
Chapter 2

when word got out that Minato and kushina were alive and had returned to the village celebrated ignoring the fact that he faked his death.

When Minato and kushina found out what the villagers did to their son they were furious

Kushina went on a rampage she started attacking any villager reported to have hurt her son She beat them so badly Minato had to force her to go to house arrest, he didn't like it either but he had a duty as Hokage

Minato was also very dissapointed when he expressed it to the villagers they were to very confused they thought they were "getting rid of the demon:" when Minato told them that he was his son they now know they fucked up.

Naruko was angry at her family cause at the end of the day even though some of it wasn't their fault they could of at least kept tabs on him from the beginning instead of Naively putting their faith in someone with their own child.

Both parents knew they fucked up and deserve nothing but hate from the boy, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to bring him back to their lives no matter the cost.


Inside naruto's mindscape( Planet Vegeta replica)

"Mana Bolt!" naruto shouted he raised his hand and a bolt of magic-infused yellow lightning shot out from his hand Kurumi(Female Kyuubi ) dodged it as she bent her head Back me and Kyuubi disappeared clashing shockwaves were heard across the area on occasion you could see them reappearing to give each other blows before they disappeared as they were to fast.

I met the Kyuubi when I was 5 getting beat up By the villagers. at first, she was stubborn, but when she saw my memories of my previous life she was shocked and angry at how terrible all my life had been. I had been even more shocked when she took form Didn't even know the Kyuubi had a form, what really surprised me was the fact that Kyuubi was a female. now don't get me wrong I'm not the type of guy that judges people based on gender. It was Just Not what we were expecting.

She decided to train me in chakra as I trained her on how to use ki she slowly started getting powers back. the reason we are fighting right now is that She wants to help vent my anger

With me I was wearing the exact same turtle hermit gi as my son had you know instead their of different colors and had kanji for master of death the orange was Black and the blue was green You Know what I'm going to start calling him Goku I'm becoming more like my past life than everything else. not that I care really.

Right Now I Push my hands to the side of my waist as a familiar silver sphere formed in both palms before I put them switched stances and cupped my hands making Kurami's(kyuubi's Name) widen as she Spreads her arms out red demonic ki formed in her hands as she put them together (similar to vegetables final flash)

She was wearing a dark crimson battle kimono with golden stripes over her dd cup breast with red finger-less gloves her red hair was tied into a ponytail as she focused her crimson eyes solely on me.


as I thrust- my hands and our attack met creating a huge explosion

Mine was similar to the final Kamehameha except for the gold-silver with blue arching around it l

Once the smoke Cleared Me and Kurama both laid on our backs sweating thanks for the

"Thanks for that Kurama san"

she smiled a beautiful smile "any time Naruto-kun"

as I faded out I reappeared back in my old Uzumaki home

"No more Faking!" I muttered

I grabbed the sword Kurami It was crimson gold gave me and strapped it on my back and walked out the door for the graduation exams

the whole world is in for a surprise

I made some mistakes I just want to clear things up

Narutos 8 years old

He met kurami at age 5 during a mob

Minato and kushina abandoned him to train his sister for the kyuubi narumi is 3 years old

Naruko is 8years old with blond hair and cc cup breast

narumi has red hair

Naruto won't hate his family

he'll give his sisters a chance but holds no love for

his parents .

Mc is a self insert

mc is harry potter

Mc is bardock

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