
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Kage summit part 1

(If kaguya and tbe other ootsusuki are dead who is the true threat to the shinobi nations.)


Seeing the grand building on the crest of a hill I spoke "we're here I feel the kazekage and his entourage here and onoki and his entourage are behind us."

"Good no more fucking around form up." As the hokage spoke me, lion, dog, weasel, and crow formed up around the hokage while she held a surprised katasumi.

"Do the same." Ordered the raikage and mizukage as they also formed up with kurotsuchi now in her real firm with no genjutsu on her just stood there awkwardly.

Seeing this the hokage ordered "with me girl." As she finished kurotsuchi just nodded and walked over to the hokage a little hesitantly.

'She's never seen tsunade in hokage mode and she's scared and confused.' I thought with some amusement.

As we walked into the building a samura was waiting for us. "I'll guide you to the meeting room." He stated in a curt tone.

Looking at my hokage she nodded in approval as I nodded back and followed the samurai. Feeling more samurai behind the pillars and around I used anbu hand signs 'surrounded by samurai behind the pillars and on the balcony's.'

'Stay alert but don't attack unless you are attacked first.' Dog signed back

Nodding in confirmation I stayed on high alert as we neared the room containing the kazakage and mifune chakra along with Baki's and Gaara's. As soon as I stepped in I felt Gaara's bloodlust. Shooting him a look it stopped immediately. Than looking up I saw mifune on a higher seat while being flanked by samurai and 'samurai boy.' I thought looking at the kid behind mifune.

"Nice of you to finally join us hokage, raikage, mizukage. It seems as if we are waiting on the old fence sitter onoki than." Stated the kazakage

Looking at the kazakage the hokage just replied "rasa." Befire taking her seat causing the kazakage to grit his teeth. I felt the gold sand he had beneath the floor move. Seeing the hokage give me a look I formed a small barrier beneath us and the mizukage. Than after a second of mental debate I included the raikage's group as well. Getting killer bee to smile while yugito gave a nod of thanks. Seeing his brother dismiss the barrier and just smile the raikage rose an eyebrow but didn't say or do anything. Kurotsuchi just shifted awkwardly while standing behind the hokage. Feeling onoki enter the building I signed 'onoki is here.'

Getting a nod from the hokage she signed 'rasa doesn't feel right and my instincts tell me something is off jump into his shadow and leave a clone with me.'

Not giving any response I signed to weasel 'genjutsu'

Nodding I felt a genjutsu fall over me as I slipped into a shadow while a reinforced clone took my place. Slowly moving around the room while completely suppressing my chakra and presence I made my way to the kazakages shadow. I patiently sat there ingnoring the ever growing feeling of something calling me into the pitch black void that was the shadow realm. Feeling the pull on my mind only increase I shot a look down into the void. 'There's something or someone down there probably a shadow demon. But since I'm not dead it's either not hostile and just curious or fucking with me.' I thought while looking into the endless expanse. Drawing my eye from the void and looking at the doors as they opened I saw onoki take a look around before stopping in his granddaughter.

"Kurotsuchi? What is the meaning of this hokage." He spoke through grit teeth.

"Before you make anything disintegrate why don't you hear the story from my point of view first. I bet you'll love it." The hokage replied with a shit eating grin.

Seeing that the old man groaned and asked "what did she do now?"

"Go on tell him what you did." The hokage urged while looking at the poor girl as she looked away and formed tears.

"I uhh I well I.." trailing off she just looked down

"Spit it out girl. Don't keep me waiting." Onoki said with narrowed eyes

"I took 500 shinobi and the jinchuuriki's and planned an ambush on the hokage and her escort." She spoke quickly before staring at the ground.

"YOU WHAT!" Onoki exploded. Wincing the girl let out a whimper as she cowered behind my clone. "WHAT WOULD POSSES YOU TO ATTACK THE HOKAGE AND HER ENTOURAGE. ESPECIALLY AFTER I SIGNED A TREATY GRANTING SAFE PASSAGE TO THEM!" He added while yelling

"I heard you grumbling about this would be a good time to stomp on konoha so I tried." She got out as she shook at her grandfather's rage.

Hearing her onoki took several deep breaths to calm down. "There was a reason I didn't set up an ambush kuro. It would of caused in international fuck up." Than looking at the hokage he spoke "can you hand over my granddaughter I will punish her. Also may I ask what has become of my men and jinchuuriki?"

"Sure why not take her she was supposed to be a gift anyways. Also your shinobi are all dead. I may love and want peace but unlike my sensei I don't care how I achieve it. Also your jinchuuriki are safe probably have been found by your forces by now. We just tied them up while placing five element seals on them to prevent them using their beasts while being trapped." The hokage responded

"The girl must of taken only genin and fresh chunin if she failed to kill even one member of the konoha entourage. What an idiot." Commented the kazakage

Not even looking his way the hokage spoke "go on kurotsuchi your free. Fox drop the seals." Nodding my clone held up a hand sign as all the seals on her deactivated.

"Wait is even that seal deactivated?" Kurotsuchi asked and seeing my silence she looked away and asked "the tracking seal."

"Yes your tracking seal was disabled it disappeared from your neck." The hokage answered for me

Blinking kurotsuchi gained an eye twitch as she looked at me "you said she shoved it up my ass!"

My clone just tilted his head and asked "hmm you say something?" Hearing me kurotsuchi ground her teeth and I could see chakra building up in her throat.

While katasumi giggled and spoke "uncle fox pulled a papa." Hearing the little girl kurotsuchi calmed down and stormed over to her grandpa.

"Why is a child here this is a meeting for the elite." The kazakage exclaimed.

Ignoring him again the hokage just patted katasumi's head while speaking "yup yes he did. Now let's get this meeting started now that the drama is out of the way shall we."