
Before the Storm

*Mikoto's POV*

I always knew my little Sasuke was different from all the other children. Even as the mother of arguably the most abnormal child Itachi, Sasuke still stood out to me as different. The way he looked at the world surrounding him was filled with such intelligence that I thought he... No, I knew as his mother that he could already understand the world around him and understand my words merely months after he was born. I couldn't help but worry that I was going to have yet another shinobi genius on my hands for my husband to train.

This was until about a few years ago when he brought us to his room to show us something. When I laid my eyes upon the painting, what I felt wasn't just a deep pride that my son was a genius, but also a quenching of the worry that has been troubling me since Sasuke's birth. I worried that my children would become two emotionless logs at the beck and call of this damn village.

I had already seen what the village has done to my husband. Ever since the 9 tails rumors, the village has looked at our clan with a wary look. My husband went from a serious but caring man to a stoic and cold man over the years. I'm was worried that our clan's condition would turn my little babies into splitting images of their father but Sasuke has been our little piece of sunshine lighting our otherwise gloomy lives. I could finally see Itachi regain a bit of his child-like glow whenever he interacts with Sasuke. He just has that affect on everyone. I'm just worried that this may change soon.

As I think these things, I am walking to Sasuke's room to wake him up. I open the door and am greeted to Sasuke's room; the walls decorated with his various paintings. I notice one still unfinished on his easel, "Looks like he got asked to paint a portrait again." I move closer to Sasuke's bed and say, "Sa-a-a-asuke... It's time to wake u-u-u-u-up." I nudge him awake and am greeted with a disheveled little Sasuke with his sleeping wear all askew, looking around in a daze.


I can't help but glomp on his chubby little cheeks.


*Sasuke POV*

I am woken up by a gentle calling from my mother. I sit up on my bed and am visciously attacked. My eyes open wide and I say, "Ny-o-o-o don't eat me." My words only further ignite my mother as she pulls me into her embrace and rubs our cheeks together like there's no tomorrow.

"Alright, no more playing around. You need to get up for your first day at the Academy mister." My mother says while pushing me towards the washroom to brush my teeth. "You've got a big day ahead of you." I glance over to her while brushing my teeth and see her lay out the clothes I will be wearing for the school. " When you're done, make sure to come down for breakfast before heading off to school." She says before going downstairs.

I finish up getting ready and head downstairs. I see our dining room table with my brother already sat down and Father absent as usual.

"Good morning Sasuke, excited for your first day at the academy?" My brother asks while finishing up his breakfast.

"Yes Itachi-nii, I can't wait to meet all the other clan's children and make new friends." My brother smiles at my comment before patting my head on the way out of the room.

"I'm sure our little Sasuke will be quite popular, especially with the ladies" I groan at his comment while he just chuckles and leaves. I'm glad my brother is in the mood to make jokes again because it seemed like he was deeply troubled by something the past couple days.

My mother joins me at the table with some breakfast. She urges me to eat quickly so that I don't arrive late to the opening ceremony. Once I finish eating, I give her a peck on the cheek and head off for the academy. On my way to the academy I am greeted by some of the village people. It seems that over time my reputation as a painter has spread across the village. Many of them asking for some paintings of course, but I politely decline by saying that 'I'm going to be late for the academy, maybe some other time' before running away.

I make it to the academy and head to the back to listen to the Hokage's speech. As I listen, I can't help but feel impressed at how young the shinobi of the village are indoctrinated to place the village above all else by talking about some "Will of Fire". I look around and see some kids buying this shit including a kid sporting an all-orange jumpsuit. I can't help but respect the kid for having the guts to look like such an idiot in public.

As the opening ceremony concluded, we are gathered to our classrooms. I planned on getting to know some of my new classmates but the teacher urged us to take our seats. I took a seat by the window and a girl with pink hair took the seat next to me. I couldn't help but notice her steeling glances at me so I looked at her. She got shocked and started blushing. I couldn't help but chuckle at her, much to her chagrin, and introduce myself. I hear her soft voice say her name is Sakura before my attention is brought back to our teacher clapping his hands.

"Alright class, welcome to the ninja academy. My name is Iruka Umino, you can address me as Iruka-sensei, and this is the place where you will be learning the core curriculum of reading, writing, math, science along with the basics of chakra, taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu." He drones on and on until he tells us to get up and head to the obstacle course.

The whole class audibly sighs in relief and we head to the course. When we arrive, Iruka-sensei briefly explains that he wants to track our improvement from the start of the class to the year end examination so we should do our best. I see my classmates puff up, most likely in hopes of showing off. 'Too bad I'm here,' I think while waiting for my name to be called.

"Sasuke Uchiha, it's your turn," Finally I am called and I head to the start. "When I say go, run through the course as fast as you can" I get in starting position. "Ready!" I regulate my breathing. "Set!" I regulate my chakra. "Go!"

I begin the course by quickly traversing the 15 meter tall rock wall. I cycle my chakra in accordance to the qinggong technique I know in order to ascend the wall by hopping off of the tiny protrusions you are expected to hold onto to climb. Then I do the same to get back down and am greeted by the next obstacle. A wall running section with long walls at 45 degree angles so that they aren't completely vertical. I quickly run through that and reach the next obstacle, a balance section which may aswell not exist for me as I just run through that like its nothing. Then a monkey bars section which leads a 100 meter dash back to the start.

"Done" I say passing the finish line and am greeted with impressed looks from not just my classmates but also my teacher.

"1:43." Iruka-sensei says in disbelief. "That's the fastest time any student has gotten on their first run."

"First run? Don't you mean its the fastest time ever?" I'm surprised that someone could've gotten it faster before a knowing look comes on my face. "Itachi-nii huh?" Iruka gives a nod before calling out the next one. "Finally, Naruto Uzumaki."

I walk past him going to the starting line and he says, "Watch me blow your time right outta the water." I just smiled at his comment and headed over to the rest of my class only to get hounded by my classmates questions, "How are you this fast." , "How is it like being an Uchiha." "Are you single". I answer the questions kindly except the last one, like c'mon guys, we're barely 6.

Naruto finishes up with the average time of 6:35. I can't help but feel his burning gaze on me when he comes back. Iruka-sensei then finishes up his tallying and dismisses the class. I look up into the sky and can't help but be surprised by how fast time flies in school. It looks like its about 4 in the afternoon when I head on to the exit.

There, I am greeted by two girls, one I recognize as Sakura-san and the other is a blonde hair-blue eyed girl. Sakura starts of by saying, "Hey Sasuke-kun, my friend wanted to meet you after your amazing showing in class today. Sasuke, this is my best friend Ino." She nudges her friends elbow and she blushes," Hi Sasuke-kun."

I smile warmly at the young girls and say, "Nice to meet you Ino-san. Although I've only met you guys today, I hope we can have a lot of fun throughout our school lives."

The girls seem to paralyze looking at my smile which only serves to fuel my need to tease them a little. I walk to them and pat their head before heading home, leaving them as cute little blushing messes.

As I walk home, I can't help but think about how well the Qinggong Master's qinggong technique translates over to our world. The Qinggong Master was a Rouge Cultivator, famous for his use of his supreme qinggong technique. His life is like the tale of one of those wuxia protagonist except that at the precipice of achieving immortality, he was betrayed by the one he loved most.

This is a trend quite common among the numerous cultivator memories I've picked up. They always seem to be betrayed by someone they hold near and dear to their hearts.

I'm broken out of my day dreaming when I look at the sky and realize that the sun seems to have set, yet I haven't gotten home yet. I look at my surrounding and realize that I have been walking in circles for who knows how long. 'Genjutsu!' I think before regulating my chakra and shouting "KAI!" I'm broken out of the genjutsu and fear the worst. I apply my qinggong to its maximum and head home.

(AN: Hey guys, in case u haven't noticed yet this is heavy AU. I'm sure its pretty obvious but just incase you know. Let me know if you want romance also with who. NO HAREM)

First off I wanna say its crazy to see that this has 8000 views. Just yesterday I looked and it had the auspicious number of 666. I know its just views and not reads but I am still thankful that so many people even clicked on this. I wanna give special thanks to Zone101, LordLukas, Hacachub and WhyNotBacon for their kind comments and letting me know I'm not writing into a void. The moment you've all been waiting for is up next and as always...Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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