her halberd before giving a strange moan as she licked her lips.

"I'm not waiting any longer either! Wait for me, Arison~!" Rory then began running after Arison as well, though her speed was nowhere near as great as his. Euryale just sighed as she watched both of them head into battle. Though, she soon summoned forth her bow before quickly going after them as well. She might as well join in.

"W-Wait, guys!" Itami had shouted. Though they were already too far away to hear him. "Alright, we're going after them!"


The battle was brutal.

The enemy soldiers were all killing the people that were protecting the town one by one, and with incredible ease as well. It was kind of expected as the knights that protected them already were killed, and they were not trained at all to fight against experienced soldiers. These people may be barbarians, but they were at least trained in battle.

To go with that, it seemed that the enemy was taking pleasure in the deaths and were not just killing because they wanted to take over the place. It was obvious that these monsters were enjoying slaughtering each and every one of them. Having no mercy at all towards them. They sliced. They smashed. They slaughtered.

It continued on as the numbers were decreasing rapidly and the enemy was getting through. However, all of their attention was soon directed towards a shadow that had suddenly come flying over their heads. They looked to see none other than Arison falling down, to which he then landed in the middle of all of them.

"Alright, the party is about to be over. I was growing tired of waiting for orders from that princess." Arison spoke while cracking his neck. His eyes turned cold as he spoke in a chilling tone that sent shivers down the spines of all that were present, even those that his voice wasn't directed towards. "I hope your ready because this is about to become a true slaughter!"

Arison held his hand forth before shouting. "Come to me... the Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword! Clarent!"

All eyes fell to Arison's hand as a sword soon came into existence before their very eyes. Not a normal sword, but one of beauty. The sword having a dark red colour along with silver as he spun it around before pointing it towards the enemy soldiers. He then gave a cold smirk, one that made the soldiers step back in fear.



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