
Chapter 15

A white streak of light was seen shooting across and universes unseeable to the eyes of mortals or even gods. Sonic booms and Cracks were made as it zoomed past the speed of sound and light.

In the light was a golden Majestic ship that shone bright gold.

The ship leaned to the right then to the left every .3 seconds. every .1 second it had passed another galaxy.

*Crack! *Crack! *Boom! *Boom! *Boom!

inside the ship the I was standing holding on to the railing with little effort while watching the guardians of the galaxy with amusement. as they were holding on to whatever they could for dear life.

Ariel was watching the stars in on the newly formed Screen with an awestruck gaze while Groot was clinging on her neck. Drax had his hand on my shoulder to keep him steady though he did look a little sick. " If you Barf, I kill you!" I snarled.

Raynare, Millet, and Esdeath sent Magic to their feet causing them to stick to the ground.

Nebula crashed into the wall unconscious as she was not prepared for these types of speeds.

The ship suddenly started to slow down as it reached the atmosphere of a planet I can't seem to recognize.

As the ship reached 10,000 miles above the surface, the ship started flying at normal speeds.

Most looked sick and close to passing out Drax had to cover his mouth I pushed him away from me with my left hand causing him to stagger back before barfing on Gamora. I smirked as Gamora sent me a dirty look.

Rocket Barfed all over the seats.

Ariel screamed horrified as she saw Groot getting ready to barf on her, acting on reflexes she quickly grabbed him and pulled him away from her he ended up barfing on the floor.

"Victoria where are we?" I Asked What Victoria said next shocked the living hell out of us.

[Welcome to Planet Saakar: Home of the Grandmaster.]