
Uncel Bernd

"Why didn't you tell me about it earlier Hans?"

Annabeth was angry that Hans didn't tell her something so important earlier. They have been playing together in the park or in the backyard of the villa since they were six. Both lost their mothers at an early age and felt lost.

Since the loss, the world was gray and lonely. The other children were carefree, their world was still colorful and full of secrets that they want to unveil along with their friends.

Together they overcame this hurdle and have been going on adventures together ever since.

The search for the lost cat of the baker. The hunt for the lake monster in the wald-lake, what turned out to be only a large catfish.

Their greatest achievement to date is the rescue of Tom, a lost boy from the neighborhood. He fell into a discarded and forgotten well at the old mine.

He fell in while playing hide and seek and was missing for two days.

For this action, Annabeth was severely criticized by her father. As the daughter of an earl, she should have had the town guards search for her. Since then, she is constantly monitored by the butler, but this only works halfway.

"I'm sorry Anna, but my mom told me to keep it for me and to never tell it to another soul."

Hans felt guilty. Anna, as he always calls her, was his best friend. But his mother's last words were clear.

"But why does this Uncle Bernd know about it?! Humph!"

"I didn't tell him. He already knew it." He stutters as he wipes away the imaginary sweat.

"Fine but you have to bring me on the trip. I have the Map now. Humph!"

Annabeth turns around and heads back home. She would like to pack a few things that she needs for the trip.

"Wait Anna, I have to ask Uncle Bernd first!"

While Hans pursues Anna. He remembers the evening on which Uncle Bernd asked him about the map.


15 Days Ago

"Happy birthday Hans. You turned twelve this year. Have you already thought about where you want to go? You have been training your body since you were a little boy. Do you want to become a warrior?" laughs Klausiriuis as he hands Hans a beer.

"Uncel Bernd please, you know I don't like beer"

He pushes the beer away and takes a deep breath.

"I want to join the adventure guild, I have no money for the academy. And I still have a promise to keep."

Hans spoke in a hurry as if he had rehearsed it.

"Hans, I have known you since you were born and your mother even longer. You know you can trust me." Uncel Bernd sighed as he sat down next to him.

"I know." stutters Hans.

He felt guilty, but his mother's last moments keep him from saying anything.

"you know, it's been 15 years since your mother and I and a few others escaped from Praukana on a ship. At that time, a small civil war was raging in the province where we came from." He takes a sip to moisten his throat as he continues speaking.

"The journey was hard and many lost their valuables in the flames of war. Family members were separated by the chaos. Because of the long war, most suffered from malnutrition and few survived the long journey on the ship."

For Klausiriuis, these dark days were still very much in his mind.

"During the trip, we stopped several times at smaller islands. To replenish fresh water and to feel the ground under us. We also stopped at the largest island with the thunderclouds. There I saw how your mother disappeared into the jungle with something and came out again without anything. At the time it was not uncommon for people to hide their valuables. Having fled their homeland with all their possessions, many were afraid of losing them on arrival." He lamented.

"The fear was well-founded, as many of us were taken advantage of. As strangers who want to gain a foothold in a new country, sacrifices are necessary. Especially for women. Your mom was clever. I don't know how she did it, but she quickly got a foothold here." he says when he looked Hans in the eye.

"You always wanted to be a knight, and for that you need money. And I'm sure your mother also hoped for a better future for you. I can imagine why you suddenly want to become an adventurer. As an adventurer, access to the restricted sea and islands is easier. You want to salvage your mother's legacy. "

He declared this as a fact.


Hans was speechless.

He knew he couldn't lie to him now. To deny it would be useless and would only cause a rift between the two. Uncel Bernd always helped the family in times of need. Especially after his mother passed away. He took him in and gave him food and shelter. He even showed him the basic training techniques of a warrior and helped him get a job at the forge after he asked for a way to pay him back.

"You are right Uncle Bernd. Mother told me on her deathbed that she had hidden her greatest treasure on the island on the journey here. She was afraid that someone greedy would take it away from her. She was alone and could not trust anyone. That's why she hid it and left me a map of its location."

Hans didn't want to hide from him anymore and told him what his mother had told him.

"She also wanted me not to tell anyone and to look for it only after I grew up. I was going to sign up for the guild next week and start looking next year. But if you know about it now, we can do it earlier."

Hans has made up his mind. He doesn't want to waste any more time. With the money, he could enroll in the academy this year and fulfill his dream.

A knight who people admire and who protects the weak.

"Hans, I understand your situation. I would not have addressed it if there was no other way to help you into the academy. My job is just enough to keep us afloat and in addition to yours, it would take years. I will prepare everything, and in 2-3 weeks we can start "

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