
Proud Fudge

Fudge looked at Yuna and saw nothing but genuinity in her eyes. It was obvious. She really believed that Fudge was a ninja.

This was the first time anyone had ever believed Fudge's claims to be a ninja. Most of them didn't even know what Fudge was talking about, and even if they did, then they would always treat him like a child telling bold lies.

"If you're a ninja, can you run on water? Can you clone yourself into a wooden log?!" Yuna asked, with her eyes completely filled with curiosity.

"...yes…Yes I can!" Fudge shouted enthusiastically. "I can do more! I can use a mystical eye and trap my enemies into an illusion!"

"Woah…" Yuna said as she slowly clapped for Fudge.

Meanwhile, the Rebornians and even her personal attendant Agnes, was surprised that Yuna was going along with the slime's fantasies. Even fellow Rebornians and demi-humans would cast Fudge's words as nothing more than roleplaying, but Yuna treated it as if it was real.