
Chapter 10: Improvements & Watching A Boring Fights

-9 months later after Vegeta arrived on earth-

-At the capsule corp gravity chamber-

In these nine months, Vegeta with his continuous training in the gravity chamber was able to increase the gravity to 750x and with his gravity magic, the total amount of gravity to his body is 45,000x earth's gravity.

This time, Dr. Brief was able to create a new gravity chamber that can withstand 1,000x earth's gravity from the durable materials he got from outer space, which he was using right now.

In the first month after he arrived on earth, Vegeta broke through his bottleneck and was able to ascend to the next level, the Super Saiyan 2! His multiplier was a whopping 400x, which is equal to Goku's Super Saiyan 3 multiplier. Compared to normal Super Saiyan 2, which only has a 25% increase of multiplier from Super Saiyan. Vegeta's own Super Saiyan 2 has more than 33% increase of multiplier compared to his own Super Saiyan. He concluded that there is also a mastered version of Super Saiyan 2 after he felt that he didn't top the full power of the transformation yet.

(Here's the transformation)

Here's the multiplier:

Super Saiyan 2 with Royal Bloodline = x400

Super Saiyan 2 = x100

Super Saiyan 3 = x400

In his training, Vegeta was able to increase his power level to more than a billion through physical training.

The other two saiyans also mastered their transformation giving them an 80x multiplier with no stamina drainage, but they were still far from achieving the Super Saiyan 2. They also got the new gravity chamber made by Dr. Briefs that were placed in their houses. They were able to increase their power level to more than sixty million.

Their power level now are:

Vegeta = 1,250,000,000

Raditz = 72,000,000

Nappa = 65,000,000

Their power level when they transformed:

(Mastered Super Saiyan)Vegeta = 375,000,000,000

(Super Saiyan 2)Vegeta = 500,000,000,000

(Mastered Super Saiyan) Raditz = 5,760,000,000

(Mastered Super Saiyan)Nappa = 5,200,000,000

Vegeta then turned off the gravity multiplier and left the gravity chamber. After that, he went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Later Vegeta finished his shower and went to the kitchen to cook his food. He always cooks his own food after his training, after all he is not a shameless person to order someone around especially if you're just living in someone's house. Although there are many robots that do most of the housework, there are no robots designated for cooking, only some that give assistance since Panchy's favorite to cook.

After he ate his food, he called for bulma and ask her:

Vegeta: "Hey, Bulma. Do you want to go out and watch some movies?"

Bulma: "I'm fine with that, but can we do other things than watch a movie? I'm getting tired of movies since I've always watched one in my free time."

In these 9 months they grew much closer to each other, though not to the level of intimacy since they are not in a relationship yet since Vegeta was always in the gravity chamber to train but they sometimes go out and have a date to get to know each other better.

Vegeta then began to think of what would be a better thing to do other than watching movies. Then he remembered something:

Vegeta: 'It's already 9 months since Kakarot met Bulma. He should have already finished his training with Krillin and Master Roshi.'

Vegeta: "Hey, Bulma. What's the date again?"

Bulma then check the date on her phone and reply:

Bulma: "It's 7th of May. Why do you ask?"

Vegeta: "Well, I heard from Raditz(which is a lie) that there is some kind of tournament today that will gather every martial artist who wants to participate in the tournament. I was wondering if you want to watch some fights, maybe you could also see Kakar- I mean Goku since he's a martial artist too."

Bulma got excited and said:

Bulma: "Really? It's been a long time since I saw some action after my last adventure. I wonder how Goku is doing."

Vegeta: "It's decided then. The tournament will be held on Papaya Island."

Bulma nodded, then they went to Papaya Island using Bulma's mini airplane while Vegeta was standing on the airplane's roof savoring the breeze.

-At Papaya Island-

Later, the two of them arrived at the venue. Bulma was amazed by how many people were present:

Bulma: "Wow, there's a lot of people here."

Vegeta: "Well, it's natural since it's one of the famous and unique events that features the Earth's strongest fighters and is only held once every 5 years on the 7th day of May."

Then they heard one of the stuff spoke using a horn speaker:

Stuff: "Those contestants who will be participating in the tournament, please enter the competition hall so that we can hold the preliminaries."

After they heard that, Bulma wanted to watch the fight in the preliminaries, but the fight will be held indoors, not in the main arena. So, to watch the fight, they went outside the hall and peek at the fight using the rectangular hole in the wall. Vegeta uses his telekinesis to make Bulma float and he uses his ki to float so that they can see the fight since the hole is quite high from the ground.

There's not much interesting fight that happened since their opponents were very weak compared to them, they all just finished the fight with one move.

After that, they left the hall. On the way, they met Master Roshi, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha with Puar on his shoulder, and Oolong.

This time, for some reason Oolong didn't accompany Bulma and Yamcha to the capsule corp after their adventure, not like in the series. He chose to come to Kami House with Goku since he and Master Roshi have the same desire for boobies.

When Bulma saw Roshi, she asked:

Bulma: "Master Roshi, just where are you living now? I went to the island to see Goku but there was nothing there."

Roshi: "Well, it was too small place to give Goku proper training, so we moved."

Then he continued with a lustful tone:

Roshi: "But more importantly, how about letting me do a puff-puff or two for old times' sake?!"

Vegeta then thinks:

Vegeta: 'This old man is really such a shameless person.'

Although he wants to punch Roshi right now but Bulma being Bulma, she just hammered Roshi in the head using a wooden hammer that she got out of nowhere.

After that, Goku shouted excitedly after he saw Bulma, he is very excited to see Bulma since she is the first friend he got after his grandfather died:

Goku: "Bulma! How are you?!"

Bulma: "Goku! I saw your fight, you're all amazing! You knocked out your opponent with just one punch."

Goku then introduce Krillin to everyone:

Goku: "This guy here's Krillin. I trained together with him!"

Krillin bow and said:

Krillin: "N-nice to meet you all!"

Oolong then said to Yamcha after he saw him:

Oolong: "Hey Yamcha! I didn't recognize you, your hair is so short."

Yamcha: "Hehe, It's getting on the way so I just cut it."

Oolong: "So Bulma, who's this guy over here? Your Boyfriend?"

Bulma blushed and said:

Bulma: "This is my friend, Vegeta. He's living in my house since he doesn't have one."

Oolong said with a questioning look:

Oolong: "Just a friend huh."

Bulma: "Anyway, he is also a martial artist and a really strong one at that."

Goku: "Really?! I can't wait to fight him!"

This time, Vegeta laugh and said with a smirked:

Vegeta: "Hahaha, even if you joined forces with everyone on this planet, it's impossible for you to defeat me."

Master Roshi gulped because he knew that Vegeta was telling the truth. After he recovered from Bulma's attack, he sensed Vegeta's Ki is somewhat familiar. And, oh boy! He's the one he sensed 9 months ago that made him feel like an ant!

Bulma: "Haha, sorry about that. He's not good at socializing with other people, so be patient around him."

This time, Oolong noticed Vegeta's tail wrapped around his waist.

Oolong: "Hey guys! Look, he also has a tail on his waist, like Goku had!"

The other people who didn't know Vegeta were surprised.

Bulma: "Well, he said that he is the same race as Goku so it's natural. Anyway, there's no time for questions, I think the match will start soon. Good luck guys!"

After their introduction, the fighters went back to the hall to determine the order of the fights for the main event.

Then, the blonde hair announcer with black suit and sunglasses went in the center of the arena and said:

Announcer: "Thank you all for waiting so long, everyone! We will now begin the 21st tenkaichi budokai!"

The matchups are:

First match - Krillin vs. Bacterian

Second match - Yamcha vs. Jackie Chun( Master Roshi)

Third match - Lanfan vs. Nam

Last match - Goku vs. Giran

Then the announcer continue:

Annoncer: "The winner of this tournament will receive the prize money of 500,000 zeni. And now, without any further ado, Let the battle #1 begin!! Both contestants, please come out to the stage!"

Krillin and Bacterian came to the stage and faced each other. Bacterian is a very huge guy that only wears black underwear and black shoes, he stinks like garbage since he hasn't taken a bath since he was born.

The match ends just like in the series. Krillin won after Goku said that he was just imagining the stench because he actually doesn't have a nose. Krillin fly kicked Bacterian in the face, while he was on the ground Krillin fart in his nose forcing him to give up.

Next match was between Yamcha and Jackie Chun. Jackie Chun just dodge Yamcha's attacks with ease. But after Yamcha used his wolf fang technique, Jackie Chun was taken off guard but still was able to dodge the attacks. Then Jackie Chun jumped behind Yamcha and with a swing of his left hand created a strong gust of wind sending Yamcha off the stage.

The third match was between Lanfan and Nam. Lanfan tried to seduce Nam and attack him which was very effective. But when Lanfan took off her clothes leaving only her underwear and bra then tried to attack Nam, Nam closed his eyes and jumped to evade Lanfan's attack then karate chopped her in the neck, knocking her out.

The last match was between Goku and Giran. Giran is a dinosaur with wings that can talk. When the match started, Giran used his tail to slap Goku in the face, sending him flying. Goku got up seemingly without any injuries. Goku attacked Giran and punched him in the gut, making him unable to breathe air. Using this chance, Goku grabbed Giran's tail and threw him high in the sky out of the arena, but Giran, having wings, was able to regain his balance in the air and landed back on the stage. Giran uses his 'Loopty-Loop Gum' and binds around Goku's body making him unable to move, then he throws Goku off the stage. When Goku was about to land on the ground, the flying nimbus came to his rescue, getting him back to stage. Giran was shocked but without making his opponent get ready, he attacked and tried to punch Goku. Goku was able to dodge the attack by grabbing Giran's arm using his tail. Goku then jumped off of him and successfully broke free from the gum around his body. Then Goku fly kicked Giran but missed easily destroying the wall of the stage. Seeing Goku's strength, Giran gave up the match.

After that, the semi finals begin. The matchups are:

First match - Jackie Chun vs. Krillin

Last match - Goku vs. Nam

Jackie Chun and Krillin made their way on the stage, facing each other. Then the announcer said:

Announcer: "The first match of the semi finals, begin!!"

When they heard this, Krillin attacked Jackie Chun ferociously but he was able to dodge them with some difficulty. After exchanging blows from each other, Jackie Chun used the afterimage to avoid Krillin's attack then karate chopped him on the neck with both his hands.

Announcer: "The winner by knockout, Jackie Chun!! Now for the last match of the semi finals! Goku vs. Nam! Please both fighters come to the stage."

Then Goku and Nam went to the stage and faced each other. When the fight started, Nam threw a flying kick towards Goku, but Goku dodge it. Goku then tried to imitate Jackie Chun's after image and appeared behind Nam and tried to punch him in the back but Nam jumped high to avoid the attack. After exchanging blows with each other, with Goku's high stamina and tough body he was able to win after landing a kick in Nam's stomach sending him off the stage.

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