
reborn as suguru geto (jujutsu kaisen)

god:"So an average teenager by the hands of truck Kun dies you know the Drill being an omnipotent being such as my your's truly RoB or what ever those peoples call beings like me in those fanfiction I'm also interested in creating one of those fanfiction into reality and I just find the perfect vic- ahemm candidate for my entertai- I mean experiment

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Aftermath of the Battle

Several months had passed since the harrowing clash with Ravana in the heart of India. Amid the everyday hustle and bustle of an elementary school classroom, Geto found himself lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon outside the window. The remnants of that fateful battle still haunted his mind, the adrenaline and fear that had surged through his veins leaving a lasting mark.

In the corner of his consciousness, Ian's voice broke through the silence, a mischievous undertone coloring his words. "What's with all the moping? Did your girlfriend dump you or something?" he quipped, his presence a constant companion in Geto's thoughts.

Geto couldn't help but chuckle at Ian's teasing, his retort dripping with sarcasm. "Haha, very funny. Did all of your entertainment revolve around spying on children? Should I call the FBI?" he shot back, his words laced with playful banter.

"You're the one who chose to reincarnate as a child. Now deal with it," Ian countered, the ghostly laughter in his voice implying an amused smirk.

Geto rolled his eyes at the remark, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Fine, fine. But don't think for a second that I'm being all emo. I still have my standards, you know," he retorted, a glint of humor in his eyes.

As the banter continued, Geto's mind wandered back to that pivotal moment in India. It was then that he felt a curious intrusion, a mental presence unlike any other. It was as if someone or something had been watching the battle unfold, a sensation that sent shivers down his spine.

Ian's voice broke the reverie, his tone inquisitive. "Feel what? You gonna give me some context here, or should I give an answer you might not want to hear?" he asked, his words a playful dance.

Geto sighed, his fingers drumming lightly on the desk as he attempted to convey the weight of his emotions. "During that fight in India, the one against Ravana... Did you ever feel like there was someone, or something, watching us?" he asked, his voice laden with a mixture of curiosity and unease.

Ian's response was quick, dismissive even. "No, not really. Why? Did you sense something?" he queried, his nonchalant tone not entirely masking his genuine interest.

Before Geto could reply, the teacher's voice rang out, signaling the end of the school day. "Don't forget to do your homework, everyone!" The familiar words served as a reminder that, despite the otherworldly concerns that occupied his mind, the mundane responsibilities of childhood persisted.

As the sound of the bell reverberated through the classroom, Geto began to pack his belongings, his thoughts drifting back to his ongoing conversation with Ian. "Yeah, I can't shake the feeling that someone's been watching," he admitted, his voice a mixture of contemplation and uncertainty.

Ian's voice returned, laden with speculation. "Could it be Kenjaku?" he mused, the name carrying an air of suspicion.

Geto considered the possibility before shaking his head. "Maybe, but I doubt he'll make a move now. And as far as I know, he doesn't even know I exist, considering I haven't done anything noteworthy," he reasoned, his words hinting at a strategic caution.

A contemplative silence settled between them as the teacher's words continued to filter in from the background. The routine reminders and mundane chatter served as a stark contrast to the weight of the unseen forces that tugged at Geto's thoughts.

As he continued to pack his bag, Geto's voice held a newfound determination. "I don't know who it could be, but I should keep my guard up and focus on completing my next project," he declared, his footsteps carrying him out of the classroom and into the warm embrace of a sunset-painted evening.

With the golden hues of the setting sun casting long shadows on the path before him, Geto walked home with a renewed sense of purpose. The mysteries that lay ahead, the echoes of the battle, and the watchful eyes that remained unseen