

Did I always think Rock Lee's outfit was weird? Yeah most likely but I do get why he does use it and all its benefits that it actually gives. I think I might go with something else to wear other than the original. I'll go bug mom to bring me to the clothing shop around here then. "Mammm!!!!" "What! stop yelling so much!" She replied as I realized I was yelling without realizing it. "Oh sorry mom, I wanna go to the clothing shop, take me please!" "Why do you need to go the clothing shop for? You don't like the type of clothes I give you?" "Maaa I do like the clothes you give me, their comfortable, but I wanna try new clothess!!!!" She sighed "Fiiiinneeee"

As we were walking down the road toward the shop which was very close to our house literally across the street and down the corner. It was dawn and about to be night so my mom rushed me down the street and as we enter the store, we saw different types of clothes being set out, Shirts, pants, underwear, even shoes, and sandals! "Okay go pick something you like and I'll buy it" My mom said to me, I then hurried over to look at the clothes. Whoa this looks like the outfit that Bruce Lee wore! The Wing Chun kung fu uniform! Or sorta kinda looks like it but not really its more green than the original but it seems alright.

I ran towards mom in excitement as if I just won the lottery. She looked at me "Hey Lee are you done with picking clothing?" I nodded "Yes mom I got what I wanted!" I gave her the clothes and she went towards the cashier with small talk included "Hello how's your day!" "Great how have you been?" As the cashier was scanning the clothes she said "It's been good! By the way that will be 300 ryo." As my mom gave the cashier the money the cashier said "Have a good day! Come again!" We then exited the store and went into our house. My mom got to see what I wore and was happy to see her son happy in some clothes she hasn't seen before on the store.

Hmmm as I was sitting on the floor thinking of what to do after my training. Hey! Why don't I try and learn the Wing Chun style that Bruce Lee used and My own combined. My old style was pretty much a mixed version of Karate, Taekwondo, and Boxing. I called it Lao Wo basically random I don't even know what it means. A series of kicks, punches, rotation, balance and a lot of stuff. While I tried to remember the style of Wing Chun which was a defense of using both striking and grappling, while specializing in close range combat. This should work as I go in memory and start doing a series of punches, kicks in the wind as its heard barely as my strength is only a mere child. Most children start training around my age, but not as hard or not knowing as much even if they are taught by their parents, unless they are from a respected clan known for ninjas.

Today was my first day of going into the academy and I was excited because even if the Naruto class hasn't shown, As I was older than them. I walk into the campus and then into the building as I saw students, some I remembered and some I didn't as they were just side characters that were never seen again. I walk into the classroom soon to introduce my self in front of the class the teacher calls me over and introduces himself "Hello Rock Lee I am Mizuki Sensei to you." "Hello sensei" "Well? Are you gonna introduce yourself to the class?" "Hi everyone my name is Rock Lee and I'm going to the greatest taijutsu master there is!"

666 words ooooo spoookkkyyykkyyyyy

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