
Reborn as Tai Bai Yun Sheng in reverend insanity

It is a story about a collegue student who wake up in the body of Tai Bai Yun Sheng a side character in reverend insanity his path is full of scheme death and power || I don't own reverendinsanity or the charchter exept the oc ||

Oussama_Neaga · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Which Venerable??

**TIME SKIP**\\after 8 years

looking at the snow that start to fall make my heart cold it is been eight years after I came to this world a lot of thing happend but the most important event are:

First My cultivation base reach rank five peak stage my aperture shine with dark purple light. inside it you could see Man as before gu , river as before gu, mountain as before gu, lightning gu ,lightning body gu and lightning stone gu all of them rank five in those years I cultivate none stop and using my gu worm to heal peopol in the war and spirit spring was profitably to me to rise my lightning gu worms to rank five and have extra rank four gu worm after leaving chin tribe and give them rank five cloud-heal I find that northen plain full of fight so I chose a side and heal people I kept traveling from battlefield to another until last year when the tribes stop fighting each other to prepare to for Imperial Court Contest

My Attainment rise to be time path master by doing research on my time immortal inheritance I find a lot of insight in earth we used term like Time is relative and change from your point of view and that happen here exactly the time can be different from place to other it was mention that every immortal aperture have different time flow and my lightning attainment rise to master too just using some research and my knowledge I could rise it to this level lightning is one of the most strong element in the world it was mention in "ren zu"story that lightning gu and haterd gu destory blue heaven and with my knowledge it was the best path to culivate with time path I tried to find Lang Ya Blessed Land but it was fruitless Fang yaun was able to find it because of his past life knowledge unlike me who just ignore the mention of the place in the novel I was planning to have him Refin me second aperture but my luck and research didn't pay and I get my flying Attainment to master level again with a lot of practice you could do anything you want and the right gu worms

second wolf kinf or Chang Shan Yin has appear and it obviously that wolf king is Fang yuan I may forgot some detail in the novel but I still remember every event fang yaun did so except the danger that I will have to face in few month there is also the hiding danger of venerbal plan I am weak so even if I know who is it that brought me here I won't be able to change anything and I will be part of Imperial Court Contest and I will join Hei Lou Lan I alrday find a lifespan gu in the hand of rank three gu master and I kill him it is the easy way to git the gu and kept secret of lifespan gu eighty years the gu is big part of my plan to ascend to immortal and even if I don't want be part of the event the benefit is just to big to not take and Me changing the futur now will be bad for the me now I am just to weak to not get effect by the change

third I start building a little force with the gu master I saved they were demonic path gu master and some lone gu master unlike Tai Bai Yun Sheng I have an ambition and the ablity to lead peopol also fighting alone is an idiot move in the coming war rank five will lose there live in the final fight with my strong attack and with my flying and cultivat base I could make anyone fear me and fight in front line but I chose to not reveal all my card what coming is a long fight that will make the whole northen plain change and some hiding card is needed to survival

fourth the system show up heheheh you wish

fourth it was before two years I meet Ma Hong Yun the son of luck and the user of Fortune Rivalling Heaven Gu as it was mention he is extremely lucky I use that chance to take him as my student it was than that my luck get high and I find a solution to a problem that always bother me Fang yaun cheat Spring Autumn Cicada  it is only hypothesis now but what if I use Man as before immortal gu with Landscape as Before Gu wouldn't that have the same effect like Spring Autumn Cicada getting this insight I couldn't help but feel envey from Ma Hong Yun He is an idiot from birth yet his luck is high as the sky if I has the ablity I will take it but Fang yaun and gaint sun will were a great exemple of Fortune Rivalling Heaven Gu power