
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Twisted justice

(AN: just like the last chapter this one contains gore, torture, and human experimentation so beware of that shit.)


Looking at the man in front of me I couldn't help but feel a twisted joy about what would happen as soon as we get to the barracks. After all he was responsible for the horrible conditions those women were in and I couldn't help but feel giddy that I would be able to cause him the same amount of pain and break him. 'My own twisted way of justice.' I though as I added 'I'd fit right in with the marines of the one piece anime.'

Arriving at the door of the barracks kurami pushed it open and ordered "put him on a bed and hold him down with your chains."

Focusing on the feelings the chains gave me when I used them they slowly raised up out of my shadow and wrapped around the struggling shinobi. Tightening their hold as I wrapped them around his arms, wrists, legs, ankles, and neck I spoke. "Remember we need his head intact for inoichi to use the rest of him is inconsequential."

"Ya I know now I'm going to show you another use for my chakra observe." She spoke as she channeled chakra to her fingernails and they elongated while also hardening and became razor sharp. "If you Chanel my chakra into you nails they elongate and turn into little knives I learned this tru k from my sister matatabi." Than she started to carve up the shinobi's hand and making him scream out in pain.

Than after a minute of that and making sure to hit every nerve cluster in his hand slowly to extend his suffering she spoke "another feature of my chakra is that it's extremely corrosive to anyone including you but less so since I'm training your body to withstand it as well as you bing my jinchuuriki." She grabbed the shinobi Ed hand and let her chakra cover his hand.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" His screams became worse as his voice became hoarse.

"Now come here I'll need you help cauterizing the wound." She ordered before just cutting his hand off.

I quickly rushed over and used a simple side jutsu *fire style-fire hand* as my hand lit with fire and I cauterized the wound on his now stump of a hand.

"Good now tell us what you've been doing here and what's in the base three miles north of here." Her voice was curt and hard

"I don't know we just drop off the women and leave to get more a week later. We kept some for entertainment." He wheezed out.

"Hmm well I don't believe you so…" kurami trailed off as she channeled chakra on her nails making them extremely sharp and Corrosive as she dragged them down both of his arm leaving them as nothing more than mangled messes of blood and torn skin as the scent of burnt flesh wafted into my nose. 'It's a good thing I've gotten used to the smell of burnt flesh due to burning bodies of bandits and shinobi during my missions.' I thought as the stench became overwhelming to any normal person.


Looking at the man kurami spoke "good your telling the truth but now we have to dispose of you." Before she looked at me and I nodded.

Looking at him I ordered my chains to rip him apart. They slowly ground into his skin and threw bones as the chain around his neck did nothing I didn't want him to die so quickly. First his feet fell of than his remaining hand, than his arms and legs. Than finally as the life in his eyes faded and his mind broke I let the chain on his neck go tought and with it his head fell with a


Pulling out a scroll I sealed up the head and headed for the exit.

Climbing out of the hole with kurami I used a water jutsu to wash the blood of me and kurami before biting my thumb and summoning yonaka.

"Big bro and big sis you summoned the great me yonaka." Came her cheery and prideful voice shooting a look at kurami I saw an approving look in her eyes. Than looking into her bright and innocent eyes that sparkled with joy when looking at me and kurami I couldn't help but let a warm smile come over my face.

Picking her up and nuzzling my face against hers I spoke "Yup I got an important mission for first this scroll has my mission findings for my last mission. Second this is a not that have my finding while on this mission. And lastly give this scroll to inoichi but warn him that this was a very bad man also that his last moments weren't pretty your big sis was pretty hard on him and that he should prepare himself before using his clan techniques.

"Oh has another bad man like the last did he also put laxatives in the village well and kidnap some princes like the last ones. Oh did you beat him up. Can yonaka beat up the next one. yonaka wanna fight." She asked one question after the other in rapid succession.

Smiling not able to tell her what the men actually did I just nodded and spoke "when your older I'll summon you to fight as much as I can but not now. And yes he is like the other men."

Smiling yonaka jumped out of my hold with the scrolls and said "don't worry yonaka will complete my mission than you will have to let me fight with you."

Chuckling I watched as she disappeared and than turned to kurami "your a bad influence. I mean she's already putting on the same prideful and Royal air around herself."

"And I see that as a win the more like me she is the better she is. After all I'm perfect." Kurami spoke with her head held high and arrogance coming out of her in waves.

Rolling my eyes I looked towards the next oto base and spoke "let's head out and investigate that other base."

"Alright." Was all she said as she turned into her one tailed fox form and jumped on my shoulder.

*inoichi pov*

"Yes dear I'll take you to school come on." I spoke as I walked down the stairs with my daughter ino.

"Hurry up papa I don't want to be late." Came her voice from in front of me.

"Ok ok I just have to get the keys from your mom." I spoke to her as I called out. "Honey I need my keys."

"Alright come and get them I'm in the kitchen." Came her voice

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I walked into the kitchen and next to my wife as she handed me a lunch box for ino as well as my keys. Reaching her I pulled her in for a chased kiss and as things went a little farther we heard a

"Ding ding ding*

Looking over I saw a small wolf pup sitting on the window seal and a scroll in its mouth and another in her paws.

Sighing I loosened my grip on my wife I went over to the window and opened it. The wolf cub I've grown familiar with hoped in and into the counter before dropping the scroll and speaking. "Big bro and big sis have another bad guy for you to talk to. But he warned me that this one did the same as the last and was a really bad man. Also that his last moments weren't pretty and that big sis beat him up bad."

Smiling I replied "thanks yonaka here you want a piece of meat."

He tail stated to wag even faster as she nodded. Chuckling I went to the fridge and opend it while taking out some left over steak from last night. Giving her the meat she hummed happily before speaking "thanks uncle inoichi I'm going to go to the old man and report on big bros finding on his latest mission." She said before leaving in a puff of smoke.

"Well I know what I'll be doing today. Also I do not look forward to seeing what fox sees as going over bored. Anyways I'll see you tonight honey." I spoke as I gave her a goodbye kiss and left with ino.

Arriving at school I said my goodbyes to ino noticing the blond boy also within earshot "goodbye dear have a good day at school."

"Don't worry I'll have a dream day also I'll see you tonight papa." She spoke and out of the corner of my eye I could see the Naruto clone freeze as his eyes clouded and his body shook at the word PAPA. But a second later and it was gone but for a split second his eyes steeled into determination before going back to the happy carefree and glistening with innocence.

'Great PTSD on a six year old and I know exactly where he got that from.' I thought as the memories and fate of the brother and civilian sister came into my mind. Looking into the kids eyes though I could see behind the mask and couldn't help but let out a sad smile 'you would of been proud minato your boys will of fire burns brighter than your own.' I thought as I left. Not noticing the sad yet proud mikoto look at Naruto before kissing her son on the head and sending him off.

*hiruzens pov*

Sitting in my chair I was smoking my pipe when.


Blinking I looked at the small cloud of smoke that revealed a cute wolf cub. Smiling I asked "got news for me yonaka."

Looking at me she smiled happily and spoke "yup yonaka has big bro's mission report and he also gave me a not on the side mission you sent him on."

Smiling I took the scroll and put it aside. Than looking at the note I opened it and started reading. My eyes narrowed in fury as i I took a breath to calm myself down 'I don't want to scare little yonaka.' Looking at the wolf pup she tilted her head as she looked at me with innocence curiosity. Regaining my smile I petted her and said "you did a good job yonaka now go back to the summoning realm. I'm sure your parents are worried."

"Yup mama gets sad when I leave but papa's proud that yonaka is so useful to big bro and big sis. also he says that they are good people and that they'll protect yonaka no matter what." She said before disappearing.

As she disappeared I lost my smile and let out my chakra in a curtain pattern. Appearing next to me dragon asked "what the kid find out now. Also danzou is leaving the village with sixty root anbu heading towards either the land of hot water or rice country."

Handing him the not I spoke "that should be enough to tell you where danzou is going. Now I want you there before him to set up an ambush also to make sure orichimaru doesn't show up and if he does dispose of him. I failed to do so in the past don't make the same mistake I did." Than taking in a breath I added "danzous root anbu number around 160 this may be the only shanxe we have to take him out without inciting a civil war. If you get the chance remove the tumor that is danzou from konoha."

Nodding dragon disappeared without a word.

Leaning back into my chair and taking in a puff of smoke I thought 'what are you planning orichimaru and why have you come back. Also what deal did you make with danzou.'