
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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25 Chs

Corrupting Allison Argent

Stiles didn't mince words and finished his sentence; he told Allison the truth, fully aware of her ongoing worry and anxiety. "... In short, I met a girl last night and things got deep quickly due to circumstances. She's my girlfriend now."

"Girlfriend? Deep?" Allison's face became glum as she asked her question.

Disappointment washed over her face, and jealousy began to show.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing...

She refused to believe it.

What had it been?

It was only one night.

Was the world so cruel to her?

She'd just met a guy she thought she liked.

And now he was saying that he had a girlfriend after only one night of not meeting.

What did he mean by "deep" as well?

Was he talking about—

"Sorry, I didn't think things through with all the alcohol last night, but Summer is actually a cool girl; you two should meet, I think you would become friends fast," Stiles said, interrupting Allison's dangerous thoughts.

"No way. You're kidding me right?" Allison's face contorted into a fierce and intimidating scowl that could easily make others tremble.

For a split second, she considered brushing it off and acting unconcerned about her shock in order to keep Stiles from realizing how upset she was.

But she couldn't, it was too difficult… She was in pain and gutted.

Almost K.O-ed…

The unexpected reveal caught her off guard, making her realize, or rather truly acknowledge, how quickly she was falling for Stiles.

She refused to be friendzoned.

"I'm not." Stiles stated. "I would never joke around about this... But why are you asking? I assumed we were friends. Unless you're hiding something from me?"

"W—What would I be hiding?" Allison gulped and stammered.

She thought things, the future direction of their flirtatious and blossoming new relationship, were clear between her and Stiles yesterday... But now he was acting dense and married...

Allison was displeased, but she decided not to let it show anymore.

Stiles was a jerk, and she had misjudged him. She would have to reconsider this friendship because it would quickly become unhealthy for her if he was aware of how she was feeling and was playing with her emotions.

She normally wasn't the type to gravitate toward popular love jerks. Regardless of how handsome they were…

"I assumed you liked me, Allison…" Stiles smiled softly and whispered, increasing the potency of his love hormones as he got closer to her, "I like you as well... I promise you, this is difficult for me."

"You? I... What?!" Allison's face was flushing, and her heart was racing. She was losing her grip on how she was supposed to respond and what she was supposed to say at a terrifying rate.

"I said I like you, Allison Argent." Stiles did not waver and repeated himself, this time being more solemn and truthful. "Me having a girlfriend since a few hours now doesn't change this."

He wasn't in the mood to play anymore, so he took Allison's hand in his and mustered enough strength to take her somewhere they wouldn't be seen.

She didn't, didn't want to, and couldn't fight back.

The rest was only history and the start of somebody's harem life...


Minutes later.

A narrow passageway between the homes of the wealthy…

Reluctantly pushing Stiles' lips away from hers, Allison distanced her face and body from his.

Her gaze briefly shifted towards the beach, where the calm and soothing waves crashed against the shore.

With a hint of concern in her voice, she asked, "What are we doing? I thought you were in a relationship..."



Been a while since last update.

This short chapter concludes here because I intend to seriously return to the basketball aspect of the fic after the first Rated18+scene between Stiles and Allison.

Some things will change in the background as Michael Jordan will buy an NBA team right after his retirement in 2003, where Stiles will soon own assets (don't worry how for now) too and play in a few years…

It will not be in Charlotte or Los Angeles. And in this story, MJ will be a good owner, lol.

I'm guessing Laguna Beach or somewhere close to Vegas, but I'm not sure yet. In any case, the Oklahoma franchise will not exist in this fic, and the Seattle Supersonics will relocate to California or Nevada.