
Chapter 1: Meeting God and Wishes

So here I am in a white room in front of a small circular wooden table and face to face with I presume god . You would probably think that I became like this because of something like truck-kun or got electrified or hit by a toy that fell from the sky because of some god's child or something.

Well, let's go back a minute ago.


I was walking across the road to go to the grocery store while thinking about something.

Mc: 'It's almost a year since I started reading some novels and fanfics in Webnovel.'

Even though I always read novels, I only read fanfics, especially the isekais. I got interested in isekai genre fanfics because I always want to live in some of the anime worlds I've watched. But the real reason I always read isekai fanfics is to prepare myself if I get lucky enough and meet some bored 'omnipotent being' that will grant some of my wishes.

I am always looking for the best wishes from the fanfics I've read to get some idea to formulate the best wish I can get if I ever got to meet 'him/her'.


While thinking about this, I heard a sound coming from behind. I look behind and see something that I've always dreamed of.

Mc: "I-is..is..this for real?!"

It's none other than truck-sama!!

Mc: "Finally this is my chance!"

When the truck's headlights flash through my eyes, I close my eyes and prepare myself for the impact.

I wait... and wait... and wait, but the pain didn't come.

Mc: "I guess when you one-hitted by a truck and die you will not feel any pain or anything, huh."

Before opening my eyes I expect some god to greet me inside a white room.

But when my eyes opened, my expectation crashed.

I'm still on the road!!! The truck passed through me and vanished!!

Mc: "No!No!No!No!Noooo! This can't be happening!!"

Dejected and shocked because of what happened, my mind black out and fainted.

My face slammed to a soft substance on the ground.

-End Flashback-

And here I am confused about what happened and face to face with god who is laughing non-stop.

The god's image is here in the paragraph comments:

Mc: "So u-um...he-he, what happened again?"

God: "cough...cough..uhh hahahahahahahahahaha!..cough..cough"

Mc: " "

God: "*sigh* sorry about that. I think I've calmed down now. So, about what happened...Pft..Pft...cough uh sorry sorry. Wait….*take a deep breath* *long sigh*...when you collapsed because of the 'shock' you fell to the ground and...and...your face slammed to a dog shit and you got suffocated because the shit went to your nose resulting in your death...Pft..Pft...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *cough* *cough* uh sorry about that.

Said god while stopping himself from laughing to no avail.

Mc: " "

Mc: "Basically I died because of some dog shit. So what will happen to me now?"

I asked god expectantly.

God: "Though you died because of me indirectly, because I'm the one that sent the truck to have some fun and see the reaction on your face. But I didn't think that you would die and make me laugh this hard."

God: "You know, being this powerful like me that can do anything and being born at the same time as the universe was formed is quite boring, and having fun is one of my remedies for that."

Mc: "Sooo…?"

God: "Quite greedy aren't you? Well anyway, because you made me laugh this hard and it's quite a long time ever since. I will give you 3 wishes."

God: " So, what will it be?"

Mc: "Are there any limitations to the wishes you can grant?"

God: "Well, there is. You can't wish for anything like being omnipotent like me or anything that level. I was thinking of giving a restriction to your wishes because it will be boring not only for you but also for me, as you know I will be watching your life. But don't worry, you can do anything you want with the power you will get from your wishes, you can use it to save life, eradicate life, or anything for all I care because I can see that your desire to live in one of the fantasy world of yours so I will be making you a new universe of that world. And don't worry, it's protected from any outside interference."

Mc: "Oh, it's okay for me, I can't be choosy after all. So for my first wish, I want to-"

God: "Oh, I forgot. For your first wish I will give you a bonus. You can choose what world you want, who you are, your background, and when you will get your memory back."

Mc: "Thank you for your generosity. For my first wish, I want to be reborn in the Dragon Ball world as Prince Vegeta. As for my memory, I want to get it back at the age of five after the destruction of Planet Vegeta."

God: "Ok, what about your background?"

Mc: "I don't really want any because I will be one of the original characters so my background is fixed as Prince Vegeta."

God: "So none huh?"

Mc: "Mhmm? Let me think."

I put my finger on my chin in a thinking position and started thinking.

Mc: "Oh, can it be possible if I change not my background but the saiyan royal family background?"

God: "Let's hear it first"

Mc: "Ok, I want the royal family to have a secret technique that is passed down from generation to generation to the next in line ruler. This technique is about how to achieve godhood like the god of destruction but without having your life tied to a kai or something. It can only be achieved by a super saiyan from the royal family. It is a verbal teaching from a different language that can only be understood and deciphered by a super saiyan with royal blood."

God: "Ohh, that's quite interesting. It will be done. So, what will be the 2nd wish?"

Mc: "For my second wish, I want instant mastery."

God: "Well, it's possible to give you that ability but I will not grant you that wish because it will be boring if you just master your techniques in one look. So wish for another one."

Mc: "Fair enough. Then for my 2nd wish, I just want a shorter time in mastering every technique and the likes."

God: " Well, since you didn't specify what ability, I will just grant you 'Instant Comprehension'. With that ability you can understand and comprehend anything instantaneously. Combining it with your talent as Vegeta then you can master techniques in no time and much easier with less effort. Ok, for the 3rd wish?"

Mc: "For the 3rd wish, I want to have mana which is equal to my power level. With mana, I can materialize objects, heal etc. like the Namekians and Babidi."

God: "Well, I will just lower your mana by 10x the power level so that you're not too op from the start. Now that the wishes are complete I will now make the universe and send you there."

After god said that. I got enveloped by a white light.

God: "Off you go, bye bye!"

Mc: "Bye! Thank you very much!"

Next chapter